How to Remove Infoaxe Hijacker Completely

I found my homepage of Google Chrome is changed to a different one. On the top of the new page it says Infoaxe. I don’t know how this site caught me on my computer. But I am sure I do not want it. It confuses me and drives me crazy. I used Google to search but since I got this on my computer I was unable to do any search activities normally. I need to open new tabs but popping up of new pages will occur at the same time. I do understand Infoaxe Hijacker is something related to computer virus for it seems not a good nor useful page and it does annoy me. How can I get it off my computer and make my pc back to normal? I tried to uninstall this but nothing related to it was found in programs and settings.

About Infoaxe Hijacker:

This Infoaxe page is known as the homepage of a browser hijacker virus Infoaxe Hijacker. It is an updated version of Flipora Search redirect virus. It keeps the old characteristics of its old version that can redirect you all the time from the page you want to get to its own one. It is created by some computer hackers to make illegal profits online. Each time you click on the page, no matter out of intention or not, profits will be made for those remote guys who are at backstage. Frequent pop ups and redirects are even categorized as some outdated functions of such browser hijackers. With time passing by, the new created browser hijacker viruses such as this Infoaxe Hijacker, is given new functions which is not good news to all computer users.

The virus is able to access to your sensitive private information on your search engines since it hides in the registry of the system which contains great amount of your privacy. When you type some words in the search engine search bar the action is kept record by Infoaxe Hijacker. In other words, all your operations you do with the search engines will be kept. No doubt that your bank information and your credit card number and the password as well as some of your personal accounts on some normal websites like Twitter, Face book, Skype and your email info., etc. That can take responsibility for why some of your friends receive junk mails and messages from you without your intention.

Once Infoaxe Hijacker installed into your computer system, it will modify your browser settings, DNS settings, HOSTS settings as well as important system settings which shares the common actions with its brothers and sisters in the large browser hijacker family. The default homepages and search engines will be changed to some other ones you don’t like. All your search results will keep being redirected to some unwanted websites. Some of those websites display a lot of fake ads from which the cyber criminals can make money. Some of them even contain dangerous Trojan viruses or malware programs. Furthermore, it slows down the performance of your computer like a snail.

As it takes time for anti-virus workers to work out and update the newest version of anti-virus programs, up till now there is no way but manual removal to get rid of this Infoaxe hijacker completely.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure and are afraid of making any critical mistakes during the process, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Screen Shot of Infoaxe Hijacker:

Infoaxe hijacker-1

Manual Removal Steps:

Infoaxe Hijacker is a high-risk browser hijacker virus and enabled to change the homepage and browser settings, and redirects your web search results to random sites which may contain lots of illegal advertisements. Since manual removal is the best choice to uninstall it completely from your computer. Users can follow the manual guides here to have this virus removed instantly.

1. Show hidden files

(1). Click on the Start button and then on Control Panel

(2). Click on the Appearance and Personalization link

(3). Click on the Folder Options link

(4). Click on the View tab in the Folder Options window

(5). Choose the Show hidden files, folders, and drives under the Hidden files, folders, and drives under the Hidden files and folders category

(6). Click OK at the bottom of the Folder Options window.

2. Delete virus files

Delete the related registry entries through Registry Edit

Guides to open registry editor: Click “Start” menu, hit “Run”, then type “regedit”, click “OK”

While the Registry Editor is open, search and delete the following registry entries of Infoaxe Hijacker listed below(the entries are usually named randomly):

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = ’1′
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system “DisableTaskMgr” = ’1′
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download “CheckExeSignatures” = ‘no’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main “Use FormSuggest” = ‘yes’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced “Hidden” = ’0′
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced “ShowSuperHidden” = 0′

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Infoaxe hijacker is classified as a Browser Hijacker. As soon as Infoaxe hijacker completes its operations, the overall browser stability and performance severely degrade, making it nearly impossible to surf the web normally. Its parasitic damages payload consists of hijacking your browser homepage, error pages, or search pages with its own, mostly a commercial sites of its creators, force you to accumulate force hits to a particular website to make it more popular or by using pay-per-click sites to earn money. It is highly advised to remove it completely from your computer as soon as possible.

If you have no idea of how to do that, please contact experts from YooCare Online Tech Support for further help.

Published by on July 3, 2013 12:27 pm, last updated on July 3, 2013 12:27 pm

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