Jan 20, 2015

StormCloud Removal

My computer is infected. I get a pop-up while I am researching for my new-year gift online. It is called StormCloud which displays an ad on my computer screen. I can’t get rid of it while I am surfing. It keeps popping up to interrupt my online activities. It is so annoying. I feel so boring about this virus. How can I remove it from my computer? I had tried to use my security tool to remove it, but I failed at the end. What should I do now? Please help!

More Information About This Adware—What Is StormCloud

StormCloud is sorted to be an adware program which belongs to a kind of browser hijacker infection. This virus can infiltrates into your random system by spreading through some illegal methods. Commonly, this infection can sneak into your computer by being bundled by cyber hackers with some free ware program downloads, videos which are suspicious content like porn, spam emails attachments, unwanted emails, suspicious and unsafe link and websites, etc.. By these methods, this virus can dive into your computer system secretly without your knowledge and permission. After it can install on your computer, this virus can disturb your browsing by creating numbers of pesky ads and pop-ups on your system. So, in order to avoid this virus, you need to pay more attention on your online activities. If you find this virus on your system, you should take measures to get rid of this virus as soon as you can.

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Published by on January 20, 2015 12:18 pm

Jan 20, 2015

Trojan.DNSChanger Virus Removal

Malwarebytes keeps alerting Trojan.DNSChanger on my computer and also I have a warning saying “Malicious website blocked” that pops up every two minutes. I tried to remove it several times but nothing changed. I also deleted my current browser Chrome and reinstalled it, still no luck. Now my Internet speed is slow and sometimes it kicks me off. How do I get rid of the virus and get my computer run as usual?

Learn More About Trojan.DNSChanger:

Trojan.DNSChanger is a DNS hijacking Trojan that usually found by powerful antivirus programs like AVG, Norton or Malwarebytes etc. However, this virus is tricky and it is hard to be deleted by any security programs. As soon as it is downloaded, it can drop several junk files and create a couple of random folders in the background, and then it places those infected items to every corner of the computer system which makes it difficult for average users to distinguish and find out from all the legal system files. Trojan.DNSChanger virus creates a number of problems on the affected PC and most noticeable symptom on the presence of this Trojan is extreme reduction on performance of the PC and unstable Internet connection.
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Published by on January 20, 2015 2:05 am

Jan 19, 2015

Remove Trojan.Win32.Yakes.hipf

There are many security alerts popping up constantly, all of which show that I have a dangerous Trojan.Win32.Yakes.hipf virus in my computer. I can see that the virus is detected many times, but the antivirus program is unable to remove it. My computer is in danger? Will the computer system be crashed by the virus? How to get rid of it from my computer?

Details of Trojan.Win32.Yakes.hipf:

Trojan.Win32.Yakes.hipf infection is classified as a vicious Trojan virus which can appear in any computer for it is capable of bypassing the block from most antivirus programs. That does not mean that your antivirus program is not good. In fact, antivirus programs are not so perfect that they can handle every virus infection. In addition, a lot of new viruses are being created by cyber criminals every day who are proficient in computer tech skills. The antivirus programs also need some time to update the virus database.
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Published by on January 19, 2015 4:03 pm

Jan 19, 2015

Exploit: HTML/Axpergle.M Removal Guide

Cannot remove Exploit: HTML/Axpergle.M virus from your computer because it keeps coming back on the next scan and even blocks your antivirus from running? What damage will it cause if you don’t remove it? Will it compromise your privacy and steal your information without your knowledge? What is the best way to get rid of it without reformatting hard drive?

Learn More About Exploit: HTML/Axpergle.M Virus:

Exploit: HTML/Axpergle.M is the detection of an HTML formatted document that contains malicious codes used to make security vulnerability and then break into random computers. It is also categorized as Trojan virus that can bring huge disaster to the infected computer and PC users once downloaded. Now this virus is only capable of running on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 (8.1) system, fortunately Mac users don’t have the same problem on their machines. This virus can infect a system via many ways and mostly it comes by clicking malicious code or unsafe advertising pop-ups, visiting pornographic website or downloading attachment from spam emails. As soon as it is downloaded, it takes your computer at great risk, particularly degrading your system performance and freezing your computer up frequently. Moreover, it could be used to spy on infected computer, leak data, download, and execute other malware without your knowledge.
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Published by on January 19, 2015 1:25 am

Jan 18, 2015

ZoomIt App Removal Guide

Hey, there. Computer is infected by ZoomIt app now. What is next? How to remove this virus completely? What? Can’t remove it by antivirus? Oh, my god! What should I do now? I see so many unwanted ads pop-ups which display on my screen everywhere. I keep readdressing to some malicious websites. I want to remove this virus out off my computer as soon as possible. Can anyone help you me remove this virus? Thank you very much!

More Information Of ZoomIt App

ZoomIt app is categorized as the family of browser hijacker which is a potentially unwanted adware infection. This virus is designed by malicious cyber criminals who want to make illegal profit by hoaxing computer users to buy its products or leading them to visit commercial websites with links or ads. This virus can get into your computer without your consent or permission. As commonly, this virus can be bundled itself with some freeware downloads, spam emails attachments, suspicious websites like which are unauthorized webs, porn webs, etc.. You may get the virus by accident while you are surfing the Internet. This virus is so tricky and dangerous hijacker which can be removed only by manual removal. So once you detect this virus on your computer, please contact manual removal expert for help as soon as possible if you don’t how to do it yourself.

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Published by on January 18, 2015 7:05 am and last modified on January 19, 2015 12:11 am.

Jan 17, 2015

Remove Www-search.info/amazon.src Browser Hijacker

Whenever you open the web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome), Www-search.info/amazon.src always pops up as the default homepage but you do not know what it is? Is it a useful web site? Why is it able to control the web browser and stop you from making any change? You try to use antivirus tools to delete it but none of them work? Is there really a way to remove the hateful browser hijacker?

More Details about Www-search.info/amazon.src:

Www-search.info/amazon.src is a browser hijacker which is able to bring you many annoying browser issues. It is actually a potential threat to your personal information. The most popular browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome can be affected by it easily. This hijacker has the ability to fully exploit security flaws in the system so as to get into the computer without drawing your attention. It usually hides in spam email attachments and some free software from insecure sources.
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Published by on January 17, 2015 8:24 am

Jan 17, 2015

How to Remove NextCoup ads?

How do I stop NextCoup pop-up ads on Chrome? It keeps appearing and disturbs my online activity. Also it slows down my PC and right now my CPU is running at a high percentage. I have deleted the chrome extension multiple times but it has repeatedly come back. Is it a virus or something malicious? I have run a full scan on Norton 360 but nothing found. I can’t seem to find a way on how to remove it. Any suggestion?

NextCoup Pop-up Ads Description:

If NextCoup ads keeps appearing within Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome, then your computer must be infected with an adware or a potentially unwanted program. Those random advertisements are intended to attract web traffic and distribute malware or spyware, therefore it is advised users NEVER click on them under any circumstance even they may seem to be attractive. Once you do that, you could be redirected to shady web sites that can be porn–related or full of advertising banners. It also can force you to those pages which ask you to pay something or give away your bank account details.
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Published by on January 17, 2015 1:23 am

Jan 16, 2015

Clkoffers.com Virus Removal

A big trouble now! My computer is getting a virus which is named Clkoffers.com virus. This browser keeps redirecting me to some web sites which I don’t want to go on. I want to take it away from my registry, but I don’t know which one I should delete. I end it from my task manager, but later I find that it appears again. Norton can’t help me anything, either. What should I do now? Anyone? Suggestions? Thank you!

A Short Introduction Of Clkoffers.com Virus

Clkoffers.com Virus is a risky virus which is categorized to be a browser hijacker or a fake web page on the Internet. It is said that this virus is usually be distributed through the Internet, which is bundled with different shared freebies, something like download manager, online videos, games, porn contents, spam e-mail attachments as well as suspicious websites and so on which are associated with kinds of viruses. As this virus is so tricky, it can secretly get into your computer without your permission. Otherwise, it can run itself automatically when it installed on your computer. So, you need to take care of all your online behaviors in case you may get this virus by accident.

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Published by on January 16, 2015 7:40 pm and last modified on January 18, 2015 7:04 am.

Jan 15, 2015

JS:ScriptPE-inf [Trj] Removal Guide

Hi there. I have a virus pop up that keeps coming up every two minutes on my web browser. It is called JS:ScriptPE-inf [Trj]. But when I have tried running quick scans with Avast and Malwarebytes, no threats show up. OS is Windows 7 if that information is needed. Any suggestion?

Infected With JS:ScriptPE-inf [Trj] Virus – How to Remove?

JS:ScriptPE-inf [Trj] is categorized as JavaScript trojan that attempts to redirect your browser to another website and install browser hijacker, adware or other potentially unwanted programs to your machine. It is installed by visiting malicious sites, downloading harmful program and even clicking on unknown pop-up ads. It also can be downloaded manually by tricking the users into thinking they are installing a useful piece of software, for instance a bogus update for Adobe Flash Player or another piece of software. Once installed, it can download malicious files on your computer in order to compromise your computer’s safety and security. Those malicious files also take up large system resources, making your computer system sluggish. Thus, it is not surprised that website you prefer to go will take forever to load up and when you browse online there are tons of ads come out of nowhere, and your browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera will notify that JS:ScriptPE-inf [Trj] is blocked every 2 minutes but the virus will not go away.
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Published by on January 15, 2015 3:19 pm

Jan 15, 2015

Remove Phase Bot

What? Phase Bot? What is it? Trojan? Why do I get this virus into my computer? I am so worried about my computer. Will this virus damage my system? What should I do? I can’t use my Norton to delete it. It is said that this virus should be removed by manual. But I can’t remove this virus by manual by myself. Any suggestion or recommendation will be so grateful. Thanks!

More Information About Phase Bot

Phase Bot is a malicious Trojan which is created by cyber criminals to attached computer users system around the global. This infection can be wide spread through the Internet. This virus is commonly bundled with a third party program like suspicious websites, spam email attachments, unwanted emails, as well as some “free” software downloads. This Trojan may get into your computer system secretly. You may get this virus by accident while you are surfing the Internet on some unsafe web sites which you don’t aware whether it is safe or not. Once this virus installed on your computer, it may create lots of computer troubles for you. Hence, it is highly recommended you should remove this Trojan immediately as soon as you find it on your computer.

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Published by on January 15, 2015 10:43 am

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