Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP Removal

Your computer is infected Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP but your anti-virus can not remove it, this pop up makes you crazy in every 5 minutes. How can you remove this virus? This post will show you how to remove this stubborn virus completely and manually.

What is Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP?

Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP is a current malware virus from the notorious virus family, which can terminate program running on the infected computer. This virus can escape from the tracking of the anti-virus program, if your computer is infected by this virus, your computer will be in a dangerous place. This virus is created to let the virus maker steal personal information and data from the infected computer. What is more, this virus can find or create System vulnerability to your infected computer, that is way it can do damage to your computer easily.

In general, the Trojan horse can violate victims’ privacy and compromise the affected computer terribly through remote access. The harmful virus can change your desktop image, homepage and browser settings randomly just like some similar Trojan At the same time, it will redirect your specified websites to other unwanted and dangerous contents. Moreover, the main threat of the Trojan is in its ability to gather your important information for remote hackers on purpose. Facing such an urgent issue, you’d better take steps to deal with the virus completely and promptly.

Don’t have enough skill to deal with this virus? The following instructions require better computer skills to deal with program files and registry entries. If you’re not sure on how to delete this virus, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now to save your computer immediately!

Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP is extremely dangerous. It can perform the following evil actions once it accesses a target computer:

It will change your registry settings and other important windows system files.

It can slow down your system and mess up your browser gradually.

It always constantly happens that your system has errors somewhere..

It is capable of downloading other malicious programs, creating a backdoor in your PC security and creating advertisements.

How To Manually Remove This Nasty Trojan Virus?

Step 1: Open Task Manager and end the malicious processes related to this virus

Use the following key combination: press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open the Windows Task Manager.
Select “Processes” tab on the Windows Task Manager in order to view active processes. Find a malicious process by its name, select it and click the “End process” button to terminate it.

(Note: The name of the infected process can change randomly so that it can pretend as a legitimate process and escape from the detection of your antivirus programs. If you cannot figure out which one is the malicious process related to the virus, you can contact YooCare Online Expert for help.)

Step2. a. Show all the hidden files and then clear infected files creating by this pesky virus:

To show hidden files, just click on the Organize button in any folder, and then select “Folder and Search Options” from the menu.

Click the View tab, and then you should select “Show hidden files and folders” in the list.

Just select that, and click OK.

b. Delete the associated files of this threat as follow:


Step3. Delete all the malicious registry entries in Registry Editor

Click the Start menu
Click Run
Type “regedit” and click Ok.

Once the Registry Editor is opened, find out the following registry entries and then delete them:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit” = 0

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

To sum up: Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP is recognized to be a malicious Trojan virus. It makes your computer mad and brings a great threat to you. If you encounter difficulties to handle this virus according to above passage, your computer may be infected with its variant of Trojan Horse Generic_r.BOP. Manual removal is a hard work with great risk. You need to remove all the virus infected files and registry entries manually. If you have not sufficient expertise in dealing with program files,.dll files and registry entries, it may lead to mistake damaging your system. If you have some problem dealing with this Trojan virus manually, you are welcome to contact with YooCare 24/7 Online Expert anytime you are available. YooCare will help you with any kind of PC problem

Special Tips: It is strongly recommended to remove this virus manually with expertise, because any mistake due to lacking of computer knowledge could lead to more damages till system goes crash down. And if you still cannot successfully get rid of this virus by the above instructions, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now for a fast and professional help.

Published by on February 16, 2013 1:06 pm, last updated on February 16, 2013 1:06 pm

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