Apr 30, 2014

TR/BProtector.Gen Virus Removal Tips

Virus infection warning, AVG detects the TR/BProtector.Gen infection when I click on a .exe file on my USB stick, it says that my computer is infected by it and in an unsafe situation. However, if I choose to remove this threat by the security tools, this Trojan horse will not be removed completely. How can I save my computer? What is the best way to remove this virus? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of TR/BProtector.Gen:

TR/BProtector.Gen is an extremely dangerous virus process which can attack PC users who use Windows OS computers, usually all the versions of the Windows OS can be attacked by the cyber criminals but Windows XP can be the top target since Microsoft has stopped most of the service on it. Once it has been installed to the infected PC, TR/BProtector.Gen will start to modify the system settings and other items so that the virus is able to make chaos on it. It needs to be removed to keep the infected PC safe, or the Trojan horse will let the infected PC stay in a high-risk situation of being attacked.
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Published by on April 30, 2014 2:08 am and last modified on May 1, 2014 12:41 am.

Apr 29, 2014

Trojan Horse PSW.Generic11.CIZG Virus Removal

My anti-virus program picks up a virus named Trojan Horse PSW.Generic11.CIZG and remove it. But it keeps coming back after I restart my computer. How can this terrible thing happen? Is there a way that I can remove this virus completely?

Description of Trojan Horse PSW.Generic11.CIZG Virus:

Trojan Horse PSW.Generic11.CIZG usually infects computer users via spam email messages that contain links to when you download it. Once the link is clicked, computers will be infected and start acting weird. Also, computer users can be infected via Trojan dropper or when browsing webpage with hidden codes. Besides, free installation or software downloads that are bundled with this virus as well. All in all, it is really a disaster for all the compromised PC. So you have to get rid of it as quickly as possible if your computer infected this Trojan.

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Published by on April 29, 2014 10:53 am and last modified on April 29, 2014 10:54 am.

Apr 29, 2014

Trojan Horse Generic36.FGM Removal

My computer was affected by this Trojan Horse Generic36.FGM and it performed extremely slowly. It got freezes easily and sometimes crashed unexpectedly. Also, the constant pop-up ads made me freaked out. Unfortunately, the Trojan attack can’t seem to be deleted via the antivirus. How to clean out this Trojan horse from the computer completely? Manual removal guide below will enable you to remove the Trojan infection effectively.

Definition of Trojan Horse Generic36.FGM Virus:

Trojan Horse Generic36.FGM is a harmful Trojan horse that causes destructive damages to worldwide computers. It encounters the target computer while users gain access to harmful websites, junk email attachments and freeware download links without any caution. Upon installation, the Trojan horse launches as a background program, taking up the CPU usage. By exploiting the system leaks, the Trojan infection brings many other types of threats to the computer, such as adware, worms, malware and spyware. It may take chance to enable some nasty ads-on and plug-ins to be installed in the computer. With such a Trojan attack, the computer will result in poor performance. It is easy to get stuck and frozen up every time users play games, surf the net, launching large programs and so on. Actually, this Trojan changes your system files and registry entries to mess up the computer. It is capable to cause system slowdown, Internet connection loss and file missing etc. Deeply as the Trojan virus invades, it may trigger startup failure, system crash and other serious issues. Therefore, it is necessary for users to get rid of the Trojan horse immediately.
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Published by on April 29, 2014 10:42 am

Apr 29, 2014

W32.runner.amo Removal Guide

Kaspersky keeps picking up W32.runner.amo but it doesn’t seem to remove this Trojan completely. It just reappears after every time I remove it from the computer. Now I find my computer works extremely slow and it gets frozen all the time. My question is how to delete this virus from the computer for good? Any help will be highly appreciated.

Learn More About W32.runner.amo Virus:

W32.runner.amo is a high-risk Trojan that enables attackers to obtain full remote access and control of the attacked computer system. Once installed, it creates many junk files with random file names, in all directories, on every drive so it is hard to be removed from the computer. Although Kaspersky can be able to detect this threat, there are still many victims get trouble of successfully removing this Trojan since it always comes back after reboot even if Kaspersky reports it is cleaned last time. Once downloaded, it may perform a variety of activities which will harm your computer. It will slow down your PC performance and download malicious files on the compromised computer on the background. Also the Trojan is able to open the backdoor to invite the remote server, and then try to attack the weak administrator passwords and steal your personal information.
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Published by on April 29, 2014 1:53 am and last modified on April 29, 2014 2:29 am.

Apr 28, 2014

Best Deals Removal Guide

I believe I have a virus on my computer. I have AVG installed on my computer and I get notices all the time regarding Best Deals. Also my internet speed changes all the time. It is normal one minute then crawls down to 0. I tested the speed and it goes from 10 MBPS to .4 MBPS. It is due to Best deals in my computer? If so, how can I get rid of it?

Best Deals Description :

Best Deals is classified as a Trojan which can actually help other adware, malware get installed in a target computer without authorization or permission. It could endanger the whole system by causing a large number of disputes on the victim computer and affecting PC performance. Adware Infection often is shown when using the computer for the daily work and entertainment in a variety of difficulties. In most cases, anti-virus software is used to protect the computer of potential virus infection and defence of virus or spyware attack and completing virus removal. But in this case, the user cannot delete adware virus by simply scanning and removing. Therefore, the manual removal process can be more effectively to get rid of virus attack from adware.
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Published by on April 28, 2014 10:55 pm and last modified on April 29, 2014 12:20 am.

Apr 28, 2014

Remove Infostealer.Pandebono

The antivirus program sends you a report saying a dangerous virus called Infostealer.Pandebono is in your computer? Your computer becomes very strange, which lets you realize that there really is a virus. You start finding an effective method to remove it? Have you tried various removal tools but still cannot get rid of it? Don’t be discouraged, this article can help you.

Details of Infostealer.Pandebono:

Infostealer.Pandebono is a Trojan virus that is able to sneak into the computer through the full use of system security vulnerabilities and damage the infected computer seriously. Computer users should not access suspicious websites, click unidentified links optionally, open spam email attachments and install some unsafe programs, otherwise you may invite the virus to get into the computer. In addition, it is so rampant and active that it can attack the computer even if the user does not do anything wrong.
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Published by on April 28, 2014 4:30 am

Apr 28, 2014


My computer is attacked by BKDR_KULUOZ.SMAL virus. Anti-virus program gives me the virus warning, however, each time when I try to get rid of this nasty Trojan horse, It will come back. How can I remove this threat from my PC completely? Should I have to do it manually? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of BKDR_KULUOZ.SMAL Virus:

BKDR_KULUOZ.SMAL can be classified as one of the most extremely dangerous virus on the Internet, PC users may get this virus infection while installing free program which downloaded from the unsafe site, usually anti-virus program or firewall will detect the virus infection and give the PC users warning but most of the advanced security tools aren’t able to get rid of it completely, and that is the reason BKDR_KULUOZ.SMAL will be shown again and again even it is removed. Thus, manual removal is the best way to remove this threat completely from the infected PC.

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Published by on April 28, 2014 1:48 am

Apr 27, 2014

Trojan.Shredboom Virus Removal

Get a Trojan.Shredboom infection but have no idea to remove it? Why your anti-virus can not remove this Trojan completely from your PC? Will it work if you change another anti-virus program? How can this virus damage your PC if you just ignore it? Learn more from this post.

Description of Trojan.Shredboom Virus:

Trojan.Ransomlock.AG is a latest virus that infects the PC users by unknown website, forum, spam E-mail attachment and executable processes. The cyber criminal can collect information from the infected PC by this nasty Trojan, once it is installed to the infected PC, system settings like homepage, desktop image and even the default browser can be modified completely. Trojan.Shredboom can also replace your homepage to other malicious website and create a lot of add-on because it is able to download other viruses like browser hijacker redirect on the infected PC, anyway, PC users need to pay attention to this virus and remove it as soon as possible.

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Published by on April 27, 2014 10:28 am

Apr 27, 2014

Infostealer.Dande – How To Remove

How to get rid of Infostealer.Dande? I ran a full scan yesterday and my norton catched this virus. It showed me the position but I cannot find it by going directly to that folder. I am not a computer savvy, how can I remove it in manual way? Any help would be appreciated!

Infostealer.Dande Description :

To be classified as a nasty Trojan horse virus, Infostealer.Dande is a notorious backdoor virus that can break through security defense and make a loophole in the target computer to bring in more viruses. Its main function is to open a back door on the target machine to allow hackers to steal personal information and sensitive data on the victim system. If it was able to open a loophole in the infected system successfully, it will connect the infected computer to some malicious server secretly which allows unknown hack attacks and allows malware, spamware and adware installation to be done in silence. If you let this happen, it is like opening a door of your house inviting thieves getting into your house.
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Published by on April 27, 2014 5:42 am

Apr 27, 2014

Remove Adware Generic_r.KI

You see a warning from the antivirus program showing that your computer is infected with Adware Generic_r.KI virus? The most obvious symptom is that it slows down the reaction speed of the computer. It also performs other malicious tasks in the background without letting you know. Therefore, many computer users may not know that the computer is infected without an antivirus program in the computer. Do you want to know more about the virus?

Details of Adware Generic_r.KI:

Adware Generic_r.KI is a virus created by cyber criminals that can change system settings to damage the infected computer seriously. Because the virus has the ability to fully exploit security vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems, it sneaks into the infected computer quietly through a variety of methods, including sending seductive emails to attract users click unknown links, forcing users to install malicious website plug-ins and promoting free but corrupted programs. There are some other similar dangerous viruses including Adware generic_r.KG and Adware/Win32.DomaIQ. Therefore, we need to develop good surfing habits to protect the computer.
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Published by on April 27, 2014 4:19 am

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