Nov 1, 2016

How to Remove the Browser Hijacker?

Hey, there? I need your help! I just want to remove this thing called from my computer. The system was recently installed. It is a Windows 10. It was good and ran pretty fast. Everything was to my satisfaction. Now I still use it for work or leisure. But I don’t think it is as fast as before. The browser disappoints me most. It is filled with all kinds of ads I am not interested in at all. And the redirection issue, how can the browser just direct me to the sites without my permission? Help, please! I will appreciate it much!!

More information about the

According to many reliable reports on the internet, the is a browser hijacker that causes a lot of problems for the computer user. A browser hijacker is a type of unwanted program usually used to force hits to a particular website to increase advertising revenue. It works to modify the settings of a web browser without a user’s permission to inject unwanted advertising into the user’s browser. That is why many users whose computers have been infected with the virus say that they are flooded with tons of unwanted ads while they are surfing the internet with their infected browsers. In general, the computer user’s home page, search page, new tab page and error page are often the targets located by the browser hijacker. It may replace all these pages with its own in order to serve its immoral and illegal purpose. So it can evidence in a degree that your computer has been corrupted by a certain browser hijacker like when you find you are directed to an unknown page all the time as you click the homepage button on your browser or when you try to use your search engine to search something from the internet, but the browser just gives you a result page full of suspicious ads and sponsored links dedicated to certain websites. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on November 1, 2016 7:24 pm and last modified on November 1, 2016 7:26 pm.

Nov 1, 2016 Redirect Virus Removal Guide

Google Chrome was hijacked by Redirect Virus. I couldn’t use it normally now. What should I do? Lots of pop-ups and ads are showing everywhere on my computer screen stopping me from doing anything smoothly. How do I get my browser back to normal? Please advise!

More Information About Browser Hijacker Virus: is a completely malicious browser hijacker virus which makes your computer felt into kinds of computer troubles. This virus may not do anything good on the compromised computer after it dives into the target computer. This browser virus has the ability to get into your computer with the help of third party applications. As a result, you may not know when and how the virus’s coming. Generally speaking, this virus can be bundled with spam email, suspicious links, websites, popular free software products, infected e-mail attachments, unintentional clicks on ads or banners etc. In order to prevent being infected by this malicious virus, you should keep an eye on all your online activities. If any change without your knowledge happens on your computer, you should be cautious that your computer may be hijacked by the virus. If your default web browser starts using as your default search engine, homepage or as default URL for New Tabs, we strongly suggest you perform a system wide malware scan as soon as possible. Remove the virus as early as you can when it is detected by your security tool.

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Published by on November 1, 2016 6:26 am

Oct 31, 2016

How to remove Trojan.Korplug!lnk virus?

Hey, there? I have an urgent issue!! Can you help? Two days ago, my computer still worked well. But last night, it became rather slow and broke down at last. I restarted it again and again. Nothing became better. It was late so I left the issue to this morning. I learned from the internet it might be caused by virus, so I used my antivirus program to scan and find the Trojan.Korplug!lnk, but I just fail to delete it completely, every time I kill it, the antivirus program report it again. Please help!!!

More Description of the Trojan.Korplug!lnk Trojan Virus.

Trojan.Korplug!lnk, recognized as another malicious computer program recently by many antivirus programs, is actually a Trojan virus. Like many other Trojan virus, it causes a plenty of troubles and bothers computer users all over the world in a dangerous way. It can conquer all kinds of Windows operating systems by taking the advantage of the system loop holes in the computer. Trojan.Korplug!lnk starts to damage your computer and impose greater threats on you from when it successfully breaks into your system. It will seriously affect the performance of the computer and make it work really slowly. Many computer users find their computers infected by scanning only after the computer becomes extremely slow. In some bad case,Trojan.Korplug!lnk can totally damage the computer and make it completely useless if it is given long time to stay on your system. To damage your computer is not its final goal. What it wants to reach is your sensitive information such as debit card and credit card details, Paypal information and other banking information, your computer login credentials and credentials of online shopping malls. These information may be collected by a spyware like a keylogger installed by the virus on your system and they will be passed to the remote hackers for their illegal purposes by e-mail or other secret means. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 31, 2016 5:53 pm

Oct 30, 2016

How to Remove “Please complete a quick survey to continue” pop-up Manually?

Hi there. I need computer tech support! I got “Please complete a quick survey to continue” pop-up on my screen. I was on a link that my buddy shared on Facebook, then this message popped up suddenly. I didn’t know what was happening. Couldn’t see my desktop and the pop-up wouldn’t go away. The whole screen has been occupied. I was about to complete the survey, but my colleague told me that it might be a scam. So, I come here. Is it a scam? What do I do to get rid of this pop-up and unblock my screen? Any assistance will be appreciated.

Brief Information of “Please complete a quick survey to continue” pop-up

“Please complete a quick survey to continue” pop-up is a malicious Trojan Ransomware that locks computer screen. It is a new way that the cyber criminals hack unexpected computer users. Like the previous version of ransomware which steal names of famous police to scare people into paying penalty, it locks innocent users’ computer screen and doesn’t allow you access the desktop. The different thing is that it does not demand money to unlock. Instead, it encourages users to follow its guide to complete survey which has nothing to do with what you need. Do not think that it is not a big deal as it doesn’t take your money or completely ruin your computer right now. Malicious online survey is another form of identity theft. The criminals can take your money by taking advantage of advanced technology after you provide important information. You must protect your personal information well. If you see “Please complete a quick survey to continue” pop-up on your computer, do not listen to it. Just remove the ransomware completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 30, 2016 11:50 pm and last modified on October 31, 2016 5:48 am.

Oct 30, 2016

How to Remove Trojan.SlayerRAT Virus

Norton reported that my Dell computer got infected by Trojan.SlayerRAT Virus. What was that? How did I get this stubborn virus into my computer without any attention? Now my computer is working weirdly. I can’t use it to do my job normally. Norton doesn’t have the ability to remove the virus completely. Norton is known as the famous antivirus tool. Now it can’t help me. I am so scared if my computer gets messed up totally by the virus. Please help!

More Information About Trojan.SlayerRAT Virus:

Trojan.SlayerRAT Virus is a nasty Trojan infection and it get into your machine without your consent. This virus is really hard to be removed by any antivirus tools. Cyber criminals used to spread this Trojan by attaching it to spam emails, associating to malicious links, websites, pop-ups, bundling to freeware applications. The ways of virus distribution are various for different computer users. You may get this virus into your computer while you are downloading free resources from unauthorized website. People would like to see coupons, off-sale ads while they are browsing the Internet for shopping. However, most of these coupons and commercial ads are so dangerous to visit as most of them contain unknown infection like malware, adware, spyware, Trojans etc. Once you clicked on any of them, your computer will be infected by virus. Additionally, while you are installing something on your computer, there must be Terms and Agreement, “Custom/Advanced” settings of during the installation processes. Many of you used to skip to read the Terms and make a choice between “Custom/Advanced”. But, you may not know that most of the virus may be hided among the app’s accessories. So, the virus can be installed into your computer without your knowledge.

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Published by on October 30, 2016 5:54 am

Oct 29, 2016

A Closer Look into the Browser Hijacker

Surfing on the Internet is really interesting and exciting. It has become a kind of life style for the modern society. You can shop what you want in the online malls, play video games together with people from different countries and communicate and make friends with people all over the world. You can do a lot more things with the Internet. But fun and convenience is just a side of it, it can also bring about problems and threats. The browser hijacking is one of the most popular and annoying problems. Everyday many new browser hijackers come up and many more computers get infected. It has become a critical issue to deal with. And to properly cope with it, we need to give answers to the following questions: What is a browser hijacker? What is the characteristic of a browser hijacker? What problems and harms a browser hijacker may cause for the computer users? How is the browser hijacker distributed?

What Is A Browser Hijacker? What Problems Would A Browser Hijacker Cause?

A browser hijacker
is an unwanted program that sneaks into a user’s computer and modifies the settings of the user’s web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer and so on, without the user’s permission. A browser hijacker is able to affect computer systems ranging from a series of windows operating systems like Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 to the IOS of the Apple company and any other operating systems. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 29, 2016 11:13 pm and last modified on October 31, 2016 12:58 pm.

Oct 29, 2016 Browser Hijacker Virus Removal Guide

Hey, there. I just found a problem on my computer. Each time I booted my IE, I would be redirected to, which was not my default home page: This thing happened after I clicked on a link last night. I tried to change my settings back. It seemed work at the beginning. But when I rebooted my browser, everything was changed again. I did a research on it. Oh, god. My computer was infected by browser hijacker virus! What should I do? Please help!

What Is Browser Hijacker Virus? is a shady and malicious search engine which may not provide you any useful search result. It is a dangerous computer infection, a member of browser hijacker virus family. Typically, this virus is bundled to costless programs like multimedia player, games, tools, download manager, and malicious software update, which can be downloaded from unauthorized websites on the Internet for “free”. Besides, it also can be associated with suspicious websites like porn websites and violated websites. In addition, it can be sent to your junk email by attaching to the links, attachments in the emails. Cyber criminals will take all the advantage of the loophole of network security so as to distribute the virus onto the target computer without the owner’s notice. Hence, if you want to be away from being infected by browser hijacker virus, you’d better be careful while you are browsing the Internet.

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Published by on October 29, 2016 1:53 pm

Oct 28, 2016

How to Uninstall Screen Resultion Manager from Windows Manually?

Hi There. I need a favor from you. I can’t uninstall Screen Resolution Manager completely. It’s a Dell computer. My aunt used it for work and gave it to me as she had to leave and work abroad. She transferred all the important data. And now I am trying to clean the system. I found Screen Resolution Manager there. I was about to remove it as I didn’t think I need it. But, I couldn’t go ahead as error appeared. That didn’t happen when I uninstalled other program. Does that there is no way to uninstall it? Can you help me out?

What is Screen Resolution Manager?

Screen Resolution Manager is a utility program that allows multiple users who share a computer to set their own display resolution, gamma, brightness and contrast preferences without disturbing others. Users can work with their favorite monitor settings when they log in Windows. Things will switch back after you log off. Users choose Screen Resolution Manager as they want individualized experience on a shared computer. Many people think it is very useful while others do not like some of its features. Some users may want to uninstall it and use other similar program that their friends recommended. When they are about to uninstall it, they find that this job can’t be done in a traditional way. They get errors in the middle of program removal. That becomes a common case among users who know little about computer tech. But, do not worry. You still can uninstall it manually and completely. If you still have problem in removing Screen Resolution Manager, please contact computer experts for help. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 28, 2016 11:57 am and last modified on October 28, 2016 12:00 pm.

Oct 28, 2016

Trojan.Encoder.6491 Virus Removal Tips

Hi, my computer was running very slow recent days. I suspected that my computer was infected by virus or malware. I ran my Norton and found Trojan.Encoder.6491 Virus as well as its related threats. Norton said the virus was removed. However, when I rebooted my computer, I got warning pop-up showing on the corner of my computer again. How do I get rid of this malicious virus completely from my compromised computer? Please help!

More Detailed Introduction About Trojan.Encoder.6491 Virus:

Trojan.Encoder.6491 Virus is created by malicious cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking into the target computer and then conducting pesky activities on the compromised computer. This Trojan has been sorted be the member of malicious Trojan family which mainly attacks all kinds of Windows computer users around the world including Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows XP, and Windows Vista and so on. Trojan.Encoder.6491 virus can dive into your computer through many ways. In most of cases, it can be distributed via hacked and porn websites, malicious links & pop-ups & ads, free downloads, shareware, junk emails, spam email attachments and peer-to-peer files and so on. So, you may not know about the coming of the virus unless you get the warning from the antivirus programs. Please think twice before you click on any links/pop-ups/ads. Please read Term and Agreement when you want to install a program on your computer. Hence, it is advised that you should be more cautious while you are online.

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Published by on October 28, 2016 6:32 am

Oct 27, 2016

How to Delete SONAR.Heur.RGC!g345 Trojan from Your Computer

Hey, there? Please help!! Everything has been messed up on my PC! It happened less than several days ago, I felt my computer was not fast as before, and I thought it might be caused by too many junks in my computer and I managed to clean up the computer. But things did not become better. The computer now become even slower. My browser has been changed and is out of my control. I was suggested to scan if I have been infected with virus. Oh, the root cause turns out to be SONAR.Heur.RGC!g345 trojan virus. So i tried to delete it completely, but failed and frustrated. Please help me!!

More Information about SONAR.Heur.RGC!g345 Trojan Virus

SONAR.Heur.RGC!g345 trojan virus is a nasty Trojan virus discovered and published by the Symantec Corporation on October 25, 2016. The Symantec company is well known in the antivirus industry and their antivirus program Norton, which is developed between 1991 and 2014, is used to protect computers by many customers all over the word. According to their report on October 25, 2016, the SONAR.Heur.RGC!g345 trojan virus can affect windows computer systems including Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on October 27, 2016 6:52 pm and last modified on October 27, 2016 7:18 pm.

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