Apr 6, 2014

Remove Win32:Eorezo-CE [PUP]

After the invasion from Win32:Eorezo-CE [PUP], the infected computer’s running speed becomes very slow and many strange things occur? Don’t know how to remove it because all kinds of antivirus programs do not seem to be able to deal with it successfully? You have done your best, but it still exists in the computer? By reading this article, you can have a good antidote to treat the infected computer.

Details of Win32:Eorezo-CE [PUP]:

Win32:Eorezo-CE [PUP] is a new computer virus that is capable of making trouble on the target computer. Some computer users can see the warning related to it from the antivirus programs. However, it has the ability to stay in the computer stubbornly even the user tries to use antivirus programs to delete it. In general, if you are not careful when using online resources, your computer will be attacked by this terrible virus easily, such as accessing to suspicious websites and opening unknown links.
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Published by on April 6, 2014 6:20 pm

Apr 6, 2014

My-movie-player.com Redirect Removal Tips

This My-movie-player.com browser hijack redirect has infected my computer! Whenever I open my Firefox, this site will pop up and take over my browser completely and immediately. I try to remove this browser hijack redirect by uninstalling on the control panel, but I can not remove it completely! How can I save my computer? Please help.

What is My-movie-player.com Redirect Virus :

My-movie-player.com is a malicious site which is created by the cyber criminals to spread rogue programs or other unsafe processes on the Internet, this browser hijack redirect can attack all the browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and others. Once the browser is infected by this redirect virus, the settings will be totally modified, and that is the reason PC uses will lose their homepages and search engine. Please do not be fooled this browser hijack redirect, once it is installed in your computer. It may bring damage to your browser or personal files. It is strongly suggest that you should remove it completely from your computer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 6, 2014 1:18 pm

Apr 6, 2014

Jaamla.com Hijacker Removal

Is Jaamla.com hijacker taking over your browser and popping up on your computer all the time? Have you tried a lot of ways to get rid of it but still get failed? Do you realize that this browser redirecting malware can monitor your Internet surfing to target the Websites that you log on to, and then generate automatic pop-up advertisements based on your viewing habits? Once you detect it on your computer, an immediate removal is needed. Please follow the manual removal instruction to delete Jaamla virus step by step.

Jaamla.com Hijacker/Redirect Description:

More and more computer users start complaining that they are always redirected to Jaamla.com when they go online even they don’t want it at all. If you also have the same problem, you should be careful because this annoying redirection issue is due to a browser hijacker virus which was already installed on your computer without your notice and approval. Usually this kind of threat is downloaded on the compromised computer bundled with certain software or other free applications, games and music. It’s technically not a virus, therefore most advance antivirus programs cannot detect its presence. It is suggested users get rid of it manually once found. This hijacker can exhibit plenty of malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and in general just interfering with the user experience.

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Published by on April 6, 2014 8:15 am and last modified on April 6, 2014 8:16 am.

Apr 6, 2014

Adware/Win32.DomaIQ Virus Removal

Anti-virus program on my computer has detected Adware/Win32.DomaIQ virus infection, however, it does not have the ability to remove it completely, each time when I restart the infected computer, this virus will be detected once more. How can I get rid of this adware completely from my computer? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of Adware/Win32.DomaIQ Virus:

Adware/Win32.DomaIQ is nasty virus process which is able to attack all the Windows OS computers, many PC users report that they get the virus infection while installing some free programs or clicking on some unknown processes accidentally, cyber criminals will plant the virus process to the programs or process so that this virus can be spread widely. Adware/Win32.DomaIQ will cause terrible virus infection on the infected computer once it has been installed completely, thus, this virus needs to be removed completely before it causes further damage, or the infected machine will face an extremely dangerous situation.

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Published by on April 6, 2014 8:04 am and last modified on April 6, 2014 9:35 am.

Apr 5, 2014

How to Remove JS:ScriptIP-inf [Trj]

There is a pop-up alert about JS:ScriptIP-inf [Trj] from the antivirus program in the computer and the antivirus program is unable to help you clear it completely? What do you need to worry about with this infection in the computer? What is the best way to stop the virus?

Details of JS:ScriptIP-inf [Trj]:

JS:ScriptIP-inf [Trj] is a Trojan infection similar to JS:includer-BAO[Trj] and Exploit:JS/Urntone.BD which is very dangerous for your computer. Different from malware and ransomware, Trojan viruses are able to hide their trace. In addition to the warnings from antivirus programs, you cannot see this Trojan virus because it won’t appear on the computer screen like other infections do. It mainly covets your private data in the infected computer so as to benefit the cyber criminals.
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Published by on April 5, 2014 1:41 am

Apr 4, 2014

World.jailloaf.eu Popup Removal Guide

You just got a new unknown World.jailloaf.eu Popup recently? It looks like normal ads in social websites. But how can you not change the current page to previous site where you want to be directed to? Do you know something about this pop up? You should be aware of that at first of all, this is not a real prize of 500 Euro, but may be a browser hijacker.

World.jailloaf.eu Popup Description :

World.jailloaf.eu Popup is classified as browser infection that has been reported as an annoying browser hijacking program of many computers all around the world. As a browser hijacker which typically exhibits a genius feature like useful search engine that can provide a wealth of online resources, it is often welcome at the very start. But unlike a real search engine which can give true results meeting the actual demand of computer users, the browser gives you extra unwanted website or false results. Lying in these unknown sites and multiple wrong results, thousands of viruses and spyware are waiting for a chance to damage your computer.
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Published by on April 4, 2014 12:49 pm

Apr 4, 2014

How to Remove Win32/RBrute.B

A warning from Norton emerges telling you that your computer is infected with Win32/RBrute.B? The alert message is so annoying because it keeps popping up? Why is the virus always there even if you press the remove button and restart the computer? Is there any solution to get rid of it completely? Read this article to learn more.

Details of Win32/RBrute.B:

Win32/RBrute.B is classified as a hateful computer virus. In general, such a virus is so tricky that it pretends to be a useful executable program to attract computer users to download it. It can bypass most antivirus protection tools to let itself install in the computer without the consent of the owner. Usually, the stubborn virus aims at stealing private information for the cyber criminals. You should be wary of this kind of infection for it can cause serious damages. Therefore, when you are aware of the presence of this infection, you should try to remove it from the computer as soon as possible to prevent any possible damages.
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Published by on April 4, 2014 8:52 am

Apr 3, 2014

DownloadCamp.com Redirect Removal

My browser is infected by DownloadCamp.com! This site has taken over my browser and I can not get rid of it completely. I try to get rid of this virus by my anti-virus program, however, MES says that my computer has no virus in it. How can I remove this browser hijack redirect virus completely from my computer? Should I try another anti-virus program or manual removal? Any help will be appreciated.

What is DownloadCamp.com Redirect Virus :

DownloadCamp.com is a new browser hijack redirect that can infect the Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google chrome and other browsers. Usually the victim will get this virus infection when they visit unsafe webpages and install the infected programs. Some victims even get this browser hijack redirect when they open the unknown E-mail attachment accidentally. This browser hijack redirect can modify your system settings easily like homepage and default browser, that is why many victims will lose their homepages. It has been one of the most malicious virus on the Internet, you need to pay attention to this big browser hijack redirect Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 3, 2014 1:19 pm and last modified on April 4, 2014 6:51 am.

Apr 3, 2014

How to Remove Rootkit.boot.harbinger.a?

I started getting BSOD a few minutes ago, and then I restarted the computer and run the security scan. The scan result said my computer has been infected with a threat called Rootkit.boot.harbinger.a. Is it dangerous? Everytime I try to remove it, it keeps coming back again and again after reboot.  Now my computer was occasionally shutting down and some google searches were being redirected. How do I get rid of it permanently from my computer?

Rootkit.boot.harbinger.a Virus Description:

Rootkit.boot.harbinger.a is a well-known Rootkit that can help intruders gain access to compromised systems and install other threats to a target computer. Rootkits are extremely dangerous, sometimes they can be easily detected, but others are becoming increasingly difficult to find because they filter queries and are able to hide executables and remove their entries from the task manager. This offensive infection mostly attacks Windows operating system. It can be installed on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 computer without giving any warning or notification. And once it is inside, it creates countless troubles on your computer such as monitor traffic and keystrokes, create a “backdoor” into the system for the hacker’s use, alter log files, attack other machines on the same network,or even alter existing system tools to escape detection.
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Published by on April 3, 2014 7:35 am and last modified on April 3, 2014 8:12 am.

Apr 3, 2014

JS:includer-BAO[Trj] Virus Removal Guide

JS:includer-BAO[Trj] is on my computer! My anti-virus program detects the virus infection but hasn’t enough power to remove it. This virus keep coming back after rescanning my computer. I try to remove this Trojan horse manually but can not make it. How can I remove this virus completely from my computer? Should I try another more advanced anti-virus program or firewall? What about manual removal? Please help.

Description of JS:includer-BAO[Trj] Virus:

JS:includer-BAO[Trj] is a nasty malicious process which can be installed automatically to the infected PC. Usually the PC users will suffer the virus infection while going online especially when they install the unsafe programs and processes on the unknown website or forum, some PC users even suffer the virus infection from the spam E-mail attachment. Once the virus process has been activated, the infected PC will be under the attack in a short time. This virus can escape the tracking of the anti-virus program easily, and that is the reason most of the advanced anti-virus programs are not able to handle it. Manual removal is the best way for this virus removal, PC users should remove it as fast as they to keep the infected PC safe.

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Published by on April 3, 2014 7:22 am and last modified on April 3, 2014 7:46 am.

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