May 3, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Need help with my Internet Explorer! controls it. Many strange things are added to My Favorites without my permission. Something forces me to visit weird websites whenever I am looking for business information online or making payment online. Endless ads pop up every day. I believe that my computer has been infected with virus. It makes my computer run slower and slower. Please help me get rid of it and get my Internet Explorer back.

What is Browser Hijacker is identified as an unwanted browser hijacker which alters your default browser settings without your approval. It takes place of your original homepage and perform nasty task so as to allow its developer to generate revenue. To promote and its related products, it displays various ads to attract you to click on it so as to make their products popular. We need to mention that no one can tell whether those ads are safe or not. It redirects you to and other suspicious websites to create traffic on those websites. This is how its developer gets money with the help of browser hijacker. After it sneaks into your system, your computer will be degraded. Do not tolerate those annoying consequences caused by browser hijacker. Get rid of it as soon as you notice it on your browser.
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Published by on May 3, 2016 12:38 am

May 2, 2016

Arcade Shadow Adware Removal Guide

Is Arcade Shadow installed on your PC without your permission? Are there tons of pop-ups on your web browser that won’t allow you to close down? Is new tab window with ads opened itself whenever you are online? Is your homepage suddenly changed to a weird website without your permission? If you are wondering why you are suffering with these troubles, this article will give you an answer and provide you an effective way to get rid of ads by Arcade Shadow completely.

Arcade Shadow Adware Description:

Arcade Shadow Adware, also known as Ads by Arcade Shadow, is categorized as Adware that injects advertisements onto web pages while browsing the web and affects the functioning of web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. This application is an advertising platform used to generate pop-up ads and boost Internet traffic although it seems like a helpful site to provide users various online games. It usually installs packaged with other software – especially free programs and downloads such as TV shows, music or movies. Once it is downloaded on a vulnerable PC, the program can behave in an annoying manner. It keeps displaying various deals, offers and coupons to interrupt online activities. Also it can modify your browser settings, alter your default homepage and generate various advertisements and misleading errors to further entice you into downloading unwanted products. Some people also complain that this type of Adware has the ability to decrease default security level and add undesirable or insecure toolbar to the infected machine without any permission. Therefore, it is necessary to remove Arcade Shadow ads in order to protect the computer and avoid other fatal computer problems.
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Published by on May 2, 2016 12:36 pm

May 1, 2016 Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi there. My homepage has always been Google but suddenly it has been changed to I just bought this laptop and didn’t install any security software. It is running with Windows 10. I have been trying to change it back to the google home page from IE settings but it didn’t help at all. My computer is running so slowly and I’ve spent literally all day trying to remove this. What should I do? How to stop being redirected to this web page again and again? Description: is a sophisticated browser redirecting malware that can get installed along with various music players, video recorders and download managers. It uses unfair methods to infiltrate into the target PC and then modifies the settings of your browsers (including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and even Safari) without your permission. This page promotes itself as a reputable search engine that even includes a standard privacy policy and a terms of use notice, but if you take a closer look, you will find it dangerous because it says “We may collect personal identifiable information on an aggregated basis, such as country/region, installed applications etc. in order to improve Ratplee operation and services and to present You with Offers which are better suited for You.” on privacy policy. That means this hijacker can track user’s web browsing habits, record addresses of visited sites and send collected data to a remote server. Besides, it can generate many annoying and misleading pop-up ads or boxes on your computer in order to promote its program. As a result, your online activities will be interrupted and the worse is your homepage and default search engine can be changed to against your will.
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Published by on May 1, 2016 1:55 am

Apr 30, 2016

How to Get Rid of Suspicious.Cloud.9.B Virus Permanently?

My norton shows i have 2 infections of the Suspicious.Cloud.9.B but it will not get rid of it. It just says to delete file…I try and it says unsuccessful. I’ve restarted my PC to safe mode but not sure what to do next. Please help!

What’s Suspicious.Cloud.9.B virus? Is it dangerous?

If you keep receiving an alert from Norton Antivirus or Norton Internet Security about Suspicious.Cloud.9.B virus, then your computer might be infected with a trojan horse, adware or some kind of malware. This virus has been circulating for several years and it can perform a variety of evil activities to damage a target PC. It allows hackers to remotely access your computer system, modify files, steal personal information and even install more unwanted software without your permission. Generally speaking, this type of virus is distributed in some suspicious web sites or spam emails. Unsafe free program downloading resources will also make system infected with Suspicious.Cloud.9.B too. The purpose of it is to fetch other malware and collect your sensitive information. You should not underestimate the great damages this Trojan brings to you and you are recommended to remove it as soon as it is detected.
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Published by on April 30, 2016 8:35 am

Apr 29, 2016

caMyciloP Trojan Virus Removal Guide

Last night, I scanned my computer with my anti-virus program as usual. It told me that caMyciloP Trojan virus has been detected. Also it helped me remove it automatically. I didn’t pay much attention to it as I thought problem had been solved. However, it comes back again and again after I use my anti-virus program to remove it for several times. It makes my computer shut down randomly now. I have no idea what I should do. Please help me out. This computer is very important for me.

Brief Description of CaMyciloP Trojan Virus

CaMyciloP is a high-risk computer threat which writes malicious codes to mess up your system and ruin the important data on your computer. By making use of your computer’s network exploits and system vulnerabilities, caMyciloP Trojan virus sneaks into your computer easily without your awareness. Besides, it is very good at concealing itself so that it can escape from many users’ eyes and some security programs. You may not notice its existence though it hides in your system for a long time. Until one day, you find that your computer crashes down frequently without a reason. You are not able to use your programs properly and receive various errors. Sometimes, your security program tells you that caMyciloP Trojan virus has been detected and removed. However, your find that this Trojan virus is detected again and again after you start your computer the other time. It is so stubborn that you are able to remove it completely with the help of your security program. Good news is that you can do it in a manual way. Remove its related files and programs one by one manually. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 29, 2016 1:32 pm

Apr 29, 2016

How to Get Rid of Hijacker?

Hi there. I need some help to fix my computer. Earlier today I downloaded a music program and then whenever I opened IE browser, instead of my home page ( I got another search page from I’ve done EVERYTHING to set google as homepage, but this thing still came up whenever I opened IE. I searched on internet, and found a lot of people had the same problem. They said it was a browser hijacker virus but when I ran my security program it just showed my PC was clean. I’ve also looked in the add-on manager but I didn’t see any suspicious toolbar. I don’t know what to do now. Can anyone help me get rid of it? Description: is a low-quality search engine that can show users misleading search results, put sponsored links in the top of its search results and further redirect users to malicious websites. It uses shady schemes for getting inside the target computers and affecting all Internet browsers that are installed including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and even Safari. Once it gets inside the PC, it changes your browser settings, alters your homepage and default search engine, adds unwanted toolbar and displays unstoppable pop-up ads and banners without allowing you to revert these changes that easily. You may detect the home page or new tab of browser was changed to instead of your own settings. Likewise, doing an online search gives you suspicious results with pages filled with advertisement. Your Internet may be disconnected all the time. Besides, a browser hijacker can even monitor your browsing activities and collect your search terms in order to steal your personal information and involve you into various marketing related projects.
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Published by on April 29, 2016 1:24 am and last modified on May 1, 2016 1:22 am.

Apr 28, 2016

How to Remove Hijacker?

Earlier today I downloaded a program from a website and then I noticed that I had something new on my Firefox browser. My default homepage was changed to automatically and it won’t let me change back to Google. So I checked my computer for malware by using malwarebytes and Norton, but both of them said my computer was clean. Now I am confused and not sure what to do now. I just need this page off my computer as soon as possible. Please help! Description: is a website that claims to provide web users with useful service and offers functions which should help the users increase the web browsing quality, but in reality this website is deceitful because it is associated with browser hijacker, potentially unwanted program, adware, or redirect malware. It is sponsored by third-parties and seeks mainly to promote affiliate websites or other unwanted programs so this spam search engine only displays fake search results, sponsored links and various ads about deals, coupons and commercial offers to its users. Mostly it sneaks to a target computer via bundling with programs that you installed, streamed or downloaded. It can get into your PC even after you visited malicious website or clicked suspicious pop-up ads. So if you find your current homepage or search engine suddenly get changed to and your web browser starts behaving strangely, it is a clear sign that your browser has been hijacked.
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Published by on April 28, 2016 3:21 am

Apr 27, 2016

How to Remove Trojan.Phytob

Hey, there. My Norton just detected a malicious threat named Trojan.Phytob. I didn’t know how I got this virus into my computer. Anyway, this virus did lots of malicious things on my compromised computer. I was told that if I want to use my computer normally again I have to remove this virus from my computer as soon as I can. What should I do now? All my antivirus programs couldn’t remove this virus from my computer. Please help!

A Brief Introduction Of Trojan.Phytob

Trojan.Phytob is a malicious computer infection which belongs to the vicious Trojan virus family. This virus is created by vicious cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking innocent computer users and then messing up the compromised computer. This virus mainly attack windows computer users, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Window 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 and so on. This infection may infect all computer users around the world. Hackers may attach this Trojan to the third applications so that you may get this virus into your computer without any clue. Commonly, this virus may be associated with spam email and its attachments, peer-to-peer file sharing, freeware downloads, suspicious links and websites, infected ads/pop-ups and so on. Hence, if you want to avoid being infected by this virus, you must be more cautious while you are browsing the Internet.

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Published by on April 27, 2016 1:11 pm and last modified on May 4, 2016 12:01 am.

Apr 27, 2016

FBI Green Dot Moneypak Locks my Samsung Phone When Watching Two Broke Girl Show Actors?

I’m distraught here. Got a message saying l have been looking at child porn and other various things which l haven’t they want me to pay a fine with $500. I was looking at the 2 broke girl show actors on my Samsung phone and then it took me to a link to see one of the actresses and then an fbi screen came on suddenly. I have never met this problem. Am I facing such a huge problem with FBI? What should I do? I don’t have so much money right now. Will they take me the court or prison? Any help will be appreciated.

Brief Introduction to FBI Green Dot Moneypak Virus?

FBI Green Dot Moneypak Virus is classified as a piece of ransomware that demands non-existed fine from innocent users in the name of FBI. The cyber criminals create it to blackmail people by blocking their devices. At the very beginning, FBI Green Dot Moneypak Virus mainly attacked computers all over the world. However, more and more Android tablets and phones have been infected. No matter your device is a Sumsung, HTC, LG or other brands, it can be locked by this virus after it is infected with malicious programs. A fake message which pretends to be sent by FBI will appear on your screen telling that you were caught performing some illegal activity like sharing pornographic or copyrighted material. It asks for $100 to $500 to unblock your device within 48 hours or 72 hours. Otherwise, you will be prosecuted and thrown into jail for 3 to 5 years. Sometimes, it may tell you that all data on your device will be deleted if you do not pay a certain amount of money in time. Many people thought that this warning was from the FBI. Therefore, they followed the guide to pay fine. Unfortunately, the virus still blocks their devices. They still can not do anything on devices. We must tell you that FBI Green Dot Moneypak message is a scam virus which has nothing to do with FBI. It steals the name of authority to scare you into paying ransom. Do not ever pay the criminals. It will not help your blocked device. The most important thing you need to do right now is removing this FBI Green Dot Moneypak virus to unblock your device and avoid further damage from it. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 27, 2016 6:18 am and last modified on May 1, 2016 5:21 pm.

Apr 26, 2016

How to Remove PUP.Optional.InstallCore Step By Step?

Malwarebytes keeps showing me PUP.Optional.InstallCore but I don’t know what it is. It doesn’t seem to go away, even though I have restarted my computer many times. Can someone tell me if it is dangerous? Was it the reason I received tons of ads on Internet Explorer? I heard Malwarebytes does sometimes detect things that aren’t necessarily dangerous to my computer. Should I leave it alone? If not, what’s the best way to get rid of it from my computer?

Infected With PUP.Optional.InstallCore Virus – How to Remove?

PUP.Optional.InstallCore belongs to a potentially unwanted program that usually installs along with other malware, Trojan viruses or adware onto a system without any knowledge. It can run every time your system starts up because it can add malicious codes and its own start-up registry entries once downloaded. Generally speaking, this type of PUP is designed to make money for its creators by promoting different Web sites and enhancing their web traffic and page ranks. As soon as it is installed, it changes your computer setting and seriously affects web browsers installed on your computer like IE, Firefox and Chrome. As a result, you may not able to access your favorite website because your browser will redirect you to irrelevant pages randomly. Also you may be displayed by numerous crazy and annoying pop-up windows. Your browsing activities will be interrupted and some weird toolbars may be installed on your browser without your knowledge.
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Published by on April 26, 2016 7:00 am

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