Search Redirect Removal

Please help! My computer is infected by Search and I can’t do anything smoothly. Whenever I search for a specified item, it just redirects me to unwanted content. It makes me freaked out. I need everything on my computer back to normal! How can I delete the harmful browser hijacker from the infected system entirely? By reading this article, you can benefit yourself with following removal guide to deal with the redirect effectively.

Description of Search Redirect? Search is a bogus search engine that cheats unknown net users into taking it as default search engine to search for favorite web, news, software and videos, etc. However, it is nothing useful but a risky browser hijacker that damages the victimized computer terribly. Generally, this browser redirect targets your web browser like Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer to make chaos frequently. This redirect makes you very annoyed as it modifies your browser homepage and settings terribly. Also, you will be redirected to or its related website frequently whenever you click on a web link or search for your favorites. It is quite similar to another redirect to mess up your computer badly. As soon as your website is redirected, you may be lured to browser dirty information, download risky freeware or even purchase some unwanted products. Furthermore, this redirect may display many random pop-up ads on your screen every time you surf the web. Never click on those suggested web links or allow any free ad-on installed to your system, or your computer will be damaged terribly. Actually, the main risk of the redirect remains in its ability to pilfer information from the infected system for cyber hackers to perform illegal activities without any notice. To avoid any further loss, you need to get rid of the browser hijacker entirely and manually as early as possible.

It is necessary to get rid of this Search redirect from your computer timely as it also invades the infected system to slow its performance and make it vulnerable for additional computer threats to access the target computer easily. Such a browser redirect affects your network connection and normal programs greatly to make you stuck frequently when launching some main programs and playing games and so on. Besides, you may find it hardly to delete the redirect infection via your anti-virus software which has been corrupted by this pesky redirect already. Thus, manual removal is required to deal with the stubborn browser hijacker effectively.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete this redirect virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now. Search Redirect Screenshot: redirect

Impact of this Redirect Infection:

#The malicious browser hijacker is distributed by cyber criminals to invade your computer for your privacy and security on purpose.
#It displays lots of dangerous pop ups and spam email attachments on your screen.
#It redirects your specified websites to unsafe ones and changes your browser settings and homepage.
#The harmful redirect virus causes poor Internet connection and system frequent crash.

Best Way to Remove the Tricky Browser Hijacker Completely

The removal of Search redirect is not just to reset or reinstall the target web browser. As it is acknowledged that this browser hijacker does not only affect your web browser but also invades the infected system along with other potential threats like adware and malware. Besides, this risky browser hijacker affects the functions of your normal programs to prevent them from functioning normally, for instance your anti-virus software. Once your anti-virus program is attacked, it won’t be able to perform normally to catch any type of threats. In this situation, manual removal is taken as a better way to figure out this virus issue. PC professionals online will enable you to enjoy a clean computer environment soon.

Instructions on Removing Search Redirect Effectively:

1. Open the Windows Task Manager
You can press Ctrl + Shift + ESC together or Ctrl + Alt + Delete together.

If it does not work, Click the Start button, click the run option, type taskmgr and press OK. The Windows Task Manager should open.

2. In the Windows Task Manager, find out the process of THE Redirect by name random.exe. Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will end the process.

3. Delete malicious registry entries related to this Search redirect.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\random
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |Regedit32

4. Remove malicious files of this redirect infection.


Video Shows You How to Successfully Modify Windows Registry Editor:

In Summary:

We learn that Search is a nasty browser hijacker that pretends to be from legitimate party and trick unwary net users into keeping it as the default homepage. It is not a beneficial website that offers you functions to search for web, videos and music, etc. On contrary, this bogus website is of no use but a risky browser redirect that corrupts your computer terribly. There is no circumstance for you to ignore or leave it in the contaminated system for a long time, or you will suffer from unexpected problems such as computer freezing and system crash and so on. Unfortunately, this browser hijacker attacks your security applications to block their functions. That is why your advanced anti-virus software fails to pick up the browser hijacker entirely. To enjoy a clean computer, please contact YooCare: PC experts 24/7 online will assist you to remove hijacker virus entirely. YooCare will offer you the most effective tech help to remove this malicious browser hijacker safely.

Note: If you delete the redirect with no success, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online will help you remove Search redirect from your computer completely.

Published by on August 11, 2013 6:18 am, last updated on August 11, 2013 6:38 am

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