How to Get Rid of TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP?

Hey there! Why does my computer stuck so frequently? What’s wrong with it? It worked normally last night. It became stuck after I visited some websites. Why? After that, the security tool informs me that my computer is being attacked by TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP. I am so nervous. I don’t know what it is. How to get rid of it? What should I do now? Can anyone help me to remove this malicious Trojan? Millions of thanks!

More Details about This Trojan

TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP is sorted to be a member of the Trojan horse family. This infection is newly created by cyber hackers to attack window computer users. This vicious Trojan infection is so pesky and risky virus which is developed to damage the targeted computer’s system by diving into the users’ computer secretly. If this stubborn virus gets into your computer, it will make lots of harm on your computer which would make you so crazy. Once it installed on your computer, it will rule your computer immediately and control your online activities as well. Besides, it may also produce other additional infections, such as other types of Trojan, malware, spyware, adware and pop-ups and so on. These infections will occupy lots of your computer CPU which may lead to decrease your computer performance badly. What’s more, these infections may be a great potential threat to your computer and your personal finance as well. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that this vicious Trojan should be removed immediately once you detected it on your computer.

How to get rid of this malicious virus? This virus will willfully make other documents on your computer gotten this infection. Once it is downloaded on your computer, of cause, the anti-virus program installed on your computer can warn you that this malicious Trojan is detected. However, this Trojan is so hard to be removed completely by the protection tool because of the rapid spreading of this Trojan on your computer. This Trojan will attack your Windows registry and generate lots of hidden files which may enable it to automatically start itself when you boot your computer. Moreover, this virus may bring other viruses into your computer which may gather all your private data like bank card details, log-in user name and password, email contact, and online trading account and password, etc.. It will be a platform for the remote cyber hackers to access your computer easily for pilfering these data and then misuse them or let them out into the public. This Trojan is so abnormal virus. Once your computer is infected by TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP, you are advised to use manual removal method to delete this malicious Trojan out of your computer as soon as you can.

Processing manual removal should have a certain level of computer literacy. If you are not sure how to start or afraid of making any critical damage on the computer system, please open a live chat with YooCare Expert now!

What Will This Trojan Actually Do on Your Computer?

1. It can download other vicious programs into computer and make further damage.
2. It can sneak into your computer secretly and then foul up your computer system.
3. It will take a long time to boot and shut down your computer.
4. It will slow down the performance of your computer and even make it frozen and crashed.
5. It can steal your personal data and transfer to remote cyber hackers.

Note: No matter how the virus accesses your PC, users should know that there are no tools can remove this pesky Trojan automatically at this moment, it is suggested users not spend much time in downloading or paying any security software which claims can delete this stubborn virus. It is totally useless. To completely get rid of TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP, professional manual guide is needed.

About Trojan Virus Removal:

Currently many computer users had the same experience that this virus couldn’t be removed by any anti-virus applications. So the manual approach is always required to combat this virus. And here is the step-by-step removal guide for all computer users.

1. End the malicious process from Task Manager.

Once TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP virus is installed, computer user may notice that CPU usage randomly jumps to 100 percent. At any time Windows always has many running processes. A process is an individual task that the computer runs. In general, the more processes, the more work the computer has to do and the slower it will run. If your system’s CPU spike is constant and remain at a constant 90-95%, users should check from Task Manager and see if there is a suspicious process occupying system resources and then end it immediately.

(The name of the virus process can be random.)

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to quickly bring up Task Manager Window:

task manager

2. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

Folder Options

3. Open Registry entries. Find out the malicious files and entries and then delete all.

Attention: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

a. Press Windows key + R to open Run box. In the “Open” field, type “regedit” and click the “OK” button.


Then a Registry Editor window will pop up as the following picture shows:

registry editor

b. Search malicious files and registry entries and then remove all of them:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\[random]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Temp

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:


Do you confuse about how TrojanDownloader.Win32/Banload.AYP gets into your computer without your knowledge? As this Trojan is so tricky virus which can hide deeply on your computer. It can sneak into your computer by many channels such as download of some freeware programs, opening of spam emails or unwanted emails, visiting some suspicious websites which you don’t care, and so on. That is to say, each behavior of your online activities may give this cunning Trojan the chance to get into your computer. So you should keep high attention to your online behaviors. You should not visit the web page which you are familiar with, as well as the download of freeware programs. If your computer is unfortunately being infected by this Trojan, you should remove it right now with the using of manual removal which can get rid of this virus completely and permanently.

Note: If you are not knowledgeable enough to be able to distinguish the location of this virus, or you are afraid of making mistake during the manual removal, please contact experts from Yoocare Online Tech Support for further help.

Published by on October 24, 2014 3:46 pm, last updated on November 10, 2014 10:19 am

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