Jul 18, 2016

Adware generic_r.TH Virus Removal Guide

I have the paid version of AVG Internet Security and it keeps detecting Adware generic_r.TH Virus. Also while I am browsing online, I have a lot of popups that I cannot find a way to get rid of them. My C drive is getting full and computer runs very slow. I really need help in removing this virus. Please help.

Infected With Adware generic_r.TH Virus – How to Remove?

Adware generic_r.TH is a potentially threat categorized as Adware that usually enters your computer by visiting malicious websites, clicking random links and downloading freeware programs like games, media players updates, or other free applications. Its goal is to corrupt computer system, deliver ads, install other spyware and even steal personal information from innocent computer users. The virus can modify system files and registry without user’s agreement. Thus, if you have any antivirus programs installed, like AVG, you will immediately get security warning telling you that your system is infected with Adware generic_r.TH as soon as system is launched. The virus helps spread malicious infection to all parts of your computer and inject junk files in Windows registry. So it weakens the PC performance and your system will take much longer than usual to load up.
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Published by on July 18, 2016 2:37 am

Jul 17, 2016

How to Remove RDN/YahLover.worm!055BCCAC9FEC Virus Pop-up?

Well I got a page on my laptop stating that I have a virus and that my computer was locked. I don’t know what to do now. If I shut down the laptop and reboot, the pop-up warning comes back up and I can’t get the message off the screen. I ran Norton scan but it found nothing. I also went to manage add-ons and tried to disable something malicious but it didn’t help at all. I can’t surf Internet on Internet Explorer now. What do I do to get rid of this?

RDN/YahLover.worm!055BCCAC9FEC Virus Pops Up on Browser? – Is it Dangerous?

If you suddenly see RDN/YahLover.worm!055BCCAC9FEC Virus Pop-up on your browser that says your computer is locked and asks you to call a tech support number, you should realize that your system has been intruded by some potentially unwanted programs or adware already. This virus can mess up your entire computer system by generating fake system errors or misleading information, and then it tricks you into downloading more and more viruses to your machine. Generally speaking, it can access the target computer by opening spam email attachments, visiting dubious websites such as porn site, and downloading free software provided by unsafe file-sharing websites. Once installed, it could take up lots of system resources and memory space, thus it causes poor PC performance. Also it generates various pop-up ads, even when you’re not connected to the Internet, while secretly tracking your browsing habits and gathering your personal information. It is advised users to be particularly cautious about fake pop-ups like this telling them that their computers are infected and urging to call a toll free number for assistance.
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Published by on July 17, 2016 8:19 am

Jul 17, 2016

How to Remove W32.Hinired Virus

What is W32.Hinired Virus? I had been thinking this question for couple of days since I got the report from Norton. I did a lot of research on this virus. All I got was that it was a stubborn Trojan virus which may do lot of malicious thing on the compromised computer. Lots of people reported this virus on Google saying this virus can only by manual. I didn’t believe this kind of information. So, I tried to use as much antivirus programs as I can to get rid of this virus. Things were not going well as I thought! This virus could only be removed for few hours with the use of antivirus. It will come back after I reboot my computer. What should I do? I know nothing about manual removal method. How do I remove this virus from my infected computer step by step? Can anyone help? Thank you!

Learn More Information About W32.Hinired Virus:

W32.Hinired Virus has been classified as a member of malicious Trojan horse virus family. This virus used to setup its aims into the Windows computer, such as Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 etc. Cyber hackers will pack this virus into the third party application, such as freeware downloads, suspicious websites, infected pop-ups/links/ads and junk email as well as its attachments. Once this virus installed onto your computer, it has the ability to perform lots of computer activities without your permission. These activities may bring your computer into complete disable system. Men may think that their computer will be protected well with the installed antivirus programs. But, cyber criminals produce this virus with the ability of destroying any security system badly. So, do you think that your computer will be safe from the virus once it got into your system? You can think about the answer…

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Published by on July 17, 2016 7:19 am

Jul 16, 2016

How to Get Rid of SurfSelf.com Virus

Were you getting trouble of being infected by an annoying browser hijacker virus: SurfSelf.com Virus? You’ve tried every possible antivirus application to get rid of this infection. But none of them worked! Why? How to get rid of this virus from your compromised computer as soon as possible? There is a post on how to get rid of SurfSelf.com virus from your computer step by step. Hope that it will do some help!

More Information About SurfSelf.com Virus:

SurfSelf.com Virus belongs to the family of browser hijacker virus which is a malicious computer infection. This virus may attack all kinds of computer systems, including windows computer and IOS mac computer and so on. It may ruin all your browsers on your compromised computer once it gets into. It aims to attack the famous browsers using by the most of the people around the global, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari and so on. This virus used the same tactic as other similar browser hijackers utilized to convince people into using it and adding it into their computers. It just likes other hijacker infections: Topsocialtabsearch.com, Search.easymoviesaccess.com, Feed.getsportscore.com etc. which may ruin your whole computer completely once gets into the target computer. In one word, SurfSelf.com is an unwanted application which should be removed from the compromised computer as early as possible.

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Published by on July 16, 2016 3:00 pm

Jul 16, 2016

How to Remove Malsign.generic.D18 Virus Step by Step?

Hi there. I run AVG to scan my PC, which reports a Malsign.generic.D18 virus on my laptop. But even after removal, I still get the same warning of my laptop being infected. And then i download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware but it does not help at all. The virus seems to still remain on my system. My computer is super slow and I don’t know what to do now. Is there anyone that can help you solve the problem?

What’s Malsign.generic.D18 Virus?

Malsign.generic.D18 is a typical Trojan usually detected by AVG that mostly targets Microsoft Windows computer. In order to complete its evil tasks, this virus can modify system settings and drop various harmful files as soon as it is downloaded. Typically speaking, this virus accesses the PC by downloading torrent files and free software from third party file sharing websites, opening spam email attachments or visiting suspicious websites, especially the pornographic sites. Once inside, the CPU occupancy rate can be very high therefore computer will be freezing all the time. Infected users may also experience constant pop-ups, changed default homepage, excessively slow Internet connection and random crash on the computer. The role of this Trojan is to implant more and more malicious spyware and allow remote attacker accessing and gathering essential data like credit card details, login number, bank information etc. You are recommended to remove Malsign.generic.D18 virus immediately.
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Published by on July 16, 2016 1:44 am

Jul 15, 2016

Topsocialtabsearch.com Browser Hijacker Virus Removal Help

Hey, there. I don’t really understand how Topsocialtabsearch.com virus gets into my browser. I just saw it this morning after I visited an ad site looking for travel information on Japan. Now Topsocialtabsearch.com is starting to act as my default home website. It replaced my default start-up page without my approval! How can it do this without my permission? The most important thing now is that my Google Chrome is acting so weirdly. My Chrome continues redirecting me to visit the pop-ups on the website without asking me to click on it. I can’t use my chrome normally as usual now. What should I do? Please advise! Thank you!

What Is Topsocialtabsearch.com Browser Hijacker?

Topsocialtabsearch.com virus is newly created browser hijacker virus which is a completely detected rogue application. This virus has been reported by many users throughout the Internet around the world. This fake website pretends itself to be a legitimate and practical search engine which can provide you useful information. As a matter of fact, it is to be PPC (pay-per-click) business which can’t give anything you want. This fake virus is designed by cyber criminals with the purpose of hacking into computer users’ system and then performing their evil goals on the compromised computer. Cyber hackers used to attach this infection to a third unwanted application on the Internet, such as spam email as well as its attachments, suspicious websites, freeware downloads, and unsafe links/pop-ups/ads and so on. Therefore, this virus may get into your computer while you are visiting a phishing site, opening a junk e-mail attachment, clicking on an unknown link or downloading an application from an unsafe source, especially after you jailbreak your computer.

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Published by on July 15, 2016 3:11 pm

Jul 15, 2016

feed.getsportscore.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi sir. Please help me. My Internet Explorer has been hijacked by feed.getsportscore.com. It changed everything on my computer. My homepage, favorite programs and many other things are different. I believe this domain is as evil as a ghost as it never allow me change my browser settings. I tried everything to get rid of it, but no luck. I don’t know why I have many pop-up ads after I connect my computer to network. Is that caused by this website? Somehow, I have been redirected to weird websites frequently. Does that mean my browser is controlled by someone else? Is it possible to delete this nasty website completely?

Brief Information of feed.getsportscore.com Browser Hijacker

feed.getsportscore.com is a piece of ad-supported malware. However, less computer users pay attention to it as it looks good. It does look like other search engine in term of appearance. In fact, the truth is that it has been installed on your computer for immoral profit. It is not going to perfect your browsing experience or provide help to search for useful information. Not like other computer threat, there is no alert or warning pop up to inform you that your computer is infected. It performs vicious attack to help its developers get what they want silently in the background. Until one day you find that your browser acts strangely. The changes of homepage and default browser settings, frequent browser redirections and endless ads may attract your attention. You may wonder why your security program doesn’t report this threat. The reason is that this malware sneaks into your system along with the third party program which is not a threat itself. Hence, this threat has a “legit” identify in a way on your computer. Besides, it can partially block your security program so as to avoid being detected and removed. You have to remove it manually. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 15, 2016 6:04 am and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:08 am.

Jul 14, 2016

If I buy AVG can it get rid of IDP.ALEXA.51?

Yesterday, I got an AVG Identify Protection pop-up saying it found IDP.ALEXA.51 on my computer. It’s an Asus with Windows 7. I am not sure what triggered it. When I clicked on Google Chrome shortcut on my desktop, it had an error that says application wrong pathway or something like that. Besides, I failed to move my files to mobile hard disk drive. In the middle of the process, an error happened and it just stopped. Does that means all of my applications and files are infected? I don’t have any experience in removing Trojan, so I clicked on the pop-up and wanted AVG to help me fix the problem. However, it tells me this version of AVG can’t remove the Trojan. I need to buy its full version. If I buy AVG, can it get rid of IDP.ALEXA.51 Trojan?

Brief Description of IDP.ALEXA.51

IDP.ALEXA.51 is deemed as a highly infectious Trojan virus which can impair and damage your computer badly. It can infect various operating systems, such as Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows XP, Windows vista etc. Once installed, it slows your computer, overuses CPU and RAM and even causes system crashes. As it is capable of duplicating and updating itself, its location and function are changing all the time. Even for the antivirus programs that have high reputation, it takes time to make solutions for the latest version of this Trojan virus. You may find that your security program reports this Trojan again and again after you have it removed via antivirus program. Hence, for Trojan virus, manual removal is most effective way so far. For the question “If I buy AVG, can it get rid of IDP.ALEXA.51 Trojan?”, we can’t give you a positive answer. We strongly suggest you remove IDP.ALEXA.51 manually. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 14, 2016 1:00 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:04 am.

Jul 13, 2016

How to Remove Department of Justice Ransomware from Android Device?

Hi there. I need help removing this Department of Justice Ransomware. Back in April I got Department of Justice message saying I was accused of downloading of child porn on my HTC phone. The whole phone was blocked telling me I had to pay a $500 fine in 24 hours by way paysafecard at any cvs/Walmart. If ignored, charges would be brought against me and I would face 5-11years in prison. I suspect this was a malware scam. I believed that I was fine as three months have passed. However, I got a recorded message saying again I have to pay the $500 yesterday. How come the hackers keep targeting on me? Is there a way to get rid of it completely? Please help me. I feel so bad right now. Thank you in advance.

Brief Description of Department of Justice Ransomware

Department of Justice Ransomware is one of the most dangerous viruses among the Urausy family. It blocks your device and demands a certain fine which ranges from $100 to $500. You are supposed to send the money via Moneypak, paysafecard, itune gift card in 24 hours or 72 hours. To make it look authentic enough to scare you, it displays the logo of Department of Justice and picture of the leader. It tells you that your device has been blocked for safety reason. Suspicious activities like distribution of pornographic material, spam and copyrighted content. A bunch of related laws are listed with the copy of Department of Justice seal. Do not fall for it to pay ransom. It is only a well-designed virus program. This warning message is not from the cyber criminals instead of the authority department or law enforcement agency. Do not worry about the non-existed crime, fine or jail thing. The agent from the Department of Justice will not come to arrest you as it says. Right now, please take care of your blocked device. You must remove the Department of Justice Ransomware to get rid of the cyber criminals’ control. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on July 13, 2016 3:05 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:03 am.

Jul 13, 2016

How to Remove Audio to Audio Toolbar by My Way Completely?

I am so frustrated! I accidentally downloaded a bad program yesterday which has hijacked my search engine in Mozilla Firefox and gave me audio to audio toolbar by my way. I did not want it at all but now I just cannot get rid of it. The extension for the toolbar is no longer in the add-ons folder, nor in the extensions folder either. I tried resetting Firefox but it did not fix the problem. I like firefox but I really want this toolbar gone. It is annoying me enough. How do I remove the toolbar completely?

Audio to Audio Toolbar by My Way Description:

Audio to Audio Toolbar by My Way is frequently bundled with freeware and shareware. It changes the user’s default browser homepage and search engine, installs potentially unwanted programs and redirects URLs and Web searches to malicious websites. The toolbar is closely connected to adware, PUP or browser hijacker so it can perform many annoying activities on Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to interrupt users’ online activities. It is able to uninstall your existing search engine provider and homepage, and then replace it with one of their own designs, in this case hp.myway.com, which looks like a helpful website but is a questionable search engine instead. With the installation of Audio to Audio Toolbar, computer users will see crazy coupons and deals ads on the compromised web browser all the time. They can be in all kinds of forms including pop-up, pop-under, in-text, banner or contextual advertisements. It’s very annoying if this toolbar is added to your browser because it automatically loads each time you open your web browser. To uninstall Audio to Audio Toolbar by My Way completely, users had better find and remove all the related add-ons and programs.
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Published by on July 13, 2016 9:03 am and last modified on July 13, 2016 9:04 am.

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