Is UninstallService the Best for Both Windows and Mac Uninstallers – Roundtable Discussion

App uninstallers are essential maintenance tools that every computer user should have. UninstallService is praised for its most competitive pricing, offering a universal license for both Windows and Mac uninstallers for only $29.95. The uninstallers are well designed and powerful enough to get rid of apps completely with ease. All UninstallService users receive free updates, free upgrades and free customer support for life at no additional cost.

In this roundtable discussion, we’ll be interviewing our readers and writing editors to share their experiences using UninstallService.


Kate is our reader and email subscriber. She is a designer and heavy Mac user and has been using UninstallService for 2 years with a lifetime license.

Kelly is our editor who writes app reviews for both Windows PC and Mac computers. Kelly has been using UninstallService for 3 years on both his Dell laptop and Macbook Air to test apps and write reviews.

Do you use an app uninstaller regularly?

Kate: Yes, I do. I love to download and try new applications, although there are a lot of apps that I do not like to have. And I’ve used UninstallService to get rid of them when I no longer need them. For me, UninstallService is a must-have tool that I can rely on to keep my iMac in good shape.

Kelly: I think a good app uninstaller is very helpful when all your jobs depend on using computers. I use UninstallService to uninstall the apps after work and clean up the useless leftovers. And it does the job every time. This tool is worth your money and time.

What do you think of UninstallService?

Kate: I love the sleek and intuitive interface. It is easy to use and performs the app removal very well on a 6 year old iMac. In fact, the app removal process is completed in 2 steps: selecting the app to uninstall, reviewing the scan result, and completely deleting the files. The process is fast and automatic, without the need to do it myself. All I have to do is click and click.

Kelly: I test a lot of apps on a daily basis. While UninstallService’s uninstallers are not the best with extra features, they are powerful enough to get the job done without any hassle. The operations are seamless and easy to understand with in-app guidance. Both the Windows and Mac uninstallers are very well built and do the removal job excellently. I can’t recall a time when I couldn’t use them to uninstall an app I no longer wanted.

So, UninstallService is a solid choice for app removal. What are the other things you also love?

Kate: The technical support is one of the best experiences I have ever had when using apps. It is very quick to get a response via chat or ticket. They offer free support and send people with helpful knowledge to help me when a nasty app hijacked my iMac. They offered remote help, removed the hijacked app and cleaned up all the remnants. It’s really great customer support that I can’t expect from one-time purchase apps.

Kelly: Yes, I agree about the good support. Also, I think the most attractive aspect of UninstallService is the one-time pricing model, which is a true one-time purchase. It offers free tech support, free updates, and most importantly, free upgrades, which a lot of one-time-purchase apps still charge users for. If you use both Windows and Mac computers, it’s a really good investment. You pay $29.95 and get a lifetime license for both your computers. I can’t think of any other app that offers the same pricing package.


UninstallService is a well-rounded app removal utility and the best choice if you’re using both Windows and Mac computers. It is powerful to get the app removal job done without hassle, and the one-time pricing model offers you better value for money, allowing you to receive updates and upgrades at no extra cost. The technical support is top-notch and fantastic with the help of direct technician support.

Published by YooCare Editor on January 2, 2024 4:46 am, last updated on May 2, 2024 5:51 am

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