Aug 16, 2014

Trojan.Downloader.Aux Removal

Norton found Trojan.Downloader.Aux in my computer a few hours ago. I tried for 2 hours but still can’t get rid of it. I tried several other antivirus programs, but they all failed. My computer is worse off than before. It restarts automatically every few minutes and my Internet connection is cut off frequently. How to delete this nasty Trojan?

Details of Trojan.Downloader.Aux:

Trojan.Downloader.Aux is classified as a Trojan horse virus which plagues many computer users in a long period of time. Together with malicious software, browser hijacker and ransomware, Trojan virus has become a major computer problem. Usually, antivirus programs can prevent Trojan viruses from attacking computers. However, some of them are specially created by computer attackers to bypass the antivirus programs and are used by the attackers to steal computer user’s private information. In addition, different from the visible malware, browser hijacker and ransomware, Trojan can only be known by the computer users via the pop-up alert from antivirus programs after its infiltration succeeds.
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Published by on August 16, 2014 9:34 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:36 am.

Aug 15, 2014

Trojan.PolyCrypt.h Removal Guide

Is your computer infected with Trojan.PolyCrypt.h virus? Have you tried many ways to get rid of this Trojan but it still came back again and again? How did the virus come to your computer? Is it dangerous for your computer security and privacy? Now computer who got infected with this Trojan must have a hard time removing this Trojan. If you want to completely get rid of Trojan.PolyCrypt.h virus, please follow the manual removal instruction below.

Learn More About Trojan.PolyCrypt.h:

Trojan.PolyCrypt.h is categorized as a malicious Trojan infection that can definitely cause you many computer problems once it is installed. This Trojan penetrates into a computer by visiting porno sites, clicking malicious links or even downloading illegal contents. Once inside, it further performs malicious activities on your computer. It is known that Trojan virus can be easily blocked by antivirus programs. Generally your computer should be fine if you are warned that your computer is attacked by the virus and your anti-virus is able to block it. However, if the infection constantly pops up, your computer might be seriously infected. Most antivirus programs can’t block Trojan.PolyCrypt.h virus so that every time you believe the virus has been removed, it comes back the next time. This type of Trojan compromises the entire Windows setting and steals the confidential data like account number, login id, password and so on without the consent of users. It may bring further infections and redirect the user to infectious sites. This virus should be considered as a vicious item that should be removed ASAP.

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Published by on August 15, 2014 10:01 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:37 am.

Aug 15, 2014

Remove Trojan.relbma.a

Recently my laptop has performed weirdly. The antivirus program keeps showing up a warning every once in a while saying that the computer is at risk due to Trojan.relbma.a and seems to be able to remove it, but it just returns back again and again after restarting the computer. The system shuts itself down automatically frequently. How do I get rid of this Trojan virus?

Details of Trojan.relbma.a:

As the name implies, Trojan.relbma.a is classified as a Trojan horse virus. This Trojan is designed by cyber criminals to steal personal information. In general, it is associated with malicious programs. It is able to help different malware, spyware and ransomware to get into the infected computer. It has the ability to bypass the antivirus program to infect many computers around the world. Therefore, one should be careful when encountering such a Trojan infection. You should make sure it is removed from the computer completely before you carry on daily activities.
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Published by on August 15, 2014 2:52 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:38 am.

Aug 14, 2014

“RoyalCoupon” Removal Guide

I mistakenly downloaded something called “RoyalCoupon” on my Dell computer, and since then my computer was working weird even though I have uninstalled this program from control panel. Over the past couple of days my internet browsing has been interrupted quite frequently by numerous types of pop up ads!! How can I remove those popups from appearing? I am using Interest Explorer and Windows 7. Any help to remove the ads associated with RoyalCoupon will be appreciated.

RoyalCoupon Adware Description:

RoyalCoupon is classfied as annoying adware that can do harmful actions on your web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome against your will. Usually this type of adware comes along with the freeware, games or music players which you downloaded from the Internet. It also could be installed on your computer without needing your approval. Once it is settled down, it can change your browser settings in the background, thus you will notice various changes made on the system. At first, you will find that your default homepage and search engine have been changed to web pages you are not familiar with. Although sometimes those pages can provide you search function like other legitimate search engines (Google, Bing or Yahoo etc.), however, once you input a keyword, you will see the bogus search only gives you endless sponsored links and pop-up ads. In addition, if an adware is placed on your machine, it can monitor and record all activities while you are browsing the internet. It logs what particular web sites you usually visited and also your search and queries were also recorded without your permission. According to the collected information, it displays many pop-ups that interest you and lures you into clicking on them so that it can easily get money from the traffic. If you click on those ads, you will end up installing malware or other unwanted programs immediately as a result.

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Published by on August 14, 2014 10:25 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:38 am.

Aug 13, 2014

Remove Malsign.Generic.AB7

Is your computer infected with Malsign.Generic.AB7? Your antivirus software cannot delete the infection from your computer? There are more and more viruses appearing in the computer after it infects the computer? To stop your pain and save your time, you can follow the instructions to remove the virus.

Details of Malsign.Generic.AB7:

Malsign.Generic.AB7 is known as a rampant computer virus. Once it infects the computer successfully, it will interfere with your work on the computer and implant more viruses into the computer. You should be careful and try to remove it as soon as possible.
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Published by on August 13, 2014 5:29 pm and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:39 am.

Aug 12, 2014

How to Remove Trojan.FakeAV?

I was shopping online and Symantec detected a virus called Trojan.FakeAV. It quarantined the virus but for some reasons my computer was messed up. I got tons of ads whenever I was online and the computer worked extremely slow. So is the virus still in my computer? I’ve never had such problem before. How do I completely get rid of the virus and make my computer work as usual?

Learn More About Trojan.FakeAV:

Trojan.FakeAV is categorized as a Trojan that can infect your computer without your knowledge and be able to spy on infected computer, leak data, download and install rogue programs from a server. It comes into the computer via many ways such as from spam emails that contain links or attachments, or blogs and forums that are spammed with links to adult video. If you have ever visited porno websites or other malicious website, then your computer will be easily attacked by this virus. Although in many cases, it can be caught by antivirus program, but it is hard to be removed completely. It is not surprised that every time you’ve removed the virus, it comes back in the next day. Normally this Trojan is used to distribute malware or fake antivirus programs. After it is downloaded, it will dropseveral malicious files and create a couple of folders under Application Data folder, making users get confused about how to distinguish and find out from all the legal system files. Thus, the removal becomes so complicated. Manual removal is recommended to handle this stubborn Trojan.

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Published by on August 12, 2014 9:25 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:42 am.

Aug 11, 2014

Remove Bkdr_simbot.smc

The MSE shows you a warning saying that Bkdr_simbot.smc is in your computer? What can it do to your computer? Why is the MSE unable to remove the virus? Would it collapse the entire system? What can be done to get rid of this infection?

Details of Bkdr_simbot.smc:

Bkdr_simbot.smc is a new computer virus which is designed by computer hackers who are good at computer skills. This virus is able to bring the infected computer a lot of troubles and harass personal computer users at all points. Computer hackers use this virus to scam victims. You should be careful when experiencing such a dangerous infection in your computer. The personal data and information can be targeted.
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Published by on August 11, 2014 8:34 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:42 am.

Aug 11, 2014

“SearchnSave” Pop-up Ads Removal

I have an acer laptop which I’ve had for about a year now. It worked fine until yesterday it picked up a virus. Now I am constantly getting “SearchnSave” ads popup on my screen, when I go on the internet even when I’m trying to watch something it pauses the video because an ad pops up asking me to download something. I have the free version of SuperAntiSpyware and it did a complete scan yesterday. It said it found 87 adware cookies which were removed but I’m still getting these ads. Is there any way to stop them?

“SearchnSave” Pop-up Ads/Adware Description:

SearchnSave is not a typical virus but an add-on associated with adware or browse hijacker which can be placed on the web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or even Safari without any permission. Generally speaking, it is created to advertise several commercial websites and make money from affiliate links, though it seems not harmful, an immediate removal is needed in order to keep your computer safe and secure. This adware can replace your homepage, search engine and other browser settings, and then add unwanted toolbar and extensions to the effected browser. Meanwhile, it is able to display numerous ads about coupons, discount codes and deals while you are shopping online or searching information. This adware tries to increase web traffic through these kinds of annoying ads. It won’t let you stop them even though you have uninstalled SearchnSave from your machine. All you can get from this SearchnSave adware is annoyance and unsecure PC environment.

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Published by on August 11, 2014 7:53 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:43 am.

Aug 10, 2014

Remove Completely

Is in fact a virus or a security thing? Or will it give me viruses? Today I suddenly notice that I cannot go to Google and Youtube. How to delete pop-up windows of Any effective way will be appreciated!

More Details about is a browser hijacker. It is able to redirect your home page as well as search engine or pop up many unwanted windows to prompt banners, coupons and ads, which intents to imitate some other famous websites so as to increase profits or sales. It needs to help its sponsors to reach a certain volume. And ad providers can make money from the pay-per-click on the ads. Computer users will have to receive many ad windows because that will increase the probability of the click. With in your computer, you’ll also find that your homepage is changed automatically every time you open the browser. It has the ability to reset the browser settings and do everything it wants to without your permission.
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Published by on August 10, 2014 8:59 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:45 am.

Aug 10, 2014 Pop-up Removal

I’ve been trying to get rid of pop up ads from my Windows 7 laptop. Tons of ads appeared on my screen when I was on Internet and I don’t know why it happened. Is my computer infected now? I have tried bothe Norton and malwarebyte anti-malware but neither of them worked. Those ads are very annoying, is there any way I can get rid of them? Pop-up Description: may be a legitimate site that provides you the world’s safest and most profitable income-paying investment ideas and makes you richer; however you will never know the way it gives you information is through pop-up ads. This is an online platform that carries advertising and sometimes it is associated with adware or browser hijacker threat. Whenever you surf the Internet with Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome or any other browsers, you will get tons of ads on your screen that come out of nowhere. Some of the ads may offer you good deals and coupons while some will display misleading information (eg. Your computer is at risk! or You win the prize!) to trick inexperienced users into downloading unwanted programs or even steal their information. Now the pop up is known to attack Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Don’t take the risk of clicking those ads, or you will end up ruining your computer or probably losing your precious data.

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Published by on August 10, 2014 3:34 am and last modified on September 22, 2014 10:48 am.

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