Jun 22, 2014

Hacktool.wpakill Removal Guide

Your computer has been infected with Hacktool.wpakill virus? Where does it come from? why can’t your anti-virus software prevent it from getting into your computer? What is it? Can it be harm to your computer? Do you want to find out the answers to get rid of this virus here?

Hacktool.wpakill Description :

Hacktool.wpakill is defined as a Trojan infection which has been reported to have many computers infected recently. Due to the fact that the Trojan horse virus is created by hackers who know computer very well, it can bypass most detection from antivirus protection. This virus sneaks into your computer without any permission or content. And it is very nasty because your antivirus software cannot successfully detect it, stop it and remove it. You will have to consider another way to remove it fast. There is a new way effective which requires no antivirus software or any kind of killing virus program – manual removal.
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Published by on June 22, 2014 12:58 pm

Jun 21, 2014

JS/Kryptik.I Trojan Removal Guide

I was attempting to remove JS/Kryptik.I JS/Kryptik.I Trojan. NOD just popped up an alert when accessing commercial site. I don’t know how I get this Trojan virus. When I was deciding to remove it, I have tried several software such as malwarebytes,tdsskiller with no success. How can I get rid of this nasty virus?

JS/Kryptik.I Trojan Description :

JS/Kryptik.I Trojan is a terrible infection which will attack your computer using the network vulnerabilities and imperil your PC to various virus threats to give it a poor performance, or even make it unable to use. Once the invasion of your PC is completed, Trojan virus will change the key settings of the operating system and maintain activating for expansion of malicious activity in the background. In addition, it will add malicious programs and more redundant files to your computer which would often eat your CPU and RAM’s room, and create more loopholes. Then your computer will experience strange and unstable performance. For example, your PC will shut down during the boot screen randomly, and fail to load the desktop. In addition, the virus would allow malicious pop-up ads and lead you to pornographic websites or other undesirable website to annoy your online activities.
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Published by on June 21, 2014 12:18 pm

Jun 21, 2014

Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a Removal

You see a pop-up from the antivirus program saying that Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a is in your computer but the antivirus program cannot help you to clear it? What do you need to worry about when the computer is infected? What is the best way to get rid of the virus?

Details of Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a:

Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a is a Trojan infection which is similar to Trojan.ADH.2 and TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C. Different from malicious software and ransomware, Trojan virus has the ability to hide in the system. Without the warning from the antivirus software, you can’t see this Trojan virus, because it won’t appear on the computer screen like other infections. It is able to collect your private data in the infected computer to benefit the virus makers.
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Published by on June 21, 2014 8:45 am

Jun 20, 2014

How to Remove JS:Pdfka-ADK [Expl]

The antivirus program finds out that a new threat named JS:Pdfka-ADK [Expl] is in the computer? You need to be careful, because the virus is able to cause great damages to your computer. You may not think it is a serious problem with an antivirus program in your computer, but you realize that it won’t be removed by the antivirus program? How to walk out of the predicament?

Details of JS:Pdfka-ADK [Expl]:

JS:Pdfka-ADK [Expl] is a dangerous computer virus which is becoming more and more active. It can be found out by some famous antivirus programs like Norton and AVG. However, the virus is so tricky that the antivirus just can give you some warnings about it continuously but cannot eliminate it completely. In order to lower your guard, it often hides in junk e-mail attachments, unknown free software or websites that are modified by cyber criminals. In any case, if your computer has been infected, you must take immediate action to get rid of it. You need to note that removing all its related files and registry entries can clear the virus completely.
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Published by on June 20, 2014 9:21 am

Jun 19, 2014

Download-Player.com Pop-up Ads Removal

I have been trying to get rid of Download-Player.com pop-up on my HP laptop. As soon as I browse online, I get this fake pop up keeps prompting me to download a flash player. I knew this warning is fake but I cannot find a way to remove it. I can neither close the pop-up window nor minimize it. It is annoying and driving me crazy!! Also I tried to downloaded spyware removal program but it said nothing in my computer is corrupted. Please help!!!

Download-Player.com Pop-up Hijacker Description:

Download-Player.com is a deceitful web page that belongs to one of the fake java update virus scams designed by cyber criminals in order to compromise the affected systems and lure unwary customers into downloading their malware. This website is actually associated with a sophisticated browser redirecting malware that can be bundled with various music players, video recorders and download managers. Like many other browser hijacker threats, this pop-up message can appear itself on web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome without asking permission from the PC users. For most people, they may not realize that their computer has been attacked even though they have seen Download-Player.com pop-up on their computer out of nowhere because browser hijacker is not considered as a virus, therefore antivirus programs have no ability to catch it. However, it acts more aggressive than other types of threats since it can greatly affect your computer function, download other infections on your computer and especially interrupt your online activity.

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Published by on June 19, 2014 7:15 am

Jun 19, 2014

Remove Dyre/Dyreza Trojan

Dyre/Dyreza Trojan has the ability to change continuously. Therefore, antivirus software can detect this threat but always can’t delete it. You may have tried several auto removal tools but still cannot get rid of it? Do you know anything about it? We should have a better understanding of this malicious thing before we take actions to deal with it.

Details of Dyre/Dyreza Trojan:

Dyre/Dyreza Trojan is a dangerous threat for windows computers. It is designed by cyber criminals with complex and advanced computer technology. As a result, it has the capacity to avoid many antivirus programs. It is usually implanted into some junk e-mail attachments, free applications and malicious web sites. If you access these unsafe online resources, it will have the chance to get into your computer.
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Published by on June 19, 2014 3:04 am

Jun 18, 2014

EtikoSearch.com Redirect Removal Guide

I have been redirected to EtikoSearch.com Redirect. No matter what search engine I had set before close the victim browser, my Webpage always have been redirected to it. It looks like a real search engine, but I am not sure. Is it safe? I only use Bing search as the default one but Bing disappeared, because this is activated. How can I get rid of it? I just hope my browser responses correctly as before.

EtikoSearch.com Redirect Description :

EtikoSearch.com Redirect cannot be called as a PC virus on technical level. It is classified as a browser redirect that always redirects webpage to a specified domain on infected operating system. It has brought a lot of problems to many computer users worldwide. Browser hijackers are not friendly program to our computer because they often involve with some malicious links on its homepage and some cyber-attacks. They tend to have all of the search results, as soon as your browsers are forced to take over by browser hijacker automatically. The emergence of a fake search engine on your browser is a common feature of browser hijacker’s infection. They all pretend as a new search engine or an innocent website. Computer illiterate cannot tell whether a site is safe or not.
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Published by on June 18, 2014 10:54 pm

Jun 18, 2014

ActivePlayer.us Pop-up Removal

Hi, my computer has been running pretty slow in these few days. And as soon as I go online, I get this fake pop up keeps saying I need to download a flash player which is from ActivePlayer.us. However, my player is latest version. Is this a fake pop up or is it an internet attack trying to hack my computer? Is there any program to get rid of this? I have tried a lot of programs but it still pops up. How do I get rid of it completely?

ActivePlayer.us Pop-up Description:

ActivePlayer.us is a fake web page designed to trick users into downloading other potentially unwanted programs or malware. It gives fake report telling you that you are required to download the latest flash player in order to view this page or video. Don’t be taken in this tactic because this website refers to browser hijacker/adware or other virus. It modifies your default DNS settings of browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer, changes your home page and pops up on your screen every time your start browsing the web. If you see this fake message pops up on your computer, then your computer must be under attack and you have to take immediate action to get rid of it, otherwise both your computer and your privacy will be in a high-risk situation.

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Published by on June 18, 2014 10:31 am

Jun 17, 2014

TRAntiFW.b.114 – How To Remove

How to remove TRAntiFW.b.114 from your computer? Unfortunately, I have this Trojan virus on my Lenovo laptop. I also searched the Internet, followed some removal guide online to help me out. But I cannot remove it completely. I am so frustrated that it keeps coming up after restart. I still cannot successfully remove the virus completely. It seems impossible to get rid of it. What can I do?

TRAntiFW.b.114 Description :

TRAntiFW.b.114 is a dangerous infection which has been more and more common to computer users recently. It becomes a PC problem which thousands of users must face with every day. Because of its ability to infect computers all over the world and ability to destroy hardware component, it becomes a really pain to PC users. This is a network crime. It is designed to attack many Windows operating system including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 all over the world. In most cases, the Trojan horse virus attack goes into target computer by clicking the link which has been implanted with this virus. Some e-mail attachments and some unsafe free resources will cause this virus infection as well.
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Published by on June 17, 2014 5:35 am

Jun 17, 2014

SearchAssist.me Redirect Removal

I recently found my browser has been infected by SearchAssist.me redirect. As soon as I open Firefox, this page appears automatically as a new tab. Also while I was browsing online, I got lots of pop-ups. Now my computer works extremely slow and it takes more than one minute to load up a page. I run AVG scan but it found nothing. How to get rid of this redirect virus?

SearchAssist.me Description:

SearchAssist.me is classified as browser hijacker which is able to take over the most popular web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox as well as Google Chrome and Safari. It looks like a friendly website, with its bright colors and welcoming-looking search box. But don’t be taken in by the juvenile tactics. This is just a spam engine that does nothing but delivers ads. It will not provide you any reliable search results related to your queries. Instead, the only thing you can get from the fake search engine is sponsored ads and deceitful information. Once installed, it changes your homepage and your default search engine without your permission and you will be redirected to other pages again and again. And it will corrupt the local DNS (or Domain Name System) entries to accomplish their hijackers – therefore, these problems will remain embedded in your operating system even if you uninstall and reinstall all of your web browsers.

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Published by on June 17, 2014 5:01 am and last modified on June 17, 2014 5:01 am.

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