Oct 23, 2015

Remove Search.netbetterresults.com Redirect

Have you ever met the problem with Search.netbetterresults.com on Safari browser? Now I am frustrated with this hijacker issue. I have tried many ways to reset the browser setting to get rid of this browser hijacker, but it seems so stubborn and stays on my computer. Avast also cannot catch anything suspicious after I run scanning. I go into control panel to check if there is new, strange and useless program installed in system, but nothing new is there. I hope you guys could assist me in this matter.

Search.netbetterresults.com Hijacker Description:

Search.netbetterresults.com has been classified as a browser hijacker not a reliable and useful search engine provider as Google, Yahoo and Bing search tool. Once it has been the homepage on your browser, it will just redirect you to other strange webpage when you enter your favorite URL or look up things with this search bar. This browser hijack can quickly infect your web browser, modify default settings of browser and meanwhile replace the homepage and search bar with its own one. In this way, this Search.netbetterresults.com hijacker can totally control your web browser and use its cookie to spy on online history and record your information that you fill into websites. According to what you usually browse online, Search.netbetterresults.com hijacker specifically displays pop-up ads. For example, it may throw deals ads, discount products ads and online shop ads to let you view if you usually like to shop online. Those pop-up ads are very annoying as they will disturb you a lot when you’re surfing on the Internet. You cannot perform your work well online.  And many pop-up ads will slow down Internet speed and you will find browser runs a little bit slowly, even when you open more tabs at the same time, browser will crash down.
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Published by on October 23, 2015 3:17 am

Oct 22, 2015

Remove IDP.ARES.Generic Virus Without Recurring

Hi there. I am looking for a way on how to delete a recurring threat with the name IDP.ARES.Generic which is in a temporary folder in Appdata/Local. I tried everything I can to remove the virus but every time I press ‘remove’, it says “Removing the threat has failed. Access denied.” I have scanned the entire system with several security tools but none of them helped. Is there any other way I can remove the virus for good? And why AVG cannot get rid of it? How does it come to my system? Any help will be highly appreciated.

Infected With IDP.ARES.Generic Virus – How to Remove?

IDP.ARES.Generic is a generic detection that may come from malicious website or any legitimate websites that have been hacked without your permission, then it badly damages your computer system. Upon execution, it drops its file components using random file names. Location and folders will depend on the variants, therefore it will be very difficult for anti-malware program to delete all its components from the system. As similar as other Trojan viruses, IDP.ARES.Generic virus can be used to download other dangerous viruses onto your computer. It can slow down your PC performance, as well as corrupt your routine applications. This is the reason why you cannot open some of your programs or they generate unexpected errors. Worse still, it has the ability to gather the important data stored on your computer and then upload them to the remote server. As a result, your sensitive information such as email address, phone number, usernames, passwords, and credit card details will be stolen by cyber criminals to obtain illegal profits.
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Published by on October 22, 2015 1:07 am and last modified on October 22, 2015 1:08 am.

Oct 21, 2015

Remove Trojan.Ransomcrypt.V Virus

Hello, I hope you guys could help me out of this issue. My antivirus keeps warning me that I have Trojan.Ransomcrypt.V virus. Although I have let antivirus program remove it, the virus keeps coming back. Even though I have installed other antivirus software, nothing helps. I am just worried that the virus could hack my computer and steal information from my computer. so I need it to be removed as soon as possible.

Trojan.Ransomcrypt.V Virus Description:

Trojan.Ransomcrypt.V virus is a highly dangerous Trojan horse to hack every version windows computer. It has a strong ability to corrupt system files and disorder windows registry. Many crucial system files can be damaged or re-edited or deleted by this Trojan horse, which will severely cause the system to run improperly. It even can invade and destroy antivirus programs’ firewall and remove files related to security tool, which will make your security tool disable and becomes useless. That is why some victims even cannot get any security report from their antivirus and security tool cannot remove it at all. Trojan.Ransomcrypt.V virus is very tricky. In order to deeply root in your computer, it also can duplicate itself into computer security loopholes and hide in many places in the hard drive. Trojan.Ransomcrypt.V virus  will also redirects you to different kinds of malicious websites, and you will receive numbers of ads, pop-ups, flash pictures or links, even your desktop will be full of strange shortcuts, some of which cannot be deleted. This virus even does not allow you to download any new programs or applications by displaying a message like “your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded” to block you. It aims at blocking you to access any tool to remove itself.  Gradually, your computer will be controlled even broken completely by this Trojan horse.
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Published by on October 21, 2015 4:00 pm and last modified on April 19, 2017 9:52 am.

Oct 20, 2015

How to Remove Cooliosearch.com Virus

Hey, there. You may be surprised that how the virus gets into your computer and you have no any clue about it. Cooliosearch.com, a newly produced computer virus now is trying all its ways to dive into your computer and make troubles for you. It just liked that it is built with the computer and have no any antivirus tool can remove this virus completely from your computer. What should I do now? How do I get rid of it completely? Please help!

More Information About Cooliosearch.com Hijacker

Cooliosearch.com Virus is a newly created computer infection which is sorted to the family of browser hijacker. It is a latest adware program which may do lots of malicious thing on your compromised computer. This virus not only infects Windows computers but also attacks Mac computers. This virus penetrates your computer by infected free programs, suspicious links and spam e-mail attachments. Therefore, when you are surfing the Internet, you should pay more attention to all things you did. Hence, you can protect your computer from being hacked by this virus. Anyway, if your computer is infected by this virus, please get rid of it without any delay or it will ruin your whole computer system.

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Published by on October 20, 2015 1:26 pm

Oct 19, 2015

Backdoor:Win32/Noancooe Virus Removal Guide

Hi everyone. I accidentally opened an attachment from a spam email and then my antivirus program keeps alerting me I have Backdoor:Win32/Noancooe virus. I can’t clean it off because the virus keeps coming back. I’ve spent 3 hours searching for a solution and I’ve already downloaded a few software but still nothing helped. I don’t want to rebuilt my system because I have a lot of pictures in the computer. Is there a way I can get rid of this virus without losing any data? Any help will be highly appreciated.

Learn More About Backdoor:Win32/Noancooe Virus:

Backdoor:Win32/Noancooe is classified as a highly dangerous Backdoor virus that can spread through P2P file sharing programs and target 32-bit Windows systems worldwide. It usually comes bundled with free downloads or penetrates into the computer by visiting harmful websites, clicking suspicious links and pop-ups or downloading attachment from spam Emails. The backdoor virus is used to distribute potentially unwanted programs, Trojan viruses and other infections, it can steal account information, online banking data, passwords and credit card information from the unwary users too. The virus can modify registry without any knowledge, then it can run as a startup program and allow third parties to connect to your PC every time you turn it on, your privacy could be open for the attackers without your awareness. And valuable information like online banking credentials, social media log-ins, credit card data, social security number and the PayPal log-in could be collected secretly. It poses a huge risk for PC users so it is necessary to remove Backdoor:Win32/Noancooe Virus from the computer once upon detection.
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Published by on October 19, 2015 8:07 am

Oct 19, 2015

Ourwebsearch.com Hijacker Removal Tips

Hi, there. I got redirected to Ourwebsearch.com as soon as you booted my computer and started to browsing. I didn’t know why? I did not do anything wrong recent days just installed a computer game from the Internet two days ago. Things came weird after that, this website kept pop-up on the screen when I browsed or added a new tab. I reset my browser settings and even uninstall the browser and reinstall it again. However, nothing went well with that. This virus is still making chaos on my computer right now. What should I do? How can I get rid of this virus completely? Please help!

Be Hacked By Ourwebsearch.com Virus—How to Remove?

Ourwebsearch.com Hijacker may take control your web browser by change the homepage and search tool, then you have to use its homepage and search engine. Your browser settings and default homepage will be changed automatically, including Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, as well as Internet Explorer. This virus may infect all kinds of computer systems including IOS Mac system and Windows computers. It can get into your computer without your permission since it gets the help from the third party programs. Commonly, this virus can get into your computer while you are browsing suspicious website (porn web); while you are downloading unsafe programs from unauthorized web (videos, pdf files); While you are installing unfamiliar application onto your system; while you are responding to the spam email or reading spam email attachments. Once this hijacker gets into your computer, you may not use your computer normal as usual. You will be stopped and interrupted so frequently while you are working on the compromised computer.

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Published by on October 19, 2015 5:51 am

Oct 18, 2015

How to Get Rid of Win32/patched.Ap Virus?

So I accidentally got Win32/patched.Ap virus by downloading a free mp3 file from a less reliable website. My Norton 360 can detect the virus but when I go to delete it, the process takes forever and the computer eventually screws up and I have to shut it down. I searched on the web and it said the virus should be removed manually. How do I do it?

Infected With Win32/patched.Ap Virus – How d to Remove?

Win32/patched.Ap is defined as Trojan Horse that targets worldwide computers and endangers your private information. It usually gets into your computer by downloading torrent files and free software from third party file sharing websites, open spam email attachments or visiting suspicious websites, especially the pornographic sites. Once inside, it weakens your firewall security and may disable your current anti-malware programs. Then you may notice your web browser is taken over by malicious websites and lots of unwanted ads and fake system alerts start to bombard you whenever you get online. Additionally, the virus can add its malicious codes and files to every corner of your system, also re-edits your registry so that your system performance is poor. Program window that you open may keep freezing all the time and CPU usage can jump to over 80% even though you have no application opened. It also takes much longer than before for you to start up the computer. Everything will be messed up because of this bad virus. It can execute as many evil activities as possible to harm your system and then benefit the cyber criminal. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of Win32/patched.Ap virus from the system.
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Published by on October 18, 2015 12:53 am

Oct 16, 2015

Trojan.Stimilik Removal Guide

I just got a new Dell computer a few days ago from my elder sister. I installed some programs on it last night. Something curious just happened to my system. I had no any clue why that happened. I got warnings from my security program stating about Trojan.Stimilik as well as its related threats. Even though I knew the name of the virus, I had no idea on how to get rid of it completely since my security program kept fail to remove it. What should I do now? How can I remove this virus completely? Can manual removal way work? Let’s take a look at this post.

Get Infected By Trojan.Stimilik—How to Remove?

Trojan.Stimilik may do lots of malicious things on your compromised computer once it gets into your computer. It is created by the cyber criminals to attack all kinds of Windows computer users around the world. It is classified to be the member of malicious Trojan family which may get into your computer by being associated to a third party, such as download freeware, suspicious websites or links, spam emails as well as its attachments and unsafe programs and so on. Once this vicious Trojan get into your computer, you may find that your computer works so weird. You can’t use your computer normally as usual. It may get stuck so frequently while you are online. If you detect this Trojan on your computer, you are suggested to remove this virus as soon as you can.

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Published by on October 16, 2015 10:22 am

Oct 16, 2015

How to Remove Win.Trojan.Ramnit-7354

Hi there. I have run virus scans with MSE, which reports Win.Trojan.Ramnit-7354 virus, and even after removal, I still get the same warning of my laptop being infected. I have also tried getting rid of the virus via AVG and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware but the virus seems to still remain on my system. I don’t have my windows CD so re-installing the OS is out of the question. Any ideas? Is there any way I can get rid of it without losing my pictures and documents?

Learn More About Win.Trojan.Ramnit-7354 Virus:

Win.Trojan.Ramnit-7354 is a malicious program that usually installs on vulnerable computers with the use of security exploits and it has become one of the most serious threats to computer security. You may get it downloaded from corrupted websites or by visiting pornographic websites or opening attachments from spam emails. The role of this Trojan is to fetch other malware and open an entry point to let remote attacker access the computer. It shows many evil actions on the infected system as soon as it is installed. The virus is prone to attack Windows based computer including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and even Windows 10, with an aim to steal personal information and manage to crash the corrupted system completely.
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Published by on October 16, 2015 7:42 am

Oct 15, 2015

Remove Data://(null) Message Asking for $500 from Safari

I am freaking out. I’ve had a data://(null) message came up on my iPad that I can’t get it off. The pop up frozen my Safari app, and it said I was in violation of the law because I was looking up child porn and other illegal sites which I would never look up child porn or anything. It said my stuff will be deleted and locked within 24 hours if I didn’t pay a fine of $500 through Paypal. It had all my info like where I was located and everything. It said I can do some time in prison and so on. The Date:null message didn’t allow me to do access Internet anymore. I tried to exit the page and powered off the phone a million times but it was still there. So is this a scam or is it really from US Police? Is this something I should worry about? Do I have to pay $500 fine through Paypal? Now since all this is happening, I feel really scared. I don’t know what to do! How do I get rid of this without paying $500? All help needed please, I really want to get this thing off my iPad.

Data://(null) Message Blocked Internet on iPad/iPhone:

Data://(null) message is a misleading pop up generated by malicious Ransomware that can be installed secretly, and without asking for user’s permission. This type of Ransomware corrupts windows computers, Mac computers at the beginning and then it starts damaging android phone and tablet, and gradually now it is very active on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod) recently. It might sound shocking because iPads, iPhones and basically all Apple devices were thought to be immune to viruses and malware, but in fact, hackers all over the world started targeting Apple devices a few years ago. Once this malware is installed on Apple devices, your Internet browser including Safari and Chrome will be frozen with a Data://(null) message pop-up message supposedly from the FBI, US Police or other federal agencies saying that because you violated some sort of United States of America criminal law like viewing child pornography/rape/zoophilia/rape things on your mobile device. It displays your IP address, location, city and zip code. You will not able to close the message and the only thing you can do is to click “OK” option which is at the bottom of this fake message. Once you did, another page will come up right away asking you to pay a fine of $500 within 24 hours through Paypal, Moneypak, Moneygram, Ukash or Paysafecard which you can purchase from Kmart, CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens:
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Published by on October 15, 2015 9:34 am and last modified on March 10, 2016 1:44 pm.

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