How to Remove Browser Hijacker?

Hi, there. I am getting into browser hijacker virus problem now. The day before yesterday, after I clicked on an interesting ads, I got virus sneaked into my computer. I don’t want to damage my computer more badly. What should I do? Does anyone know how to get rid of this virus completely? Please help me. Thank you!

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker virus is made by cyber criminal with the purpose of hacking your installed browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox as well as Safari. This pesky browser hijacker not only can infect Windows computer such Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 and so on, but also can attack IOS Mac computers. This fake website can be installed via downloaders found on video and file sharing sites. These sites will offer free videos or downloads, but in reality install the hijacker on your computer. Besides, while you are visiting malicious websites which contain porn, child abuse and violent content information, this virus may get the opportunity to dive into your computer by being associated with this malicious information links. In addition, unknown links, ads, pop-ups are connecting with this virus’s installation as well. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to the license agreements and installation screens when installing anything off of the Internet. You should always choose Custom or Advanced installation options so as to avoid other 3rd party software being installed on your computer as well. One word, if you want to protect your computer from being infected by this virus, you should be more cautious while you are browsing on the Internet.

How Does Browser Hijacker Work?

Once virus got into your computer, it has the ability to do lots of pesky and malicious computer troubles to stop you from using the target computer normally. Firstly, it will change your browser settings and replace your default home page automatically. It does this by replacing your normal shortcuts with shortcuts that point to batch files stored in the %AppData% folder. These shortcuts will then start the selected browser to the homepage. Secondly, it will stop you from browsing the safely website normally, but redirect you to visit the unknown websites or promotional websites. Thirdly, since your default homepage was changed to this virus’s domain, thus, you will be forced to use this virus as your search engine. When you search on it, you can find that nothing good will be provided. Last but not the least, this virus has the ability to trace your online cookies and history in order to collect your private information on your computer like user names & password, credit card information, bank account information, and trading record and so on. Once it gets the data, it will send the data to the remote cyber criminals who are hiding at the background. Hence, removing virus from the compromised computer is the most urgent task at the moment when it is detected on your computer.

Processing manual removal should have a certain level of computer literacy. If you are not sure how to start or afraid of making any critical damage on the computer system, please open a live chat with YooCare Expert now!

A Screenshot of Infection


Ways to Protect Your Computer from Browser Hijacker

NO.1 In order to keep your computer safe, you should set a complex password when you register email, and often change the password. At the same time, pay attention not to use the same user name and password in different emails which are important to you.

NO.2 Check your website regularly, whether there is a website you do not see it before. When you watch films or listen music on line, the website provides link to download these, you need to be careful.

NO.3 Many people like to download some free software from Internet every day. But you do not realize that many of browser hijacker viruses usually are bundles with free software. So next time, when you download this free software, you should be think twice again.

Basic Symptoms and Potential Risks of Infection

1. It can be added to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers without your notification.
2. You are rerouted to some unknown sponsored websites that you have never seen before when you surfing online.
3. You can get a bunch of popup ads show on the webpage which you are browsing.
4. It can be installed on your computer slightly.
5. This browser hijacker can introduce various infections and unwanted programs onto your system,
6. It can investigate your browsing behavior and gather your input information online.
7. It is also responsible for collecting computer user’s private information like IP address and online traces for unethical using of online marketing.

Note: If one of symptoms mentioned above is found in your computer, then you must know that your computer is being attacked by the browser hijacker. Since the browser hijacker is so dangerous, once your computer is infected, you should take actions to delete the hijacker. If you are not a computer expert, in case you lose your important data or damage your system, please welcome to contact Yoocare/Yoosecurity Online Expert for help now!

Manual Removal Guide: Hijacker hijacks your default browser to redirect your web search results and modifies your default homepage and browser settings. Manual removal is the most effective way to completely uninstall it from an infected computer’s operating system, for the season that this hijacker is so cunning and dangerous, antivirus programs cannot get rid of it permanently. Here are the manual guides for users to remove the annoying hijacker.

1. Clean Add-ons and Extensions

* Internet Explorer:

1> Click Tools in the Menu bar and then click Internet Options

Tools in IE

2> Click Programs tab, click Manage add-ons and disable the suspicious add-ons

* Firefox:

1> Click Tools in the Menu bar and then click Add-ons


2> Click Extensions, select the related browser add-ons and click Disable

* Google Chrome:

1> Click Customize and control Google Chrome button → Tools → Extensions


2> Disable the extensions of

A Similar Removal Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor and Unlock Computer Immediately:

Conclusion browser hijacker is a potential unwanted fake application which malicious and annoying computer infection. Once this virus attacked your computer, it will make troubles by redirecting your browser like or showing popups with advertisements. Otherwise, you are unable to return browsers to your previous states, as set-ups infiltrate a number of third party apps/browser plug-ins (helper objects) that automatically reassigns aforementioned settings. Because of this virus, most of your sensitive data will be revealed into the public, such as IP addresses, website URLs visited, pages viewed, search queries, and a number of other data types relating to your Internet browsing activity. The most important is that, you may be faced to the large financial loss in the future. No matter for your computer security or for your personal data security, it is strongly suggested you to get rid of this virus as early as you can when it is detected by your security program. In one word, if you want to remove the virus quickly and permanently, manual removal guide would be your best choice since it is the most effective way using to delete the virus.

Note: Still have trouble in removing this virus? If you don’t want to mess up your whole PC, Please contact YooCare Experts for instant help now.

Published by on September 28, 2016 6:26 am, last updated on September 28, 2016 6:26 am

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