Feb 24, 2016

Search.myhoroscopesxp.com Hijacker Removal

My laptop has been working well but since yesterday I started to get a lot of pop ups on my Firefox browser. My homepage was changed to a suspicious search engine and the url is Search.myhoroscopesxp.com. I am not sure if it is a legitimate site, but whenever I try to change the browser settings, it won’t allow me to get Google back as my default homepage. I have tons of dumb pop-up ads that ask to sign up for a membership or try to sell me some suspicious looking applications. How do I get rid of them?

Search.myhoroscopesxp.com Description:

Search.myhoroscopesxp.com is an insecure web search-providing website that can be set as your browser’s homepage after you install some freeware, shareware or ad-supported programs from unsafe website. It has recently been added to “browser hijacker” category and closely associated to SaferBrowser adware. The website convinces you that it is a reliable search engine but it does evil actions on a computer as soon as it is installed. It affects your browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari and other Internet browsers without an exception in order to modify your browser settings and delivers modified search results that are usually filled with deceptive links to web users. This application can replace your browser’s default page to Search.myhoroscopesxp.com and redirect you to many unknown websites all the time when you are online. In addition, you will find that annoying pop-up ads, and other unwanted activities that are usually initiated by this potentially unwanted programs:
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Published by on February 24, 2016 8:16 am

Feb 24, 2016

Unlock Phone/Tablet From An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service Virus

My android phone has been blocked. It says that I have violated Article 274-Copyright. But I swear I have never done that. It takes control of my phone completely. Only the warning page is available on my phone. It says that I have to pay for the fine with £ 300 to unblock my phone, or I will be put into jail for 5 years. I don’t want to get involved with the police. Should I just pay for the fine as it says? Will the police warning be released automatically after I transfer the money to them? Is it possible that they steal the name and logo of Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service and try to swindle my money off? If this is a scam, what should I do? Should I call the police? How to get rid of it? I am so worried. Please help me out.

What Is Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service Virus?

Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service is a special form of virus which has been created the cyber hackers. They write this program to grab money from innocent android phone and tablet. They only need to bundle the virus to other good programs and spread them on the internet all over the world. As soon as the users get this virus, they will get fake police warning. It will claim that the users have violated some specific laws. Therefore, the users’ phone/tablet has been locked for safe reason and the users need to pay for certain amount of money, like £ 100, £ 300, £500 and so on, to unlock their phone/tablet. Otherwise, the users will face a jail sentence. They use the tone of Ireland’s National Police Service and also add its logo on the warning page. They just use the same trick that they released cyber police viruses before. As usual, this virus is also dedicated to a specific region (Ireland) which makes it convincing for the Irish users. Unfortunately, this trick does work and makes Irish users believe that it’s real. The innocent users may believe that the real police are coming to them and they must pay a “fine” for their illegitimate activity on the Internet. However, the users should realize that all these fake warnings that they have been illegally watching copyrighted content, or spreading malware or children porn are displayed for the only evil purpose – to scare you into paying the “fine.” Therefore, don’t fall into the trap that the evil cyber criminals created. Don’t pay for the so-called fine. The most important thing you need to do is to get rid of Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service virus from your phone/tablet right now!
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Published by on February 24, 2016 6:00 am

Feb 23, 2016

How to block data:text:html US Police pop up on iPhone/iPad

I am freaking out. I was using safari and a white box data:text:html pop up appeared saying it was from US Police claiming that I have violated child pornography and copyright laws. I had not been viewing anything illegal at all. It looks so genuine and had my information like country, region, city and location etc. It said that I must pay $500 within 24 hours or all my apps, games, etc would be deleted and my iPhone will be blocked. I tried exiting safari and even turning the phone off, but every time I went back onto safari, that message popped back up. I don’t know what to do now. How do I get rid of data:text:html US Police pop up from my iPhone forever?

Data:text:html US Police Pop up Description:

Data:text:html US Police Pop up is another scam designed by cyber criminals in order to scare innocent users. It is known as ransomware that can be installed secretly, and without asking for user’s permission. This pop up is commonly used to infect Apple devices (including iPhone, iPad and iPod). It masquerades as law enforcement agencies such as US Police, Cyber Police and then demands money for fictional crimes. This tricky virus has many variants aiming to attack Apple users in different countries, including United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United kingdom, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Greece and other Europe countries.

Some of the variants are called:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation Virus (FBI)
The Australian Federal Police Virus (AFP)
Police Central e-Crime Unit Virus (PCEU)
The U.S. Department of Justice Virus (DOJ)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Virus (RCMP)
Canadian Security Intelligence Service Virus (CSIS)
International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus (ICSPA)

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Published by on February 23, 2016 5:24 am and last modified on February 25, 2016 10:10 am.

Feb 22, 2016

Backdoor.Cloworm Removal Guide

Did you get a Trojan, Backdoor.Cloworm on your computer without your notice? You can’t remove it by Norton or other security application? You can still see this infection again after it was removed by your antivirus program? Why? What should you do now? Is there any way to remove this Trojan completely?

What Is Backdoor.Cloworm—How to Remove?

Backdoor.Cloworm is a newly created Trojan virus which can infected your computer system without your attention. Why did cyber criminals create this Trojan? Will they get profit? Of cause, they will. This virus used to attack computer users who are with poor computer protection knowledge. Once it installed on your system, will it do anything good for you? Will it damage your system completely? Is it safe to ignore it on your computer when you detect it? Oh, no. You can’t do that. Once you detect this virus on your computer, the best way to protect your computer is to get rid of this Trojan immediately.

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Published by on February 22, 2016 1:24 pm

Feb 21, 2016

How to Remove Zeta-search.com Virus

Recently, I have been redirected to unfamiliar sites when I am surfing the Internet on Mozilla Firefox. And my original home page Mystart.com is changed to Zeta-search.com without my permission. I did some online research and found that it is actually a browser hijacker. How can I remove it from my computer?

More Information About Zeta-search.com:

Zeta-search.com is defined as a browser hijacker, also known as browser redirect. This webpage is not reliable website or application as it might look like at first sight. If you find this website on your computer as main home page and search engine on your web browsers, your computer is infected by Zeta-search.com virus. It mainly affects your browser in the infected computer. This virus mainly attack famous browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome as well as Safari. How do you know there is a browser hijacker on your computer? If you know about the characteristics of browser hijackers, you are able to immediately judge and prevent your computer from being messed up.

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Published by on February 21, 2016 10:50 am

Feb 21, 2016

Mystart3.dealwifi.com Hijacker Removal

I can’t seem to remove Mystart3.dealwifi.com page from my computer. This website is set up as my homepage without asking my permission. It won’t go away when I try to change the browser settings. I cannot replace my homepage with any other websites. Whenever I was online I receive a lot of pop-up ads. How do I get rid of it?

Mystart3.dealwifi.com Description:

Mystart3.dealwifi.com is categorized as “browser hijacker” that aims to attack browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. It replaces the home page without asking for user’s approval and interferes with the general safe usage of user’s computer. This page is an advertising supported website although it seems like a regular search engine which allows user find anything useful on the Internet. In fact, it only offers fraudulent search results and it can force your web browser to unwanted pages constantly. Browser hijacker isn’t technically a virus, but it does present malicious characteristics. The application aims to promote commercial web sites. Therefore, when you try to search information via this Deal Wifi Search, you may face altered search results as well as a lot of sponsored links. You will be redirected to unwanted sponsored web pages if you click any of its results. In a word, you need to stay away from this application and remove the hijacker from your system as quickly as possible.
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Published by on February 21, 2016 4:37 am

Feb 20, 2016

Arcade Royal Ads Removal Guide

Hi there. I think something goes wrong on my computer after I downloaded a flash player 2 days ago. I am sure that this “player” is actually an advertisement-supported program because it keeps sending me annoying ads titled with “Ads by Arcade Royal” or “Arcade Royal ads”. I went to control panel but it didn’t show me the program there so I can’t uninstall it. The ads pops up every time I open IE, my firefox seems well though. How do I get rid of such annoying ads forever? Will it have any bad effect on your system?

Arcade Royal Ads Description

“Arcade Royal Ads” has been categorized as “Adware”, as known as ad-supported program that often installs on the computer through download manager or third-party software and freeware. It is downloaded without asking permission from PC owner so you may not even expect this application to arrive on your PC’s system and get negatively surprised right after receiving an excessive amount of ads during your browsing. Those ads are usually marked as “Ads by Arcade Royal” or “Brought by Arcade Royal” which look interesting and appealing. They may offer you coupon codes, price comparisons, discounts and other great offers, but in fact it is only designed for promoting certain pages and increasing their traffic. It also can be used to distribute malicious programs like toolbars and browser hijacker together. Adware acts like a virus and it has the ability to track your online activity on the Internet and then use this data for selecting ads that could be interesting for you. It interrupts your online activities terribly so you had better remove Arcade Royal Ads as quickly as you can.
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Published by on February 20, 2016 3:30 am

Feb 19, 2016

Search.cantstopplaying.com Virus Removal

If your web browser starts behaving strangely and it changes your default homepage like Google or Yahoo to Search.cantstopplaying.com without your permission, then your computer must be attacked by a browser redirecting malware or you may install an adware accidentally. Technically adware is not a virus but it can perform tons of evil activities to interrupt one’s online activity. It cannot be uninstalled from control panel or deleted by any security tools. Therefore, it is suggested users to follow the manual removal guide below to get rid of it step by step.

Search.cantstopplaying.com Description:

Search.cantstopplaying.com has recently been added to “browser hijacker” category as similar as Search.searchlma.com and Search.internetquickaccess.com. This page seems regular and harmless. It displays a misleading search engine in the middle of the website that claims to provide many conveniences for computer users, but in reality its goal is to promote various commercial websites. It hijacks your internet browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browser, changes your browser settings, alters search results, adds unwanted toolbar and displays unstoppable pop-up ads and banners without allowing you to revert these changes that easily. In addition, it has a great effect on the functioning of user’s computer. It is able to disconnect your Internet, slow down Internet speed and even monitor your browsing activities and collect your search terms in order to steal your personal information and involve you into various marketing related projects.
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Published by on February 19, 2016 8:38 am and last modified on February 24, 2016 6:42 am.

Feb 18, 2016

How to get rid of you are accused of viewing porn on mobile device?

Hi, I was on a free video site trying to watch a show and I clicked on a link, then the FBI warning came up saying that ‘you are accused of viewing porn’ and it listed a bunch of types of porn that I’ve never even heard of. And it says I have to pay the fine in 24 hours or face 5-8 years in prison. It also had my location on it. Now it has blocked my phone so I can’t do anything on the phone. Is this a fake pop up?

Your phone/tablet has been blocked by ‘you are accused of viewing porn’ page? – How to unlock?

‘You are accused of viewing porn’ message belongs to a type of malicious software (or malware) that blocks victim’s access to the mobile device and demands them to pay the ransom. Actually this type of malware has now been observed for several years. It is very common to both computer users and mobile users. This fake alert is mainly designed by hackers to extort money from victims. It is typically spread through phishing emails that contain malicious attachments and drive-by downloading. Drive-by downloading occurs when a user unknowingly visits an infected website and this malware is downloaded and installed without their knowledge. This attack also targets someone visiting online porn or illegal file sharing sites too. Once installed, your Internet or even the entire device will be blocked up and a message claims to be from a law enforcement agency like the FBI, or Interpol will pop up on the screen. It falsely states that “You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc)” and then demands a ransom in the range of $100–$500 dollars, or £100 or £200 (depending on your location). Victims are always demanded to pay the fine in virtual currency, such as itunes gift card, Paypal card, Paysafecard or Ukash voucher in 24 or 48 hours. As similar as other regular ransomware like Cyber Police Virus, ICSPA Virus, you’ll get instructions on how to pay the ransom or fine on the ‘You are accused of viewing porn’ page. But paying the fine is not an option to restore access to your mobile device but just a waste of money. If you pay, you may receive a 10-digit password that claims it allows you to access your device but actually it can do nothing. This is a scam using threatening tone to scare innocent users into paying a non-existent fine. It won’t really help unlock your device even after money is transferred.
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Published by on February 18, 2016 3:59 am

Feb 17, 2016

Search.montageobox.com Hijacker Removal Guide

I just clicked on a link sent by my friends on MSN. Then I got Search.montageobox.com on My Google Chrome. No matter I reset or cleared the history on my Chrome, it did nothing help to remove this website. I Googled about this web and then got to know it was a fake website, a malicious browser hijacker virus. What should I do now? Can antivirus applications get rid of this virus completely? Only manual removal method can remove this infection from your compromised computer clearly? Any suggestions?

What Is Search.montageobox.com Hijacker?

Search.montageobox.com hijacker is newly created computer virus which can infect your browser by kinds of ways. It not only infects windows computers, but also hacks IOS Mac computers. It mainly affects the famous browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, as well as Safari and so on. Once this virus infects your browser, it will take over your browser randomly and then stop your online activities by redirecting you to Search.montageobox.com immediately. If you don’t remove this virus from your compromised computer in time, as longer time you leave on your system as more troubles you will get on your computer. When you start your computer, no matter which browser you use to browse, you will find that you are keeping being redirected to this fake webpage’s domain. Nothing normal can be done on the compromised computer after the virus installed.

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Published by on February 17, 2016 10:15 am

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