PCeU Virus Removal On Android Phone, Tablet, IPad or PC

Can PCeU virus block Android Phone, Tablet, IPad, PC as well as mac book pro? What happened when your screen being locked by a police warning page? Am I in any trouble with illegal issues? Because according to the PCeU warning on my samsung galaxy android phone’s screen, it says I have violated laws and thus my mobile phone is locked up as a punishment. A fine is requested in the page in order to unlock my smart phone and get me out of any further troubles. Is that true? Is paying the requested fine the right thing to do to unlock my PC? What am I supposed to do with this PCeU virus screen on my Android Phone, Tablet, IPad or PC? It’s so scared just looking at this screen!

Is PCeU Virus Locking Page Legit? An Overall Description

PCeU virus is short for the Police Central e-crime Unit virus, and is a ransomware attack that attempts to trick the PC user or mobile device user into thinking that the message is coming directly from the authorities. In truth, it has nothing to do with the police, as this comes from hackers that are attempting to get users to send them money. The message states that the computer has been locked or your device has been blocked for safety reasons because there has been illegal activity detected from the IP address of the Android Phone, Tablet, IPad or PC. The violations of this PCeU virus include distribution of pornographic material, the distribution and downloading of copyright material and also sending emails that violate the SPAM laws.

Can cyber police lock your mobile device so you cant use it? Yes. Many mobile device users got this pop up message when trying to go to a porn website, an PCeU pop-up appeared saying that you have to pay a fine, the virus that threatens you to pay a fine from a police central ecrime unit jurisdiction because of viewing banned pornography. Many of them cannot get out of the warning, so what to do? There is no way to unlock the computer or close out the warning message that the PCeU virus displays. If the user attempts to shut down and restart, the message will display again at the start and the user will not be able to open any other programs or applications. Once the PC user picks up this attack it will install the files on the system and lock the computer and demand the payment of 100 pounds in order to regain access. The message notifies the user that the computer will be unlocked as soon as the payment is verified. They accept only two forms of payment: ukash or paysafecard, both of which are prepaid cards that allow the user to submit a code to transfer the money. Also, there is no way to unlock your Android Phone, Tablet without putting it to safe mode. Once you got the virus on android phone saying you broke a law asking for money to unlock phone, don’t pay the fine with ukash but restart it into safe mode to remove the weird thing.

The PCeU virus also accesses the webcam of the computer and turns it on as soon as the computer is locked and claims that the police are watching and using the video in order to confirm the identity of the computer user. It also says that the computer photos have been accessed and those are also being used in order to identify the owner of the computer. If the fine is not paid immediately they say that they will use that information to impose additional fines and also possible jail time. This does a great job at scaring users into paying the fake fine. The message details of PCeU virus include:

“Specialist Crime Directorate
Police Central e-crime Unit
Metropolitan Police
Attention!!! This operating system is locked due to the violation of the laws of the United Kingdom! Following violations were detected:
Your IP address is [your IP]. This IP address was used to visit websites containing pornography, child pornography, zoophilia and child abuse. Your computer also contains video files with pornographic content, elements of violence and child pornography! Spam-messages with terrorist motives were also sent from your computer.
To unlock the computer you are obliged to pay a fine of £ 100.
You could pay the forfeit in two ways:
1) Paying through Ukash:
To do this, you should enter the 19 digits code in the payment form and press OK (if you have several codes, enter them one after the other and press OK).
If an error occurs, send the codes to address [email protected].
2) Paying through Paysafecard:
To do this, you should enter the 16 digits resulting code (if necessary with a password) in the payment form and press OK (if you have several codes, enter them one after the other and press OK).
If an error occurs, send the codes to address [email protected].”

The PCeU virus targets PC users located in the United Kingdom and will only infect computers that are running Windows based operating systems. It is a complete scam and paying the cyber criminals will not remove the computer lock. The only way to get the block removed is by removing the virus from the computer. It can be removed just as quickly as it is picked up when proper instructions are given. It is spread through shareware and file download sites, and also through SPAM emails containing attachments that include the PCeU virus files. Manual removal is the only way to make sure that all of the corrupt files are deleted. To learn exactly how to get rid of these virus files simply follow the instructions located below. This allows a complete run through to make sure that there are not any PCeU virus files left behind.

No matter how real this PCeU page looks, it’s still a virus which you’ll be able to find out with some online researches. The information appears on this warning page may be real. That’s because the people who create this virus are good at programing and stuff. By providing this information and you image on the webcam, this PCeU virus is just trying to convince you that it’s legit. Paying is not the only way to get rid of this virus. It’s not helping to get rid of it either. Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you are not familiar with any manual removal process. It will require expertise to remove this virus manually.

Several Screen Shots of This PCeU Virus (Different Versions)


Police Central e-crime Unit Virus


PCeU Virus Scam


PCeU Fake Police Warning


PCeU (Metropolitan Police) Ransomware


Police Central e-crime Unit Virus Consequences

Computer users could be infected by this PCeU virus when they are visiting online pornographic content or web sites, downloading unfamiliar programs or sharing files with a USB stick. However, the activities you were doing when this virus screen popped up may not be the reasons. We have come across situations that this virus pops up while one’s browsing facebook or twitter or watching an online movie. It can also pop up right after a reboot of the system. However, that doesn’t mean that they are the reasons for bringing this infection. This PCeU virus can hide in the system and reset some default settings for its own good while waiting for its time to show up and lock your screen. Once it pops up on the screen and says your PC is locked, you won’t be able to gain access to the computer anymore. According to the locking page, the only way to gain access again is to pay the requested fine. While locking up your screen, this virus can also do something invisibly behind the warning page.

For instance, it can go through the webcam settings and turn it on automatically. Your antivirus applications may also be disabled if the virus gets to stay long enough. Other than that, PCeU virus can also drop infected and useless files into different locations in the system and make system files dis-functioned. It can even replace these system files and registry entries to cause computer crash down eventually. By that time, you will encounter blue screens every once in a while making it harder to fix this problem completely. Therefore, one should try to get rid of this PCeU virus fake police warning screen instead of paying the requested amount of fine. The money you spend will be sent to the scammers’ accounts instead of the national account.

A Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide

Since this PCeU virus has completely locked up your computer making you difficult to gain access, you will need to manually remove it instead of using antivirus programs to do so. Also, antivirus programs cannot completely catch this virus. Otherwise, it would have caught it at the beginning when PCeU tries to sneak inside. Below are some basic steps on how to get rid of this virus manually. However, due to the changeable characters of this virus, you may not find the exact same files or entries to delete. That’s also why the manual removal requires expertise to do it. You will need to go through files and entries under different locations to define and delete. Any mistake could lead to unpredictable problems during the process. Thus, a backup of important files and programs is suggested before this PCeU virus removal. A flash drive or external hard drive will be needed.

1. Since you cannot gain access to the infected computer under regular mode because of this PCeU virus screen, please restart the computer and put it in Safe mode with Networking first. Here’s the guide: Restart the computer upon the locking screen and start hitting F8 key repeatedly when PC is booting up again; if successfully, Safe mode options will show up on the screen for you to select. Please use arrow keys to highlight Safe mode with Networking option and hit enter key. System will be loading files into this mode afterward.

2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

3. Under Safe mode with Networking, please hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) keys together to pull up Windows Task Manager; go to Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find processes associated with PCeU virus and click End process.

4. Open Registry Editor by pressing Windows+R keys and pull up Run box and searching for regedit.

5. Find out and delete files and registry entries associating with PCeU virus as below:
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “”

6. Restart computer back to Regular mode and check out if the warning page still shows up again.

Similar Video Shows You How to Remove Fake Police Warning

Remove PCEU Virus From Android Phone, Tablet or IPad Manually

1. First you need to put your android phone or tablet to safe mode (You don’t need to put IPad to safe mode).

Note: “Safe Mode” on Phone starts up without loading any third-party add-ons and different devices have different ways to access safe mode.

For Samsung Galaxy S6, S5 S4 or Samsung Galaxy Note: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on and repeatedly tap the soft-button for “Menu.”

For Samsung Galaxy S3 and others: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on, then press and hold Volume Down (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (LG, ZTE, HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (various Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.
2. Once you did restart your phone in safe mode and don’t know what to do next, contact an expert for further removal help.


Many computer users have been tricked by this PCeU virus even if it has been out there for more than three months because it does look very real and legit. With Police Central e-crime Unit on the top of the warning page and your personal information including your IP address and location below that, many computer users think this is real especially those who have visited online pornographic sites or movies. Because in the list of reasons given by this PCeU, your computer screen is being locked by because of breaking certain laws. And these laws have stated similar activities you were doing days or moments ago. In the bottom of the locking screen, the ways to unlock your computer and gain access again will be given. Usually, a certain amount of fine is involved. And you will have to pay the requested fine within the limited time period. When time expires, a criminal case will be automatically initiated against you. By all means this PCeU virus is trying to threaten the victims that it’s real and if you don’t pay, you’ll be in trouble later on. However, when paying the fine according to its given methods, you cannot get an unlocked computer afterwards. There are circumstances that computers are unlocked after the payments are made. But this virus will show up again in a very short time to scam money again! Therefore, a complete removal is needed urgently with manual steps other than paying the fine. Usually, this PCeU virus won’ require you to pay right away. One can still do some online researches during its time limits. With several researches online, you will realize this is just a virus. It’s not real!

Android Phone, Tablet, IPad has been blocked by PCeU virus? The victim Sally stated: My phone was left at a friends house during a party and when i got it back, the safari/internet browser was locked with a PCeU virus. And there’s a pop up that keeps popping up telling me where i can buy a Ukash my cash card. I have tried everything and am unable to remove this virus off my Iphone 6. Sorry, I have the Iphone 5s if that matters. How to get it off? As mentioned before that the manual removal requires expertise, any mistake could lead to more problems. And due to the fact that this PCeU virus can change as time goes by, there isn’t one exact same removal guide. Feeling confused to decide which files can be deleted? Any remaining file could bring this PCeU virus right back to your mobile device! Thus, a complete removal should be done before you can go back to use the mobile phone, IPad or tablet again.

Notice: Have spent much time but failed to remove the fake police virus? PleaseContact YooCare Experts 24/7 Online in time to save your android phone, tablet, IPad or computer.

Published by on March 28, 2013 5:30 am, last updated on July 29, 2015 8:09 am

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