NSA Virus Scam Removal On Mac/PC/Cell Phone

NSA Virus locked my computer, my Mac book pro or mobile deives (Cell Phone, Smart phone, Android phone) and sometimes it totally locked up my browsers (Safari, Google Chrome and IE). Is it real? A few hours ago I was watching video and my laptop has been infected with the NSA Prism computer lock virus. I don’t know what to do now because I cannot access my desktop at all. All I can see on the screen was NSA internet surveillance program prism page which says I was watching porn and asks me to pay $300 via Greendot Moneypak. How do I unlock the computer from NSA Virus scam screen? What happens when the national security agency shuts down your computer or Mac book pro? Do I really need to pay the fine to get phone unlocked when NSA security warning locked my phone want me to pay 300.00$ fine with green dot card? Now I received a message stating all activities on my phone Samsung Galaxy S4 have been recorded by ColoCrossing in cooperation with NSA and are asking me to pay a $500 to unlock my browser, is the NSA allowed to charge a fine? How to get it off?

NSA Virus Scam Locked Computer, Mac or Cell Phone Asking For $300 Fine? – How To Remove NSA Virus?

NSA Virus ( also called NSA Internet Surveillance Program Virus or National Security Agency Internet Surveillance Program Virus) is categorized as a Ransomware mainly used to target computer users located in United States. At first glance, you may think this virus owns a very convincing appearance because it blocks your access to the infected computer system by displaying a full screen page that claims to contain a message from NSA Internet Surveillance Program PRISM Computer Crime Prosecution Section or other similar organizations like Department of Justice, National Security Agency United States of America. By falsely accusing that your computer has been locked due to suspicion of illegal content downloading and distribution, NSA Virus asks computer users to pay a fine of $300 via Greendot Moneypak in order to get PC unlocked and correct all the violation. Do you really need to do that? Actually NSA Virus is a scam designed to rip you off. You should understand that none of official institutions would punish a man by locking his computer and asking any payment like this way. It is just another scam designed by cyber criminals in order to scare innocent users and rip them off. Also you have to know that paying $300 fine will not remove NSA Virus Scam from your computer at all.

It must be very frustrating if your computer is blocked by NSA Virus. Now NSA Internet Surveillance Program virus can lock a compromised computer via many ways because it is widely spread all over the Internet. It will be installed silently when you visit infected website or click on malicious advertisements. Also if you have been visiting pornographic website or downloading attachment from spam emails, your computer will be infected with NSA Virus as well. Once running, it takes over your screen and locks up your computer as soon as computer boots up. Thus, you cannot control your computer any more. Fake NSA virus page pops up immediately and it blames you for breaking the law by watching and distributing pornographic content files. According to the message, you have to pay a fine of $300 first or your computer will stay locked and you will get in other unwanted trouble like go to jail etc. The worse thing is even though you shut the PC down and turn it on again, NSA virus message still appears and won’t go. Also it won’t give you any options to minimize or close the message, thus paying that fine may look like the only solution. Unfortunately, many people take this scam for granted and pay the fine but eventually nothing changes after money is transferred.

NSA PRISM Virus has nothing to do with National Security Agency so you should not fall for it. The virus maker only tries to obtain funds from you. It threatens you by displaying your IP address, location and your host name at the bottom of the virus page as if police is recording your activities. But actually it is fake. Don’t mess up your computer and you have to remove NSA Virus as soon as it is detected on your PC.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to get rid of this malware scam, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

NSA Virus Scam Locks Up Your Computer Like This Page:

NSA Internet Surveillance Program Virus

Important Things You Have To Know If Your Computer Has Been Blocked By NSA Virus:

1. NSA Virus ( NSA Internet Surveillance Program scam) mainly attacks computers running in Windows operating system.
2. Don’t pay for anything or provide your personal information to this NSA Virus hoax.
3. Currently no anti-virus program is able to detect or remove this malware, even for preventing the virus from attacking the computer again.
4. Be aware that even if you are able to unfreeze your computer on your own like doing a system restore, the malware may still operate in the background. To completely get rid of NSA virus, manual removal is needed.

Complaints From NSA PRISM Virus Victims:

NSA Virus is one of the latest Ransomware threats that takes your computer screen and demands that you pay a $300 fine in order to unlock your computer. It really makes computer panic once it attacks the target computers.

While I was browsing the Internet, a window saying NSA Internet Surveillance Program popped up with no way to close it. The window was labelled ‘NSA’ and said I was in violation of watching porn or something. It listed fines and penalties for each and directed me to pay $300 via a MoneyPak order. It is really freaking me out! What should I do? Can NSA really lock one’s computer? Is it real?

I was downloading documents and then my PC was locked up by that fake NSA virus. It says it was locked because I have been viewing pornographic material and it asks for $300 fine. I knew it was a scam because I haven’t done anything illegal. But even if I am able to get desktop back by restarting the PC in safe mode and run all kinds of antivirus programs, they still detect nothing. When I restarted it to normal mode, my computer was still locked up immediately. How to remove NSA virus from my computer?

Yesterday my laptop was attacked by the NSA virus (maybe it is called NSA Internet Surveillance Program), it kept saying computer was locked and need to pay $300 using moneypak to unlock it. I know nothing about the computer. When the pc starts up, this is ALL it displayed. It wont let me do anything.  I have never had to deal with this virus before.  What are the best tools to get rid of this NSA Scam?

Do you encounter the same experience like the hopeless victims above? Please take immediate measure to unlock NSA virus from your computer immediately. New Version of NSA Virus Scam, you can see what the National Security Agency Virus states on the screen.


How To Remove NSA Virus Manually?

Since NSA Virus has completely locked up your computer making you difficult to gain access, you will need to manually remove it instead of using antivirus programs to do so. Also, antivirus programs cannot completely catch this virus. Otherwise, it would have caught it at the beginning when this malware tries to sneak inside. Below are some basic steps on how to get rid of this virus manually. However, due to the changeable characters of this virus, you may not find the exact same files or entries to delete. That’s also why the manual removal requires expertise to do it. You will need to go through files and entries under different locations to define and delete. Any mistake could lead to unpredictable problems during the process. Thus, a backup of important files and programs is suggested before NSA Virus scam removal.

1. Restart your PC before windows launches, tap “F8” constantly. Choose“Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press Enter key.

2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

3. Under Safe mode with Networking, please hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) keys together to pull up Windows Task Manager; go to Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find processes associated with NSA scam and click End process.

(If you can’t figure out the process of the virus, you can end the process called explorer.exe first so that virus won’t come up)

4. Open Registry Editor by pressing Windows+R keys and pull up Run box and searching for regedit.

5. Find out and delete files and registry entries as below:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\

5. Reboot the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

NSA Virus Removal Video Guides You To Unlock Computer Immediately:

Why Does This NSA Thing Keep Popping Up On My Phone? Manual Removal Guide On Android Phone

Restart your phone to safe mode.

Note: “Safe Mode” on Phone starts up without loading any third-party add-ons and different devices have different ways to access safe mode.

For example:

For Samsung Galaxy S4,S5: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on and repeatedly tap the soft-button for “Menu.”

For Samsung Galaxy S3 and others: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on, then press and hold Volume Down (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (various Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.

NSA Virus is clearly a hoax that gives a misleading notifications claiming from National Security Agency in order to cheat the innocent users. It gets inside the system through security vulnerabilities found when a user visits infected websites or downloads infected files. This virus uses a huge alert filled with FBI, DOJ and NSA logos to scare innocent users and locks the whole system down as soon as it is installed. It claims that NSA Internet Surveillance Program PRISM Computer Crime Prosecution Section has blocked you for downloading illegal, copyrighted material and watching porn. Then it demands a fine of $300 via Moneypak in order to correct this violation. Be sure that its alert is not legitimate and can be safely ignored.

NSA Scam is filled with various tricky details, such as Police logos, victim’s IP address, location and similar things. No matter how convincing it looks like, you must ignore NSA scam alert and remove this hoax instead. This virus is good at using scare tactics by blocking the entire system down and claiming that user has violated law of United States of America so that hackers can collect money from the unwary users who believe in this scam. In order to unblock your computer, Mac book or cell phone/smart phone, you should remove NSA virus manually instead of paying for the non-existent fine.

Note: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made in the process, you may damage your computer immediately. If you are not sure how to do, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on August 10, 2013 11:33 am, last updated on March 24, 2015 3:45 am

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