Apr 23, 2014

How to Remove W32.Mezit!inf

Through using the antivirus software to scan the computer, you find that your computer is infected with a virus named W32.Mezit!inf? You don’t know when it enters your computer? It is a big problem, because the antivirus software cannot completely eliminate it? You are not proficient in dealing with complex computer problems, so you don’t know what you can do?

Details of W32.Mezit!inf:

W32.Mezit!inf is a kind of malignant computer virus designed by the cyber criminal to specially attack computers equipped with Windows operating systems including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Internet technologies are increasingly developed, which not only brings convenience, but also widens the road for rampant computer viruses to spread to all over the world. W32.Mezit!inf is put in some spam email attachments and unknown free software. Therefore, if you are not careful to touch those unsafe things, your computer is vulnerable to virus attacks. The virus can quietly get into your computer. You don’t know it is in the computer until you see a warning from your antivirus software.
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Published by on April 23, 2014 8:19 am

Apr 23, 2014

Exploit!win32/pdfjsc.akz Virus Removal

My computer is attacked by Exploit!win32/pdfjsc.akz virus, MSE gives me the virus warning when I try to install a free program downloaded from forum, however, each time when I try to get rid of this Trojan horse by security tools, I’m told that this virus can be only removed manually but I have no idea how to do that. What is my way to remove this threat from my computer completely? Is there a guide which I can follow to save my computer? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of Exploit!win32/pdfjsc.akz Virus:

Exploit!win32/pdfjsc.akz is a latest virus process which can attack all the Windows OS computers, PC users report that they get this virus infection on some free programs or unknown processes, their anti-virus program will give them the virus warning but most of the security tools don’t have the ability to get rid of this Exploit!win32/pdfjsc.akz virus completely. Usually this virus process will be detected again and again even PC users try to remove it by anti-virus program, and that is the reason this kind of the nasty Trojan horse can be one of the most annoying virus on the Internet. Thus, it is strongly suggest that PC users should remove this virus in a maunal way to keep the infected PC safe.

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Published by on April 23, 2014 2:21 am and last modified on April 23, 2014 2:21 am.

Apr 22, 2014

Dm.startnow.com Redirect Removal

Does Dm.startnow.com redirect hijack all your browsers including IE, Firefox and Google Chrome? Do you get numerous pop-up ads whenever you go online? If you find your browser starts acting strangely, it is likely that you have potentially unwanted program or adware installed on your machine. Follow the manual removal instruction below to clean up your computer now.

Dm.startnow.com Description:

Dm.startnow.com is affiliated with browser hijackers or an adware that is known to attack Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, and can function in most versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, Windows 8. Once it hijacks your browser, it sets itself as your home page and changes your default search provider immediately. Whenever you open the browser, Dm.startnow.com appears automatically, taking over your web browser completely. Although visually this website doesn’t differ from regular search providers, it has some additional goals that are not revealed for the users. In fact, this web page is developed to promote various commercial websites and boost their traffic. If you use it as your default search engine, you will end up with frustration because using this site for your search sessions may bring you altered search results leading you to unwanted websites or illegal sites.

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Published by on April 22, 2014 11:33 am and last modified on May 16, 2014 12:36 am.

Apr 22, 2014

R.searchfun.in – How To Remove

I’m having a problem of being redirected very often to R.searchfun.in with so many pop ups on its site. I have tried searching it to delete it, but I have no idea which file I should delete. How can I get rid of it completely? It is driving me crazy!!

R.searchfun.in Description :

R.searchfun.in is not a safe website to be used on your computer. It is a nasty browser hijacker which is created to display many pop-up windows on your browser or redirect you to unwanted websites. To stay in your computer and promote harmful products, it is made for tracking your surfing habits and preference so that its creators can obtain the data they want for further analysis and promotion. This would violate your privacy and cause some inconveniences. It can be in many famous browsers, hijack your homepage and search engine as well. When you visit a malicious website or unsafe domain, you will get unneeded advertisements or links. Double Clicking on the link unconsciously then you will find out that your browser is redirected to unknown domain with many malicious downloading links.
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Published by on April 22, 2014 4:20 am

Apr 22, 2014

How to Remove Secury-surf.com

You feel uncomfortable to see Secury-surf.com again and again when you surf the Internet? You don’t know what is it, but you are sure it is not a good thing. It is called browser hijacker that has the ability to set the default search engine as well as the homepage to its own domain without notifying the computer user. Secury-surf.com also redirects you to some strange websites when you are using the browser. How to completely remove this annoying redirect from your computer?

More Details about Secury-surf.com:

Secury-surf.com is classified as a redirect or a browser hijacker which is able to take over the web browser, modify the default DNS settings and interfere with computer user’s web browsing activities. All the modifications it does in the computer are without permission. Although it has a professional appearance which looks similar to some other famous search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, it cannot provide good search services. Secury-surf.com loads some unnecessary sites in your browser rather than enforcing the expected search commands. In general, this hateful browser hijacker enters the computer together with some corrupted free online resources.
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Published by on April 22, 2014 3:32 am

Apr 21, 2014

Trojan:Win32/Cribit.A Virus Removal

My Dell laptop is infected by Trojan:Win32/Cribit.A virus! I get this virus infection when I try to install a video player program online. Now my computer runs muck slower than before, each time when I try to run a program, I have to wait for more than 5 minutes. My computer will get a blue death screen when I open big game Call of Duty 9! How can I remove this virus from my machine? Why my anti-virus program does not work? Please help.

Description of Trojan:Win32/Cribit.A Virus:

Trojan:Win32/Cribit.A virus is a malicious process that invades the PC users by infected programs, links and spam E-mail attachment. Once the PC users open these infected files on a Windows OS machine, the virus can be activated quickly, all the windows OS can be the target of this nasty Trojan horse. This Trojan:Win32/Cribit.A virus belongs to the PUP Trojan horse family which can cause a terrible virus infection on the infected PC, that is why it can be one of the most dangerous viruses on the Internet. It will do the malicious actions without your permission, the stubborn virus needs to be removed completely before this Trojan horse makes the big problems on your PC.

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Published by on April 21, 2014 8:17 pm

Apr 21, 2014

Remove Exploit:HTML/Fiexp.F Virus

My computer was targeted by Exploit:HTML/Fiexp.F virus and it performed extremely poorly. The computer became stuck and frozen up easily. I was very annoyed with pesky pop-up ads on the computer screen when surfing the web and performing other computer activities. How to get rid of the malware virus from the computer completely? If you have tried with no success, please follow removal instructions below to remove the Trojan infection effectively.

Definition of Exploit:HTML/Fiexp.F Virus:

Exploit:HTML/Fiexp.F is a harmful computer virus designed by cyber criminals to target worldwide computers. It is a potentially unwanted program which spreads through network. It penetrates into the target computer while users visit malicious websites, read unknown email attachments and download things from infected web pages. Once the Trojan infection attacks the computer, it installs itself automatically and launches as a background programs. It contains JavaScript components belonging to an exploit kit called Fiesta. The notorious infection shares same features as other malware threats to damage the computer terribly. It checks your Internet browsers, program versions and installed plug-ins etc. to take over the whole contaminated system. Actually, the infection is associated with slow system speed and poor network environment. It causes system stuck and constant freezes to the computer frequently. The Trojan infection is capable to modify system files and registry entries to corrupt the computer miserably. It is a risky malware infection which should not be left in the computer too long.
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Published by on April 21, 2014 5:25 am

Apr 21, 2014

Security-police-warning.com Virus – How To Remove

Is this Security-police-warning.com a scam? I got a message on my Laptop saying it is blocked, until I pay 100 dollars in moneypak, and put it on the state’s account, then my computer will be unblocked in 1 to 48 hours. It is a screen pop up, when I turn on my computer! They claim I viewed copyrighted material, but I have no idea what they’re talking about, because I never did that! Is this just a scam or real?

How To Get Rid Of Security-police-warning.com:

Security-police-warning.com Virus, also known as Security-police-warning.com scam or fake FBI Interpol alert, is a malicious domain which locks your computer and asks you for money to unlock your browser and computer. Virus can get into target computer when people click malicious pop-up ads, download P2P sharing files from unknown resources or visit the malicious domain. As everyone knows, there are uncountable viruses and scams on the internet. Unlike traditional computer viruses which tries to mess up computer programs or some nasty malware which deceive you into believing that it is a new antivirus program, this malware are mainly created to scam your money. It locks your computer with a fake government statement that has listed lot of criminal charges you have been violated with. It accuses you of breaking laws like watching/ dissemination and/or storage child porn, zoography porn, etc. and/or violating copyright and related right laws. The virus does not allow you to use any program you or access your desktop, unless you pay a certain fine within certain hours. The amount varies from 100 dollars to 500 dollars and the time is usually limited within 48 hours. However, no one can guarantee that the browser can be unlocked after you transferred the money to hackers. Therefore, users should never pay to this scam.
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Published by on April 21, 2014 4:35 am and last modified on April 21, 2014 4:35 am.

Apr 21, 2014

Trojan.Viknok!inf Removal Guide

My computer got infected with Trojan.Viknok!inf virus last night. However, the scan did not automatically remove the virus because this virus keeps coming back again and again. Is there any other way I can remove the virus completely? I’m extremely concerned as I know this type of virus is very dangerous. I would appreciate some advices!

Learn More About Trojan.Viknok!inf Virus:

Trojan.Viknok!inf is classified as a Trojan that masquerades as a legitimate file or helpful program with the ultimate purpose of granting a hacker unauthorized access to a computer. Now many Trojans rely on drive-by downloads or install via online games or internet-driven applications in order to reach target computers, and this virus also does the same thing. Once it sneaks into target computer, it is able to collect all your information as well as send it to other locations without your knowledge or consent. It runs high risks for the compromised system and even its network environment as it keeps performing a variety of activities which will harm your computer. To be more specific, it may modify search results in any major search engine and unwillingly redirect PC users to other commercial websites that may be designed for commercial intentions to probably make a profit from increased website traffic and ad clicks. And it decreases the PC performance notably and makes everything on your computer slow like starting up, shutting down, opening programs or even browsing online.
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Published by on April 21, 2014 2:59 am

Apr 20, 2014

Exploit:JS/Neclu.M – How to Remove

The computer operation speed is very slow and there are many strange problems happening when you are using the computer? After scanning the entire system, the antivirus program on your computer says the computer is infected with Exploit:JS/Neclu.M virus? What is it? How does it get in your computer? Antivirus programs also let you down, because they can’t delete it?

Details of Exploit:JS/Neclu.M:

Exploit:JS/Neclu.M is a hateful computer virus which is able to modify important system settings. It can do a lot of strange things in the infected computer and even seriously damage the computer. There are a lot of media that can be used by the virus to get into your computer. Usually, downloading unknown free software, visiting malicious websites and opening spam email attachments will make your computer infected. In addition, it can also make full use of security vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems to launch blistering attacks.
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Published by on April 20, 2014 8:09 pm

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