Sep 4, 2015

Trojan:Win32/Colisi.F Removal Guide

Hey, man! My Dell computer was attacked by a malicious Trojan virus– Trojan:Win32/Colisi.F! AVG kept sending me report about this virus as well as other threats brought in by it. My USB was infected by this virus while I plugged it in the infected computer. This virus was spread in a fast speed. It is said that this malicious Trojan virus cannot be removed by AVG as well as other antivirus tools. I did try to remove this virus by myself from registry, but I could not make it done. What should I do? Can anyone help me remove this virus completely and permanently?

A Detailed Description Of Trojan:Win32/Colisi.F Virus

Trojan:Win32/Colisi.F has been identified as a risky Trojan virus which is created by malicious cyber criminals, with the capacity of infecting all Windows computer around the world, such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista or Windows XP and so on. This vicious Trojan has the ability to get into your computer quietly and secretly with the help of the third party program. This malicious Trojan comes through spam emails as well as its attachments, bundled downloads (freeware, videos, PDF files) , p2p sharing networks (suspicious websites, pop-ups, links as well as ads). Once this virus gets into your computer, it has the ability to do lots of harmful activities on your computer. It may mess up your whole computer if you don’t remove it in time.

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Published by on September 4, 2015 12:10 pm

Sep 1, 2015

Remove FBI Notice from iPhone/iPad 2017

What happens if FBI notice pops up on your iPhone? My safari is blocked cause i saw porn sites and then text me your device is blocked and you have to pay 500 dollar to police. Yea it says it was an FBI message asking for $500 Now it just keeps popping up saying safari cannot open this page because address is invalid. can you help me? I have an FBI notice popped up on my iPhone saying it was accusing me of watching child pornography and it said I violated copyright and related rights law so I need to pay $500 fine. It crashed my safari app and said it would lock up my phone if the fine is not paid within 48 hours. Every time I closed it it would immediately pop up again. It scared me and now i don’t know if i’m actually being charged or it is a scam. It said my location, IP address and everything. I have restarted my iPhone a hundred times but the pop up was still there. Help! That was I accidentally clicked a video and it said “federal bureau of investigation. You have violated copyright laws. send us $200 or your account will be shut down within the next 24 hours. I’m only in my early teens, and was on an innocent website. What do I do?

I lost all use of my iPhone because of some use of a fake FBI notice thing. It says I looked at child pornography. Which never happened. It won’t let me use the phone nor can I get off the page its on. How to remove FBI moneypak virus on an iPad?

FBI Notice for Watching Porn? Is it Real?

There have been many reports in the news over the last few months describing a “malware” or “ransomware” affecting Mac OS X users that attempts to block their web browser and trick them into paying $500 by posing as an FBI notice. If you happen to see this FBI pop-up on your iPhone or iPad, don’t be scared or pay the fine to unlock your device because this notice is not from any law enforcement agencies as it mentioned like FBI, Australian Federal Police, Metropolitan Police or U.S. Department of Justice. Instead, it is a malware designed by cyber criminals to trick innocent users and steal their money. If your phone is infected with the FBI virus, it will display a fake FBI notice taking over your web browser including Safari, Chrome or Firefox immediately. It pretends to be the FBI and tells the victim the browser has been blocked because they have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content even though the victims have never done that before. And to get Internet access back and avoid other legal consequences, they are obligated to pay a release fee of $500 through Moneypak which is a prepaid card that can be purchased at a store like Kmart, CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens or Paypal. The virus
usually redirects you to a fake website domain like and displays your IP address and city to make itself seem to be real. In fact, this is just a trick created by the hackers. The virus utilizes JavaScript to hijack user’s internet browsers and it prevents users from accessing Internet on their iPhone or iPad. You should ignore any message on this fake FBI notice and immediately clean up your device.
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Published by on September 1, 2015 9:47 am and last modified on March 1, 2017 8:13 am.

Aug 31, 2015

Removal Guide For Virus

I don’t know what my sister was doing on my computer. As soon as I started my computer, I saw some unfamiliar programs installed on your desktop and I can’t make them uninstalled. All my browsers were messed up. I kept redirecting to I couldn’t use them normally. My security program can’t help you me deal with this problem. What should I do now? It will be so grateful if anyone can help me remove this virus。

Specific Information Of Virus Virus has been classified as browser hijacker which may infect all kinds of browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari. This virus may get into your computer through the widely used Internet from a third party program. It used to get into your computer from spam emails, freeware downloads, suspicious websites or links, and peer to peer network share and so on. Any careless activities you did online may bring this vicious virus into your computer. If you want to keep your computer safe from the virus, you should pay more attention to your online actions. You are suggested to get rid of this virus immediately once you see it on your computer.

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Published by on August 31, 2015 5:14 am and last modified on September 19, 2015 1:24 pm.

Aug 31, 2015

Adware Generic6.BZPN Virus Removal

Hi there. I have a Dell laptop, running with Windows 8.1. The laptop has been working good until yesterday I ran a scan with AVG which found Adware Generic6.BZPN on my computer. The virus keeps on coming back all over again. AVG removed it a hundred times now, but it keeps on coming. How do I get rid of this Trojan for good?

Adware Generic6.BZPN Description:

Adware Generic6.BZPN is classified as adware that mainly promoted via spam e-mails, malicious or hacked Web pages, peer-to-peer networks. If your antivirus program keeps reporting this virus and won’t allow you to delete it, then it proves some potentially unwanted programs must have been installed on your computer without your knowledge too. Usually this virus won’t come alone, it can come along with other threats like Adware Generic6.QJC virus or other similar malware to mess up the target machine. Once downloaded, it may display you a lot of useless and interrupting ads on your web browser and even hijack your homepage and default search engine on all your web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox as well as Google Chrome. Thus, while you are browsing the Internet, you will have a trouble loading up your homepage or going to your favorite website. Also your PC must undergo a drastic reduction in storage or hard drive space. It needs longer than usual to boot up and starting programs and functions more slowly than normal.
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Published by on August 31, 2015 2:28 am

Aug 30, 2015

How to Remove JS.Downloader!gen5

Hey, there. I downloaded an unknown app from a websites by mistake. Now my computer is keeping sending me report about JS.Downloader!gen5 as well as other threats. I can’t get rid of it with any antivirus tool. What should I do now? How do I get rid of this malicious virus completely? Can anyone help me out of this problem? It would be so appreciated for helping me get rid of the virus. Thanks a million!

Detailed Information About JS.Downloader!gen5

JS.Downloader!gen5 has been identified as a risky backdoor downloader which has been created to attack all kinds of Windows computer users such as Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows8, Windows 9, Windows Vista, Windows XP and so on. This malicious Trojan comes through spam emails, bundled downloads or by p2p sharing networks. Once installed, this virus has the ability to perform unwanted and malicious action on your compromised computer. Lots of unnecessary programs will be added into your computer automatically. As soon as you start your computer, this virus may run itself as well as its related applications at your background without your attention or approval. You may not use your computer normally as before.

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Published by on August 30, 2015 3:30 pm

Aug 29, 2015 Redirect Removal

Hi there. Every time I use yahoo or google to search something, and click on a result — it opens up another “search engine” type site. It seems my browser keeps redirecting me to I know that this is something I shouldn’t be clicking on, but I don’t know how to get rid of it. I just want to search for something and I really don’t want this Seek Mix thing in my computer. I tried MalWareBytes Anti-Malware and it didn’t change anything. I also ran AVG Anti-Virus and nothing. How do I get rid of this? Description: is another fake search website associated with browser hijacker and adware that usually gets installed on computers without any knowledge. It is able to affect Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers. The website designer makes the interface of this spam search page like other licensed ones, in order to cheat net users into taking it as the default homepage and search engine. But actually it won’t provide you any useful information but bring you tons of troubles. This application changes your homepage, DNS settings so that it can show up on your computer out of nowhere and your browser will be totally messed up. It alters your search results with sponsored links and malicious pop-up ads and it is able to carry out many other evil actions to interrupt your online activities. You should get rid of it immediately.
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Published by on August 29, 2015 8:29 am

Aug 28, 2015 Hijacker Removal

Hi there. I think my home computer has been infected by some kind of redirect virus after I downloaded a free MP3 player so I really need help in removing it now. Every time I surf on the Internet, hijacks my web browser immediately. It seems to affect both Firefox and IE. I ran my scanner in order to remove it, but it detects nothing suspicious. I also tried to uninstall suspicious applications from control panel but still can not make it gone. How can I remove this browser hijacker from my PC completely? Any help will be appreciated. Description: (as known as Search Pile) is a fake search engine created by cyber criminals to advertise sponsored websites and get artificial traffic. Technically speaking it is not a virus, but it can take over your browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari) and perform tons of malicious activities on your machine like other computer parasites. This hijacker usually installs on a target computer without any permission but it may turn out to be a clear sign that your browser has been hijacked. You will find that your default search provider and homepage are suddenly changed to which looks like a normal search page but in fact it tries to promote some commercial websites all the time. In addition, you will be blocked from accessing your favorite web pages and your security will be minimal, also you cannot use your favorite search engines, and what you request is not delivered. Even though you have changed the browser settings a thousand times, it doesn’t make any changes. This spam search engine also displays endless advertisements and sponsored links in your search results, and it may collect search terms from your search queries as well.
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Published by on August 28, 2015 1:41 am

Aug 28, 2015

Trojan Horse Generic.r_EXT Virus Removal Guide

I’ve also just discovered this Trojan Horse Generic.r_EXT on my computer. Is this virus dangerous? Can it steal my back account and other personal information if I don’t remove it? How does it come to my system? AVG 2015 doesn’t seem to delete it. It comes back again and again. How do I get it removed without reinstalling Windows?

Infected With Trojan Horse Generic.r_EXT Virus – How to Remove?

Trojan Horse Generic.r_EXT is categorized as terrible Trojan parasite and it usually can be detected by AVG. This virus can be bundled with free downloads or it can penetrate into the computer by visiting harmful websites, clicking suspicious links and pop-ups or downloading attachment from a spam Email. Once access, this virus can create system security flaws in order to bring more viruses and malware to damage your computer and steal more money from your pocket. Besides, random files and folders may be created in your computer to occupy your system resource, making your PC run like a snail. Although AVG is able to detect this virus but it always fails to remove it since such tricky Trojan does not have an interface, and its infected files are located in C:\Windows\System32\services.exe that can escape from elimination by all kinds of Antivirus programs.
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Published by on August 28, 2015 12:05 am

Aug 26, 2015

How To Remove Backdoor.Emdivi!gm

Do you know why you keep getting report from your system security stating that lots of threats on your computer due to Backdoor.Emdivi!gm? You may feel so confused about this because you did remove this virus by your antivirus program. Your antivirus tool told you that this virus was removed! Why do you get warning again when you restart your computer after finishing removal? You have no idea about how to get rid of this malicious virus completely? Take it easy. Here is a post of how to remove this virus by manual. Hope you can remove it by learning this post.

Learn More Information About Backdoor.Emdivi!gm

Backdoor.Emdivi!gm is a dangerous computer infection which is classified as malicious Trojan horse family. This virus may sneak into Windows computer secretly and do lots of malicious things on the compromised computer automatically. This virus may be created as kinds of variants by cyber criminals and then spread through the Internet for a long time. Windows computer users who don’t have a strong sense of computer security protection may be infected by this virus so easily. This virus may dive into your computer stealthily through the Internet. It used to get the chance while you are visiting suspicious websites (porn, violence and child abuse); while you are downloading infected freeware (add-on, plug-in, extension, videos, and PFT files); while you are responding or reading spam emails as well as its attachments. Hence, you must pay more attention to your online actions so as to prevent this virus from affecting your system.

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Published by on August 26, 2015 1:40 pm

Aug 25, 2015

Trojan horse Agent5.AETS Virus Removal

Earlier today I was running a scan with AVG free 2015 and then I received notification that AVG detected Trojan horse Agent5.AETS virus on my computer. So I chose the “Remove” option which is recommended and then it told me that the threat has been removed but after 30 minutes or so it keeps notifying me that this virus has been detected again and again. What’s wrong with that? Does it mean that the virus is still on my computer? How does it come to my system in the first place? I really need help removing the virus completely. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Learn More About Trojan horse Agent5.AETS:

Trojan horse Agent5.AETS is categorized as a malicious and risky Trojan horse which usually attacks your computer without being noticed. This type of Trojan threat is created by cyber hackers with evil purposes. Even if your computer has always been protected by antivirus programs such as AVG or Norton, you will still have the chance to get infected by the virus. Generally speaking, this parasite can sneak into a system via many ways. It can come bundled with spam email attachments or any free downloads on compromised websites. Sometimes when you click on any specific links or pop-up ads on malicious websites, you will get the virus downloaded too. Once installed, the Trojan can bring constant troubles to you and your computer system could be screwed up. Also if Trojan horse Agent5.AETS virus cannot be successfully or completely removed in time, you may experience money loss or even identify theft problem.
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Published by on August 25, 2015 1:52 am

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