The Best Apps to Save Your Favorite Podcasting Sections

Listening to podcasts also requires collecting highlights to be heard, which app is more suitable?

Overcast, on the other hand, is more rudimentary, as if it completes its mission after creating a fragment, and is even more unmanageable without a standalone module that can view the clip clipping record. So if you want to organize the fragments created by Overcast, you need to combine some external applications.

Finally, judging from the ability to edit in post, Snipd and Airr can still edit the title text and length multiple times after creating the clip, while QlipCast and Overcast can no longer edit it.

Share & Export

When I encounter interesting snippets, I will also share them with my friends. At this time, whether the other party can open smoothly on various devices is also an important issue. Otherwise, the function of sparking discussion from sharing is lost.

In terms of sharing related features, QlipCast can record the number of times it has been played and liked after sharing; As mentioned earlier, Snipd and Overcast can generate local videos with cover and spectrum animations when sharing.

On the other hand, for podcasts to also be a source of knowledge gathering, fragments need to be exported to an external knowledge base or documentation software for further collation. In this regard, Snipd is the most versatile, not only for instant synchronization of accounts associated with Readwise and Notion, but also for exporting to Obsidian, Logseq, Bear and Markdown format files.

Take the association of Notion as an example, first log in to the Notion account authorization, and then let you select a Notion page or database, where you need to select at least one page containing a database (there can be other text content):

The total table of the synchronized database is based on the program as the record unit, and when clicked, the content under the program will appear in the subpage. According to the test, the content and completeness of synchronization are no problem; It’s just that if the video is generated, the database keeps all the online links.

Airr also has an export function, but currently only supports Readwise, and since I don’t use it, I won’t show the specific steps here.

Overcast can only export manifests in OPML format, and it does not natively support fragment titles and notes, so if you want to complete the management, you need to go through the following manual steps: generate a link or local audio → copy and paste to the knowledge base → select the right category and tag→ write down the title or content record → back to Overcast, compared to the above Snipd fully automatic synchronization, obviously a lot of trouble.

Access stability

Smooth playback is a prerequisite for a good listening experience. In this regard, the results of my tests were QlipCast> Snipd> Airr and Overcast.

Among them, all the functions of QlipCast are basically smooth to use, while Airr and Overcast include loading audio content online and are not smooth (but download and listen to it is slightly better). Also, if the network is not good, Airr can’t create clips, and Overcast doesn’t have this problem. As mentioned above, the share link generated by Overcast doesn’t open smoothly.

Snipd’s performance is not very stable, mainly when it is not smooth, mainly can not access the account data and podcast program list, can not create clip clips, but the podcast is already listening, can be loaded and switched normally.

Other fragmented features

  • Import listings from other podcast apps: all supported;
  • Playback variation: Snipd and Airr adjustable in 0.1x; QlipCast fixed 5 adjustable segments; Overcast only marks 1x, 2x, 3x, and the segments during the period do not display specific multiples, a total of 10 speed gears (and an intelligent speed regulation);
  • Night mode: Snipd and Airr do not have a skinning function, QlipCast can switch between white and black, and Overcast can change colors separately during the day and night mode.

In summary, I think Snipd is the best choice when it comes to creating and sharing clips. If you don’t mind the problem of network stability, Airr is not inferior in other aspects, and it is relatively simple and clean in design and interaction, but it seems that the future is uncertain, and from the official website, it is ready to transform into an ESPN event-specific cropping and sharing application. Although QlipCast is the smoothest to access, after all, the last update was two years ago, and it does not support export, so it is carefully selected from the perspective of data security. Finally, if you don’t mind putting up with ads and content moderation, consider the Himalaya mentioned at the beginning.



Published by YooCare Editor on October 11, 2022 12:48 am, last updated on October 11, 2022 8:04 am

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