Mar 15, 2016

How to Remove Hijacker?

I was watching a video on YouTube. Just a sudden, a popup jumped on my screen. I clicked on it and it redirected me to the website named As soon as I saw that web, I thought it must be a useful webpage, so I ignored it on my computer. Is it really useful? Oh, no! It is completely a bad browser hijacker virus. Because of this virus, now I can’t use my browser normally as usual. I feel really boring about this virus. I want to remove it as soon as possible. But how can I remove it? Antivirus can’t remove this hijacker. What should I do now? Please help!

More Detailed Information About Hijacker

What is going on? is redirecting you to its domain as soon as you start to browse. You may be so confused why? Because this virus is a malicious browser hijacker virus which is created by cyber criminals and used to infect all kinds of browsers installed on the compromised computer. In most cases, this virus mainly infected browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. This virus used to be bundled to spam emails and its attachments, suspicious websites, infected freeware downloads and annoyed pop-up and ads and links. From the spread channels of this virus, you should know that while you are browsing the Internet, even though just one click by accident may bring the virus into your computer. Only one mistaken step will bring a great disaster to your computer. If you want to protect your computer from virus’s attack, you’d better go online safely.

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Published by on March 15, 2016 1:37 pm

Mar 15, 2016

FBI Virus Locks My Phone Asking for $100 Gift Card to Unlock?

I have this FBI virus on my HTC phone. I have to admit that I was watching pornography (Don’t judge) the other day. All of a sudden, the FBI virus just popped up and locked me out of my phone demanding $100 gift card to unlock. I have no idea how to remove this virus. Should I pay the fine? Need help!

What Is FBI Virus?

FBI virus is dangerous ransomware, which belongs to cyber criminals who steal the name of FBI to scare our innocent users. The cyber criminals has spread the infection rapidly to millions of phone and tablet users in these years.This type of virus has already became famous for their extremely dangerous payment tool parasites, such as Homeland Security virus, null virus and many other ones. While it may seem that they all attack American users, you should be aware that there are hundreds of similar threats that are spread in Europe and other regions. FBI virus blocks your mobile devices and asks for ransom to unblock. According to our research, a large amount of the victims choose to pay the fine to the cyber criminals but never think about how remove the FBI virus completely. The logo and name of FBI made them believe that they did violate the local laws and other legal policy. Actually, the warning message has nothing to with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Even if you bought a gift card and gave them the code, it would not help you unblock your device. Though you got the so-called code, the virus would continue to stay on your device until you get it removed. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 15, 2016 6:30 am

Mar 14, 2016

Trojan.Scarimson Removal Instruction

Trojan.Scarimson? What is that? I detected this virus this morning. Did anyone see this virus before? I did a research on this virus on Google. I just found that this virus is a newly created computer infection. It is a Trojan virus which is really hard to be removed completely by any antivirus application. It also said on Google that this virus can only be removed by manual. My computer infected by this malicious Trojan virus now! What should I do if antivirus can’t remove it clearly? Who can help? Please help!

Learn More Information On Trojan.Scarimson:

Trojan.Scarimson is a malicious and stubborn Trojan virus, which is created by vicious cyber hackers with the purpose of infecting innocent computer users who is lack of computer protection awareness. While people browse the Internet, they used to click on the some unknown pop-ups or ads by accidents. They would like to visit some unsafe websites such as porn websites. Most people used to download free programs/files from the Internet, such as adobe flash player, videos, PDF files and so on. Nowadays, with the rapid development of Internet technology, cyber criminals can distribute this malicious Trojan through Internet out of your attention. Because of their careless behaviors while they are browsing and lack of computer protection awareness, their computers may get infected more easily than the one who used to browse the Internet safely.

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Published by on March 14, 2016 5:59 am

Mar 13, 2016

How to get rid of FBI Attention Notice on my iPhone and iPad?

I was browsing PornHub (I m sorry), and then clicked on Gay. Then an FBI attention notice popped up saying I had to use PayPal to pay a fine of $500 in three days or else it would contact all of my contacts in the address book about the situation and start an investigation immediately. I am freaking out. Can anyone tell me is it a scam or is it real? The notice was still on Safari even I have tried to restart the phone a thousand times. Please help!

FBI Attention Notice Description:

FBI Attention Notice is a fake message aiming to steal money from innocent users. It belongs to Ransomware that either locks infected devices down entirely or blocks internet access once it is downloaded on the target device. iPads, iPhones and basically all Apple devices were considered to be immune to any viruses and malware in the past, but the truth is that they even have the chance to be infected. FBI Attention Notice is very common on Apple device nowaday because those cyber criminals want to get as much money as possible from innocent mobile users. They distribute the virus through Emails, instant message and hide it in hacked website. Once your device is infected, you’ll get a big FBI attention warning on your web browser, mostly in Safari, which informs you FBI has detected you got involved in viewing child pornography/rape/zoophilia/rape things on your mobile device, therefore your Internet has been blocked up for safety reasons. The fake FBI message blocks the users from accessing internet and then requires them to pay a hefty fine to make the warning go away. Victims are always demanded to pay the fine in virtual currency, such as itunes gift card, Paypal card, Paysafecard or Ukash voucher in 24 or 48 hours. You can purchase those prepaid card from Kmart, CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens freely. It says once you pay the fine and give the code, your browser will be released and both your data and Apple ID will be safe for good. Otherwise, criminal case will be opened against yourself and your Apple ID will be blocked. Even worse, it grabs a couple of different contacts from your phone and says that these contacts can be called up and interrogated as witnesses for your crime.
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Published by on March 13, 2016 6:10 am

Mar 12, 2016

How to Get Rid of JS/Ofuscator.HO Virus?

Is your computer infected with JS/Ofuscator.HO Virus but you are not able to remove it? Why does this virus keep appearing on your machine when you do a full scan? Does it consume a large amount of your computer resources and make everything slow and sluggish? The following guide will help you get rid of this stubborn virus completely.

Infected With JS/Ofuscator.HO Virus – How to Remove?

JS/Ofuscator.HO is categorized as Trojan virus usually distributed in some suspicious web sites or spam emails. Unsafe free program downloading resources will also make your computer infected with the virus. Generally speaking, this Trojan virus is highly dangerous because it has the ability to collapse your system security and collect your confidential information for evil purpose. When it is functioning, it can lead to many serious computer problems. You may notice that the CPU occupancy rate is very high all the time, even though you just have few things opened in the background. It causes computer freezing issue and make program not respond frequently.
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Published by on March 12, 2016 2:41 am

Mar 11, 2016

Adobe Flash Player Install Trojan Removal Guide

My computer is infected with Trojan! My Norton told me that it detected and removed Trojan. After I had updated my Adobe Flash Player, my photos and videos have been locked. Norton doesn’t work now. My computer must be infected by Trojan virus. Who can help me remove this stubborn Trojan?

What is Adobe Flash Player Install Trojan Virus?

Fake Adobe Flash Player install is a Trojan virus which performs various malicious tasks on your computer that may result in some serious threats to the stability of your system. After visiting some suspicious websites, an attractive headline of a click bait article which was shared on Twitter or other social media page, or simply if you had installed adware or browser hijacker before, a fake offer to update Adobe Flash Player might show up on your computer’s desktop. It displays alert that your Adobe Flash Player is outdated. You need to update in order to use it again. This offer to update Adobe Flash Player is usually filled with stolen logo and similar content that easily makes you believe this is legit. In fact, this offer comes from malicious websites which tricks you into downloading suspicious software which is bundled with Trojan horses, ransomware, adware, browser hijackers and other harmful or potentially unwanted programs. You had better download update program from its official website. Do not install this fake program from unknown website. If you installed it, you need to remove this Adobe Flash Player install Trojan virus right now! Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 11, 2016 6:40 am

Mar 10, 2016

Homeland Security Locked My Phone And Asking Me to Pay $100 iTunes Gift Card?

Oh, my god. I woke up at 8:00 this morning. As usual, I turned on your phone. But thing went differently this morning. As soon as I booted my phone, I got a pop-up on my phone screen claiming that my phone is locked by cyber police from Homeland Security and they’re asking for $100 iTunes gift card within 48 hours or I will be sent to jail. I was so scared. I didn’t know why I got this pop-up on my phone. I was shock and frozen. I didn’t do anything wrong as it stated on that pop-up. I can’t do anything on my phone now. I was told that the pop-up is a scam virus and I must remove it as soon as I can. What should I do now? How do I get rid of this malicious scam virus from my phone? Please help!

Homeland Security Is Asking to Pay $100 iTunes Gift Card —How to Unblock Your Phone?

“It scared me to death because I was on an adult porn site and then I got a pop up on my phone saying something about I was charged with rape and can face up to 5 to 11 years jail and buy a $100 iTunes Card. It said that all the information was sent by the cyber police from Homeland Security. Is it real? Will I be sent to jail if I don’t pay for that fine?”

Homeland Security virus is a new threat created by cyber criminals to hack innocent android phone users. It is also known as ransomware virus. This kind of virus used to attack android phone by disguising as real law enforcement agencies demanding money for fictional crimes. This scam virus is so risky and cunning. So as to trick more and more mobile phone users on the world, it will be created into kinds of variants, such as NSA virus, FBI virus, RCMP virus and PCEU virus etc. Once it gets into your phone, it will lock your phone immediately and then take the whole control of your phone and then ask you to buy a $100 iTunes gift card to get your phone unblock. However, even though you buy the $100 iTunes gift card and enter the code on the lock screen, it does nothing to unblock your phone. Your phone will be kept blocking until you remove the virus completely.

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Published by on March 10, 2016 6:38 am and last modified on March 10, 2016 6:39 am.

Mar 8, 2016

How to Unlock Android Device Hacked by Cyber Crime Unit Scam Virus?

I found my Samsung tablet has been blocked by the Cyber Crime Unit when I woke up in the morning. It says my tablet has been involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content. I have to pay $200 to unlock it. Or the police will come to me and I will be thrown into prison for 4 to 5 years. But the true is, nothing like that has happened. I only used it to do homework at school. I have never thought that I would get into trouble with cyber crime unit. Is it possible that it’s just a virus? This warning popped up after I had clicked on a funny video that my friend shared on Facebook. I might get virus from it. I can’t get rid of the notification. I can’t access my tablet at all. Need experts’ help. Thank you in advance.
Cyber Crime Unit Scam stands for a dangerous malware virus. The cyber criminals take advantage of the high technology to write this virus program. From it, they can grab illegal money from others. They make the virus hide in third party program, such as malicious links, attachment spread with spam, unknown free software, and porn websites. Maybe, you would see some unknown but kind of interesting ads pop-ups, and you can’t resist being curious about what it will be and just click on it. Apparently, those programs are normal and safe. However, as soon as you click on and run them, the Cyber Crime Unit scam virus will be given a chance to sneak into your android mobile device. When you run the program which is bundled with virus, this virus is activated. It will install itself on your device and totally control your device. The virus can lock you out of the device and displays a message supposedly from USA Cyber Crime Unit. One of the warning would say, “You have been violating Copyright and Related Rights Laws (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thus infringing Article xxx of the Criminal Code of USA. Article xxx of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of two to five hundred minimal wages or a deprivation of liberty for two to eight years. You have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content (Child Porno/Zoofilia and etc). Thus violating article xxx of the Criminal Code of USA. Article xxx of the Criminal Code provides for a deprivation of liberty for four to twelve years.” Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 8, 2016 10:54 am

Mar 7, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

I need help with my Google Chrome. It just runs crazily. My favorite homepage is gone. Someone replaced it with Many toolbars are added on my browser. I can’t change the default settings. Lots of ads pop up. Google Chrome runs so slow now. I was redirected to frequently. Who can tell me what is going here? Help me get rid of this mess-up. Many thanks.

What Is Browser Hijacker? is a new form of browser hijacker which is installed along with unknown free software downloaded from the internet. It can change your browser settings, set your homepage and default search provider into without your permission. Its developers spread it in order to make huge money from Internet users. They get installed on your browser so as to collect information about your browsing habits. It records what websites you visit and what you are looking for on the Internet which are very important for their new product. Multiple toolbars appear on your web browser which you didn’t install. Therefore, it will take a long time to load web-pages. Tons of ads will pop up now and then after your computer is infected with this virus. For obsessive compulsive disorders, it is really unbearable. They would try to close all the pop ups which is a pretty time consuming thing. When you type in key word to search for some information, many sponsored links will be added to your search results though they have nothing to do with what you want. Besides, if you click on a search result, it will redirect you to and other suspicious websites aiming at promoting these websites and increase their traffic. In this situation, it changes ways that you used to browse which definitely can mess up your business. Don’t ignore this problem as those seemingly safe sites you were redirected to may be full of potentially dangerous programs or even viruses. You need to stop Browser Hijacker right now. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on March 7, 2016 5:33 am and last modified on March 16, 2016 2:51 pm.

Mar 6, 2016

Trojan.Snifula.F!gm Virus Removal Guide

Hi, there. Did you get trouble to remove Trojan.Snifula.F!gm from your computer? You couldn’t use Norton or other antivirus applications to remove it? Your computer got stuck and crashed so frequently after the virus installed? Why? What should you do to get rid of this virus completely? Here is the post of how to remove this virus by manual. Hope it can do you a great favor! You are welcome to read it.

More Information About Trojan.Snifula.F!gm:

Trojan.Snifula.F!gm is a malicious Trojan virus that is created by vicious cyber criminals. This infection used to attack windows computers with the purpose of invading innocent computer system and then doing lots of malicious things to mess up your computer. Computers are running system as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 8.1 Windows XP and Windows Vista, which are goals of this malicious virus. Once installed, you can’t imagine what this virus will do on your computer. Only one thing you should be clear that, once this virus infected your computer, you must remove it from your system in the first time while you detect it.

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Published by on March 6, 2016 12:51 pm

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