How to remove Pup.datamngr manually?

Is your computer infected with Pup.datamngr? Does your anti-virus can not delete it? How can you remove this Trojan from your computer completely and manually. This post will show you the way the remove this nasty virus.

What is Pup.datamngr?

Pup.datamngr is a new Trojan that can be detected by your anti-virus program such as Norton, AVG or MSE.It is extremely difficult to remove via a normal anti-virus. Once it infected your computer, it designed as a root-kit permeating into your computer to make huge damage until your computer be destroyed. In the first place, it will copy itself to the start up code in order to get reinstalled whenever you log in your Windows based system. What’s worse, it will sneak into your computer system and open a backdoor on your computer to allow attackers access to steal important data, delete files and folders, or user your computer to initiate additional attacks on other computers, networks or websites. Particularly malevolent attackers can even flood your system with data requests and emails, overloading your computer until it crashes or goes offline. Pup.dtamngr is a Trojan virus which connects to a larger PC and downloads malicious files secretly under your eyes. In order to ensure the security of you computer and your property, it’s highly recommended to remove it as quickly as you can.

Don’t have enough skill to deal with this virus? The following instructions require better computer skills to deal with program files and registry entries. If you’re not sure on how to delete this hijacker, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now to save your computer immediately!

Pup.datamngr is extremely dangerous. It can perform the following evil actions once it accesses a target computer:

A. Your computer is something not normal as usual such as running very slowly.

B. When you open the Task Manager, you can find some strange progress which you never found before.

C. Some of your computer functions are unavailable or some normal legal program can’t run or there are unusual conditions of them (Similar effects with the Decrypt Protect virus).

D. It always constantly happens that your system has errors somewhere.

E. Lately, your computer system will be totally destroyed.

How To Manually Remove This Nasty Trojan Virus?

Step 1: Open Task Manager and end the malicious processes related to this virus

Use the following key combination: press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open the Windows Task Manager.
Select “Processes” tab on the Windows Task Manager in order to view active processes. Find a malicious process by its name, select it and click the “End process” button to terminate it.

(Note: The name of the infected process can change randomly so that it can pretend as a legitimate process and escape from the detection of your antivirus programs. If you cannot figure out which one is the malicious process related to the virus, you can contact YooCare Online Expert for help.)

Step2. a. Show all the hidden files and then clear infected files creating by this pesky virus:

To show hidden files, just click on the Organize button in any folder, and then select “Folder and Search Options” from the menu.

Click the View tab, and then you should select “Show hidden files and folders” in the list.

Just select that, and click OK.

b. Delete the associated files of this threat as follow:


Step3. Delete all the malicious registry entries in Registry Editor

Click the Start menu
Click Run
Type “regedit” and click Ok.

Once the Registry Editor is opened, find out the following registry entries and then delete them:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit” = 0

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

All in all, you have to remove it as soon as possible. Otherwise, Pup.dtamngr will automatically download other malware without your confirmation in order to corrupt your system. For instance, the popular FBI MoneyPak virus can turn your computer into a target with the help of this virus. And it creates backdoor for intended hackers who will be able to control your computer and steal your important information such as private data and banking details.

Special Tips: It is strongly recommended to remove this virus manually with expertise, because any mistake due to lacking of computer knowledge could lead to more damages till system goes crash down. And if you still cannot successfully get rid of this virus by the above instructions, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now for a fast and professional help.

Published by on January 23, 2013 11:50 am, last updated on May 20, 2013 8:13 am

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