Apr 12, 2016

Mysafetabssearch.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Please tell me who created Mysafetabssearch.com? I hate it! I didn’t download it and give it permission to be my homepage. It delivers me endless ads. How could it invade my browser and mess up my Google Chrome like that? I reset my browser, but it is still there. Is it a virus? What I need to do to get rid of it?

What is Mysafetabssearch.com Browser Hijacker?

Mysafetabssearch.com is an unwanted ad-supported program that hijacks your browser, like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. It delivers a large number of ads to you by changing your browser settings without your permission. It will take place of your original homepage and you can hardly change it back. As an annoying program, it interferes your browsing experience frequently. It redirects you to various suspicious websites that you never intend to do. Besides, those websites contain potential risk which may make you pick up virus. You have to be cautious and pay close attention to its activities. If you see Mysafetabssearch.com program on your browser, we kindly suggest you remove it as soon as possible. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 12, 2016 6:19 am

Apr 11, 2016

How to Remove W97M.Downloader.G Trojan Virus

Hi, there. I detected a Trojan virus this morning with its name: W97M.Downloader.G. This virus is really difficult to be removed by any antivirus program. I can’t find a way to remove it now. What should I do? Any idea? Help! Thank you.

More Information About W97M.Downloader.G Trojan Virus

W97M.Downloader.G, a newly created computer infection, is a malicious and stubborn Trojan virus. This kind of infection mainly infects windows computer system such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows10, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 8.1 and so on. How does this virus get into your computer without your attention or knowledge? Commonly, this infection used to infect your computer through downloading freeware, visiting suspicious websites or links, reading or responding spam emails as well as its attachments and installing unsafe programs on your computer. Once this virus gets into your computer, do not think that you still can use your computer as normally as usually. If you want to use your compromised computer smoothly as before, it is greatly suggested that you should remove this virus as early as you detect it on your system.

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Published by on April 11, 2016 1:23 pm

Apr 10, 2016

Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Locks My Phone Demanding $100 in Vouchers?

Help me please! Police Cybercrime Investigation Department says I violated laws. Now, it locks my HTC phone and says I have to pay $100 in vouchers within 72 hours. Or I will be put into prison. I don’t want go to prison. I was about to pay fine, but I hesitated. Why don’t they talk to me face to face. If they show up, I can pay fine in any way. Should I pay $100 in vouchers? Is it possible that it is just a scam? Please tell me what I should do! Thanks in advance!

What is Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Scam Virus?

Police Cybercrime Investigation Department virus is a nasty ransomware which is trying to grab money out of innocent people in the name of police. The cyber criminals wrote this program and spread it to mainly attack most Android phones and tablets. It displays misleading screen-locking notification to scare Android users into paying money by locking their devices. A list of certain law violation is shown on your screen which makes it look real. In fact, this message is not from the Police Cybercrime Investigation Department. Do not be fooled by it and lose money for nothing. No real police would inform you of criminal activities by locking your mobile device. You need to note that it is just a scam virus created by the hackers. You did not violate any law. You do not need to pay fine to get out of trouble with the police because you do not get trouble with the police at all. What you need to do is to remove this virus to unlock your device. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 10, 2016 5:02 pm

Apr 10, 2016

Remove Search.newtab-mediasearch.com Hijacker Virus

Hi there. I have a Dell laptop running with Windows 8.1. Since yesterday whenever I opened Firefox browser, instead of my home page (google.com) I get another search page from Search.newtab-mediasearch.com. So I uninstalled firefox, then reinstalled, didn’t help. Scanned with malwarebytes, nothing showed. I also had a security alert warning balloon saying that my PC performance is poor, and then it gave a “Fix” option. I didn’t click on it because I assumed it could download something harmful to my system. Now I also saw many pop-ups on any pages I opened. It’s very annoying. How do I fix the problem?

Search.newtab-mediasearch.com Description:

Search.newtab-mediasearch.com is a fraudulent page, although it presents as a search box, and provides shortcuts to some popular web pages, including Facebook, Google+, Gmail, Instagram and Netflix, which seems very helpful. Actually this website is labeled as browser hijacker that can take over your web browsers including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox browsers by modifying DNS settings in Microsoft Windows hosts file. Don’t be tricked by its innocent appearance. If you make a search from this website, it may return several links where some are sponsored links that attempt to offer various associated sites or pages that offer up random services or products. Also tons of commercial links will be listed in the search results and you will be constantly redirected to unknown sponsored websites against your will. In another word, this is a spam search engine that only displays fake search results with little or no relevance to the original search terms. And its purpose is to deliver ads and distribute potentially unwanted programs, you’d better get rid of it quickly before it causes other damages on your PC.
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Published by on April 10, 2016 1:45 am

Apr 8, 2016

How to get rid of rootkit-fileless.mtgen virus manually?

Hi there. Malwarebytes detects rootkit-fileless.mtgen virus on my Win 7 computer, but it cannot effectively delete it. I’ve tried system restore, but the tricky virus still keeps coming back after I restart and run another scan. Is there any other way to remove it permanently? I do not want to format my hard drive. Please help! Thanks!

Learn More About Rootkit-fileless.mtgen Virus:

Rootkit-fileless.mtgen (as known as Rootkit.Fileless.MTgen Trojan) is a malicious program categorized as Trojan Horse that identified by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. This is a typical malware that mostly targets Microsoft Windows computer. In order to complete its evil tasks, this virus can get access into your system without any approval and then modify your system settings and create tons of junk files. It also exploits system security flaws to download other malware infections and damage your computer further. Free update programs, online games, random popups and also other dubious online applications are the main reason that you got infected by this virus. This tricky Trojan virus eats up lots of system resources, thus it makes your machine run very slowly. On the other hand, it can open backdoor and be used to monitor your browsing habits and steal your computer privacy. Under the circumstances, you have to get rid of it from the computer once upon detection.
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Published by on April 8, 2016 6:56 am

Apr 7, 2016

Remove “Warning iOS Crash Report” Scam from iPhone, iPad, iMac

I was watching something on my iPad Air 2 and then I received a message in Safari titled with “Warning IOS – Crash report”. It says due to a third party application in your phone ios crashed and then shows me a number and asks me to contact this support for an immediate fix. My Safari browser is disabled and I’m unable to use it. Is this a virus? I always thought that iPad is safe enough and it won’t be infected by any viruses. I was wrong. I have already tried to reset by holding the power and square down until the apple icon appears, but to no avail. I cannot get the message off of the Safari screen. So how do I get rid of this warning? And is there a way I can prevent something like this from happening to me in the future? Do I need to add an antivirus or antimalware app to my iPad now? I’m grateful for any advice!

Don’t be fooled by “Warning iOS Crash Report” Scam:

A new iOS scam designed to cheat people out of money is being reported by many users in different countries, especially in the United States and the U.K. We called it as “Warning iOS Crash Report” scam which is known to affect iMac, Macbook, iPad or iPhone and other Apple products. This scam starts its evil activities by displaying a phony message that claims that your iOS crashed due to a third party application in your phone, and you need to call a tech support number (sometimes claiming to be Apple) to get it resolved. If you happen to see anything like this, whether on a Mac computer or any other Apple mobile devices, do not call the number! It is not from the real Apple Tech Support. It is simply a scam designed to rip you off. If you really call the given number, a “technician” may attempt to convince you that a third-party app has caused your iPhone or iPad to crash, and encourage you to tell them your credit card details to receive a fix.
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Published by on April 7, 2016 9:18 am and last modified on April 7, 2016 9:21 am.

Apr 7, 2016

apple.com-winning.mobi Removal Guide

Hi there. Please help me fix my computer. It has been infected with apple.com-winning.mobi virus. My favorite homepage is gone. Something nasty takes its place. It changes everything. Too many things are added to my Google Chrome. When I run Google Chrome, it takes 90% of my CPU. I hardly can visit youtube. This issue becomes worse and worse. Please answer me soon. I must remove this virus right now! I don’t want my system to be damaged.

Description of apple.com-winning.mobi

apple.com-winning.mobi is a browser hijacker that can change your homepage and browser default settings without your approval. Not as other legit search engines, it is an unwanted ad-supported program. You can not tell it is a malicious program from its name and appearance until it starts to perform its task on your computer. Things just are out of control. It forces you to visit malicious websites by redirecting you when you are searching the Internet. Tons of ads pop up on your computer. Many components are added to your browser. Due to this, you will find that your computer runs slow. If you see apple.com-winning.mobi program on your browser, remove it immediately to fix your computer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 7, 2016 6:10 am and last modified on April 7, 2016 11:49 am.

Apr 6, 2016

Trojan.Huntpos Removal Tips

Watch out! Trojan.Huntpos is making chaos on your computer. Can’t find a way to remove it from the compromised computer? Have no any idea on how to do it? Take it easy. Here is the way to show you how to remove this virus completely.

What Is Trojan.Huntpos?

When people are browsing the Internet, they may not think that someday they may get infected by virus app due to their careless online actions. Trojan.Huntpos is a malicious and high-risk computer infection which belongs to the dangerous and stubborn Trojan virus family. This Trojan has been created by cyber criminals recent days so as to hacker innocent computer users who are lack computer technology. This virus used to be distributed through peer-to-peer file sharing, freeware downloading, unsafe websites visiting, bad ads/links/pop-ups clicking. Now you can see that if you do only one step mistakenly, you may give the chance for this virus to sneak into your computer without your notice. Once it gets into your computer, you have to remove it as soon as you detect it on your computer.

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Published by on April 6, 2016 1:03 pm

Apr 6, 2016

PowerWare Scam Virus Removal Guide

My computer has been hacked by PowerWare virus. The hackers lock my files and documents asking for $1,000. How can they attack my computer so easily? I have Norton on my computer. This is my work computer. My business documents have been encrypted. I need them back to continue my work. Please help me.

PowerWare is an extremely hazardous virus which has been added in to ransomware category lately. It is a new version of scam virus which does not lock your system but encrypts your precious files instead. Apparently, new features are added to the latest virus to make it more complicated and effective. It takes your precious files as hostage to demand ransom from you. The ransom ranges from $500 to $1,000. We kindly suggest you should not pay any money to the cyber criminals who corrupt your files. No one knows if you really can get your files back after you pay. You should not trust the criminals and loss money for nothing. To avoid further damage from this nasty virus, remove it right now. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 6, 2016 10:58 am

Apr 6, 2016

How to Get Rid of Searchengage.com Hijacker?

Hi there. My homepage has always been Google but suddenly it has changed to Searchengage.com. I just bought this laptop and didn’t install any security software. It is running with Windows 10. My internet browsing has been interrupted quite frequently by numerous types of pop up ads. I tried to change the browser settings and reset my homepage but it didn’t help. The computer is super slow. What should I do? How to stop being redirected to this web page again and again?

Searchengage.com Description:

Searchengage.com looks like a good and helpful page that provides you search results and helps you get any answers you want, but in fact it is just a low-quality search engine which links to browser hijacker, adware or potentially unwanted program. Developers of this application know perfectly how to impersonate genuine search sites and how to convince people that it’s reliable. They distribute this unwanted program through spam emails or hacked websites and then trick users into downloading it. Technically speaking, browser hijacker is not a virus but it is annoying and aggressive. It can change your home page and default search engine provider, redirect your web browser to suspicious web pages, corrupt the local DNS (or Domain Name System), slow down Internet speed, alter your search results when you perform a web search from Google/Yahoo/Bing search, and even add unwanted toolbars or Favorites to your browser without your approval.
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Published by on April 6, 2016 4:38 am

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