How to fix kernel32.dll problem on my PC?

Hey, there? I have a problem with my computer. This morning when I powered on the computer to play my favorite game, all of a sudden, there was a message popping up saying “Explorer caused an invalid page fault in module kernel32.dll”. I don’t what it was and felt worried. So I just restarted the computer. Unfortunately, the message showed up again. Do you guys know what is happening to my computer? Can you help get rid of the message forever? Many thanks.

More Description of the Kernel32.DLL Error.

You may get a message like “Explorer caused an invalid page fault in module kernel32.dll” in your case when we are talking about problems involved with the kernel32.dll errors. As a matter of fact, there are many different ways in which the “invalid page fault in module kernel32.dll” error can be presented on your computer. Some other common forms of the Kernel32.dll are included as follows:
“Iexplore caused an invalid page fault in module Kernel32.DLL”
“Commgr32 caused an invalid page fault in module Kernel32.dll”
“Error in Kernel32.dll”
“[PROGRAM NAME] has caused an error in Kernel32.dll”

A number of different programs can be the cause of the kernel32.dll error on the Windows system. The message informing of the problem may pop up any time when you are handling tasks on the computer. In some cases, the users report that they are informed of the kernel32.dll error when the computer is booting up; while in some other cases, it is reported that the kernel32.dll error is displayed when the user is working with a program on the computer.

There are innumerous causes that may bring about the kernel32.dll error messages. The kernel32.dll is a system file that is loaded into a protected memory area when the computer is running. The kernel32.dll error has a lot to do with the memory management of Windows system. Since the memory space used by the kernel32.dll file is protected by the system, so when you are presented a message saying something involved with kernel32.dll error, it is usually means other programs are attempting to occupy the same space of the kernel32.dll in the computer’s memory.

Handling this problem should have a certain level of computer literacy. If you are not sure how to start or afraid of making any critical damage on the computer system, please open a live chat with YooCare Expert now!

How to Fix the Kernel32.dll Problem?

There are many possible causes that may result in the problems. And also, there are many different possible methods you can try to fix the problem. Here below are some of the most possible solutions for your reference.
1. Power down your computer for a while and later restart it back on. This method will work if the kernel32.dll error is just a fluke.
2. Reinstall the program that is involved in the kernel32.dll error. During the reinstallation process, don’t forget to install all the service packs or patches available for the program. If it still doesn’t work, you may need to try just removing the program out of your system.
3. If the problem is caused by “Explorer”, “Commgr32”, “Mprexe”, “Msgsrv32”, or “Iexplore” on the systems of Windows 98 or Windows95, you can try repairing the password list files that are potentially corrupted to fix the problem.
4. The damaged thumbs.db files can cause the kernel32.dll error involving with Explorer when you are trying to access the folder where they locate. So to repair the damaged thumbs.db may help solve the kernel32.dll problem.
5. Remember not to save any DLL files to your desktop. If you have some on the desktop when the kernel32.dll is happening, it is suggested to move them to other places because this is one possibility that causes the kernel32.dll error.
6. Scan the whole system for virus. In some cases, the kernel32.dll errors are part of the damages caused by some specific PC viruses or malwares. To find and kill the virus will tackle the problem completely.
7. Outdated hardware drivers may lead to the kernel32.dll error. You can try updating the graphic card drivers when the error happens. And when you are using a hardware, the problem happens all of a sudden, in this case, you can try upgrading the drivers for the hardware you are using.
Other more complicated methods include decreasing the hardware acceleration on your video card, stopping overclocking the computer, repairing the Windows installation and so on.


Any program running on any of the Microsoft’s operating systems from Windows 95 through Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, to Windows 10 can be the cause of the kernel32.dll errors. Improper settings such as overclocking the hardware and other accidental occurrences may also lead to the problem. At the same time, there are many possible methods to get this problem fixed. Here in this article, some of the most common possibilities are listed for discussion. If you are good at computer in this field, you can feel easy to try these methods yourself; but if you know little about the computer, it is recommended to ask an expert to perform the operation, or more serious problems may be introduced into your computer when important system files are carelessly deleted.

Note: Still have trouble in handling this problem? If you don’t want to mess up your whole PC, Please contact YooCare Experts for instant help now.

Published by on January 9, 2017 3:04 pm, last updated on January 9, 2017 3:15 pm

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