How to Get FBI Virus off iPhone/iPad?

Is FBI Virus on My Iphone/Ipad Real?

FBI Virus (as known as FBI Moneypak Virus) is now going around and users should be aware that this message is far from real and it doesn’t really come from the FBI, instead it is a popular scam designed to attack inexperienced users and extort their money by locking the compromised computer or web browser. The virus utilizes JavaScript to hijack user’s internet browsers such as Safari and Chrome when it is landed on Mac OS X. It can prevent users from accessing Internet on their iPhone or iPad. The virus masquerades as a government department and then scares users into believing they have been accused of watching illegal content online. After that, users will be asked to pay a fine using credit services such as Moneypak by GreenDot in order to avoid the punishment. The fraudulent penalty fine can range anywhere from $100, $300, to $500. The message looks real that many victims are scared at first glance, but there is no reason for you to pay for the fine for FBI Virus is only a scam. It has nothing to do with any government agency.

Apple users who were attacked by this virus will always be redirected to an unspecified website that may try to appear like, though the domain is not actually the FBI. The fake message claims that the target users have done something illegal so Internet access has been blocked. And then a list of illegal acts including copyright infringement, using unauthorized or prohibited materials and watching child porn videos will be displayed and the users will be asked to to pay a 300$ fine or more within 48 hours or they will have criminal charges placed on them and all their illegal activities will be sent to their contacts. The virus also takes a picture of the victim using front-facing camera, displays their IP addresses and cities to make the matter look serious. Actually all the consequences like going to jail, sending info to contacts etc. will not happen at all. FBI virus is tricky and it forbids users to close or force quit the web browser unless the victims pay for the fine. However, it is not worth doing that if you want to unlock your iPhone/iPad. Once you pay that, the only thing you will experience is just money loss. Your Safari or Chrome browser will still be locked up. FBI virus won’t go away unless you have all its components removed completely. As mentioned above, we can know a fact that paying the fake fine does not help you to get rid of FBI virus from iPhone/iPad, you have to manually get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to start FBI removal on your iphone or ipad.

How do You Get FBI Virus on iPhone/iPad?

We used to think that Apple iOS gadgets were pretty immune to viruses and malware. Sadly, over the past year hackers have turned their attention to our mobile gear. Usually, the installation of FBI Virus can be completed in a short time and then it pops up immediately to lock your iphone or ipad without signs if you visit a phishing site, open a junk e-mail attachment, click on an unknown link or download an application from an unsafe source, especially after you jailbreak your device.

Possible Danger Caused By FBI Virus Scam:

It will take control of your mobile phone rapidly once it is downloaded.
It will pretend itself as a legit warning and then ask for a ransom.
It will not allow you to change your phone settings or open Apple Store to download antivirus program.
It will not let you close Safari or Chrome except for inputting the demand Greendot Moneypak code.

Important Things You Have To Know If Your iOS Device Has Been Blocked by FBI Virus:

1. “FBI Moneypak Virus” scam can attack smartphones running with Android or Mac OS X system.
2. Don’t pay for anything or provide your personal information to this hoax, it won’t help lock out of the fake FBI virus warning but just waste your money.
3. Currently no app is able to detect or remove this malware, even for preventing the virus from attacking the mobile device again.

FBI Virus Removal on Mac OS X System:

FBI virus acts like a hijacker when it is running on Apple system that can block user’s Internet access and prevent them from going online properly. Unfortunately no apps can delete this malware so far and the virus won’t go away unless you have removed all its components step by step. Even in some cases it may disappear itself for a while to let you get Internet access back, however your device is still unsafe. To completely get FBI Virus off iPhone or iPad, you can contact YooCare online agents for help.

Don’t know how to get rid of FBI Virus from Iphone/Ipad? Please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on June 25, 2015 2:24 pm, last updated on September 8, 2015 1:29 am

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